

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter IX Notes

After half an hour's rest, Zhou Mingrui, who thought he was Klein, came back. During that time, he found four more black spots on the back of his right hand, which just formed a small square.

The four black spots changed from deep to light and soon disappeared, but Klein knew that they were still hidden in his body, waiting for awakening.

"Four points, square, is it the corresponding of four staple foods in four corners? In the future, I don't need to prepare a staple food, and can directly use the steps and spells?" Klein had a vague guess.

This seems to be good, but there is a bit of strange background in the body, and the lack of understanding of "things" is always frightening.

When we think of the mysterious magic tricks on the earth that can also produce effects here, when we think of the strange passage in our dreams when we think of the mysterious, psychedelic, and mysterious world of fog that we don't know what it represents, and when we think of the "ritual" hovering around and making people close to crazy whispers, Klein can't help but shiver, and shiver in the hot weather at the end of June.

He once heard a saying: "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear is fear of the unknown". Now, he has deeply experienced the fear of the unknown.

Unprecedented and uncontrollably, he raised a strong impulse to contact the mysterious field, learn more, and break the unknown. He also had the escape idea of burying his head and pretending that nothing had happened.

The sun was shining outside the window, and the desk was covered with a layer of "gold powder". Klein looked at it as if he had touched a touch of warmth and hope.

He relaxed a little bit, and immediately felt the surge of fatigue.

The sleeplessness last night and the consumption just now made his eyelids heavy like lead white and could not stop falling.

After shaking his head, Klein stretched out his hand to support the edge of the table, and could not pack the rye bread placed at the four corners. He staggered to the high and low bed. As soon as he lay down and touched the pillow, he fell asleep.

Gollum! Gollum!

Hunger awakened Klein. He opened his eyes and felt refreshed.

"Apart from the head, it still hurts." He rubbed his forehead, rolled over, and sat up, feeling that he could eat a whole cow now.

As he straightened out the wrinkles of his clothes, he went back to his desk and picked up the silver pocket watch with the pattern of branches and vines.


The lid popped open and the second hand ticked along.

"At half past twelve, I slept for more than three hours..." Klein swallowed and put his pocket watch into his linen shirt pocket.

In the northern continent, a day is also divided into 24 hours, 60 minutes per hour, and 60 seconds per minute. As for the length of each second and the length of the earth, Klein has no idea.

For him, at this moment, even the words of mysticism, ritual, and the world of fog can't come into his mind. The most important thing at present is food, food!

Only when you are full can you think of a way! Can do things!

Without hesitation, Klein took the rye bread from four corners back, flicked away a little dust, and planned to take one of them as a staple food at noon.

Because there was the custom of sharing the offerings after the sacrifice in his hometown, and the four rye bread did not seem to change at all. With only five pence left in his pocket, he felt that he should be diligent and thrifty in life.

Of course, this also has the subtle influence of the original memory fragments and living habits.

Because the gas was too expensive, it was painful to use it for lighting. He took out the stove and added some coal. Klein paced back and forth, waiting for the water to boil.

That kind of rye bread will choke when eaten dry!

"Alas, is it necessary to live a life of bread in the morning, bread in the noon, and meat in the evening... No, if Melissa hadn't thought about my upcoming interview, I could only eat meat twice a week..." Klein, who is idle and unable to think about serious issues because of hunger, looked left and right.

Thinking of that pound of lamb, his eyes seemed a little green when he looked at the cabinet.

"No, no, we have to wait for Melissa to eat together." Klein shook his head and denied the idea of cutting half first and doing it now.

As a single dog wandering in a big city, although he mainly eats out food, his basic cooking skills have been honed. It is not delicious, but it is enough.

Turning around, Klein was going to be blind. At that moment, he suddenly remembered that in addition to buying meat in the morning, he also bought tender peas and potatoes!

potato! Klein was immediately inspired, twisted back in a whirlwind, rushed to the cabinet, and took two out of the few potatoes.

He went to the public bathroom to clean the skin of potatoes, and then put them directly into the pot and boiled them with water.

After a while, he took out the seasoning box from the cabinet, opened the lid, and sprinkled a little yellow and rough salt into the water.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, Klein picked up the kettle, poured the soup without soup into several cups, and then poured it into a large bowl. Finally, he forked out two potatoes and put them on the table.


He peeled a little skin and blew his breath on his hand. The smell of cooked potatoes diffused little by little, which made people appetitive.

The saliva was secreting crazily, and Klein could not care to peel only half of it, and the potato was still a little hot, so he took it and took a hard bite.

Pink! Fragrance! The mouth is sweet! Klein's heart was instantly moved. He wolfed down two potatoes and even ate some skin.

Only then did he pick up the big bowl and take a delicious sip of "soup", and the faint taste of salt washed away the dry hair in his mouth.

"This is my favorite way to eat when I was a child..." Klein, who had cushioned his stomach, sighed silently while breaking the rye bread and eating it with "soup".

Perhaps the previous "ceremony" consumed too much. He ate two full pieces, a full pound.

