

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter II Situation


He took a few steps back when he was frightened by himself in the mirror. It seemed that the person in the dressing mirror was not like a person,

it was more like a corpse.

How can a person with such a Deep lacerations wound be alive?

He turned his head over again and examined the other side. Even though the distance was longer and the light was blurred, he could still see the existence of a deep red blood stain through the wound.


Zhou Mingrui took a breath and tried to calm himself.

He stretched out his hand to his left chest and felt his heart beating strongly, rapidly, and vigorously.

I touched the exposed skin again, and the slight cold covered the warm flow.

After squatting down and verifying that the knee can bend, Zhou Mingrui stood up again, not so flustered.

"What's the matter?" He frowned and whispered, intending to examine the wound on his head again.

After two steps forward, he suddenly stopped again, because the light of the blood moon outside the window was relatively dim, which was not enough to support the "serious inspection".

A memory fragment was stressed out. Zhou Mingrui turned his head and looked at the wall lamp surrounded by gray pipes and metal grids on the wall next to his desk.

This is the current mainstream gas lamp, with stable fireworks and excellent lighting effects.

According to the family situation of Klein Moretti, not to mention the gas lamp, not even the kerosene lamp, the use of candles is the performance of identity and status. But four years ago, when he stayed up late to study and struggled with the entrance examination of Hoy University, his brother Benson thought that this was an important matter for the future of the family, even if he borrowed money, he should create good conditions for him.

Of course, Benson, who has been literate and worked for several years, is definitely not reckless, lacking means and neglecting the consequences. He fooled the landlord to pay for the basic renovation on the grounds that "installing gas pipes is conducive to improving the quality of the apartment and helping to rent in the future". He himself, by virtue of the convenience of working for the import and export company, got a new type of gas lamp near the cost price and used his savings before and after, No one borrowed money.

The debris flashed past. Zhou Mingrui returned to his desk, opened the pipe valve, and turned the gas lamp switch.

Da da da, the sound of friction and ignition continued, but the light did not come as Zhou Mingrui expected.

Da da da! He twitched again, but the gas lamp was still dim.

"Hmm..." Take back his hand, press and hold the left temple, and Zhou Mingrui squeezes the memory fragments to find the cause of the affair.

After a few seconds, he turned around, walked to the door, and came to the mechanical device which was also embedded in the wall and connected with gray pipes.

This is the gas meter!

After seeing the exposed gears and bearings, Zhou Mingrui took out a coin from his pants pocket.

It is dark yellow, shiny copper, with the head of a man wearing a crown printed on the front, and the word "1" surrounded by ears of wheat on the back.

Zhou Mingrui knows that this is the most basic currency of the Kingdom of Lun, called the copper penny. The actual purchasing power of one penny is about three or four yuan before his crossing. The coins are also five pence, halfpence, and quarter pence, but they are still not precise enough. In daily life, we still have to make up every now and then to buy things.

Let the copper penny in his hand, which was issued only when King George III ascended the throne, turn around a few times at his fingertips, and then Zhou Mingrui twirled it and stuffed it into the long and thin "mouth" of the gas meter.


As the penny dropped to the bottom inside the meter, the clicking sound of gear rotation immediately sounded, playing a short and beautiful mechanical melody.

Zhou Mingrui stared