After drinking "soup" and cleaning up, Klein felt that he had come back to life completely, experienced the happiness of being a human being, and enjoyed the sunshine.

He sat back at his desk and began to think about what he should do next.

"You can't escape. You have to find a way to get in touch with the mysterious field and become an extraordinary person in the mouth of 'justice' and 'upside down'."

"Overcome the fear caused by the unknown."

"At present, the only way is to wait for the next 'party' and see if you can hear the formula of 'audience' magic potion or other mysterious knowledge."

"There are still four days until Monday. Before that, we have to face up to the problems of the original owner himself, why he committed suicide, and what happened to him..."

Unable to cross back, Klein took up the open notebook and wanted to look for clues to see if he could fill up the missing memory fragments.

Obviously, the original owner has the habit of taking notes and the hobby of taking notes as a diary.

Klein clearly knew that the cabinet serving as the right leg of the desk was full of finished notebooks.

This book has been used since May 10. The first part is about schools, tutors, and knowledge:

"On May 12, Mr. Azik mentioned that the common language of the Byron Empire in the southern continent also originated from the ancient Kazak language, which is a branch of the giant language. Why is this? Did all spiritual creatures ever use the same language? No, it must be wrong, even in the Revelation of the Night and the Book of the Storm In the records of, in an era older than ancient times, giants are not the only continent masters, there are elves, there are aliens, and there are giant dragons. Well, these are just legends, just myths. "


"On May 16, Senior Associate Professor Cohen and Mr. Azk discussed the inevitability of the steam age. Mr. Azk believed that it was accidental. If not for the sudden appearance of Emperor Rosell, the northern mainland might still be in the cold weapon age, just like the southern mainland. The tutor thought that he too emphasized the role of the individual. He believed that with the development of the times, there would be no Emperor Rosell and Robert the Great. In short, the steam age might be late But it will surely come. I just feel that their argument is meaningless. I prefer to discover new things and restore the history shrouded in fog. Maybe I should not read the Department of History, but the Department of Archaeology. "


"On May 29, Welch found me and said that he had obtained a note of the fourth era. My Goddess, the notes of the Quaternary period! He didn't want to ask the students of the Department of Archaeology and wanted to ask me and Naya to help interpret the contents of the record. How could I refuse such a thing? Of course, I had to arrange it after the graduation defense. At this time, I couldn't be distracted."

Seeing this, Klein was refreshed. Compared with the previous history reading notes and concept debates, the new "Quaternary" notes are more likely to lead to the original owner's suicide.

The Quaternary period is the era before the "Black Iron Age". Its history is full of mists and many deficiencies. Even the tombs, ancient cities, and documents unearthed are very few. Historians and archaeologists can only reluctantly piece together a little "original" with the help of the theological classics of the seven major churches, which are vague and mainly based on faith education, and know the existence of the Solomon Empire, Tudor Dynasty, and the Tronsost Empire.

Klein, who is determined to break through the fog and restore history, has no interest in the "first three periods" of more mythological legends, but only cares about the Quaternary period, also known as the "era of gods". It is conceivable that he is excited.

"Hey, at first glance, the original owner valued the interview and worried about future employment, but it was not necessary..." Klein could not help sighing.

At present, universities are still very rare. The vast majority of students are children of aristocrats and rich families. As long as civilians enter, even if they are discriminated against because of their status, they will not be included in other people's social circles, but as long as they are not extreme, they can still obtain certain network resources through group discussions, group activities, and other things, which are quite valuable network resources!

For example, Welch McGovern is the son of a banker in Conston, a county in the Kingdom of Wayne. He is straightforward and generous. Because he has been working in a group with Klein and Naya for a long time to do homework and report, he habitually asks them to help.

Without much divergent thinking, Klein continued to read the notes:

"On June 18, I graduated. Farewell, my Hoy University!"

"On June 19, I saw that note. After comparing its structure and root, I found that it is a variant of the ancient Kazak language. More accurately, the ancient Kazak language has been evolving slightly for more than a thousand years."

"On June 20, we read the contents of the first page. The author is a member of a family called 'Antigonius'."

"On June 21, he mentioned the 'Black Emperor', which is completely contradictory to the era derived from the previous content. Is the tutor's view wrong? The 'Black Emperor' is actually the common title of every emperor in the Solomon Empire?"

"On June 22, the family named 'Antigonius' seemed to have a prominent position in the Solomon Empire. The owner of the note mentioned that he was engaged in a secret transaction with someone named Tudor. Tudor? Tudor dynasty?"

"On June 23rd, I controlled myself from thinking about that note, not going to Welch's, and I had to prepare for the interview! This is a very important thing!"

"On June 24th, Naya told me that they had gained something new. I think I should go and have a look."

"On June 25, according to the newly read content, the owner of the note accepted a task to visit the main peak of the 'Hornaches mountain range and the' Night Country at the top. My Goddess, the main peak of the Hornaches mountain range is more than six kilometers. How can there be a country? How can they survive?"

"Are these strange things true on June 26th?"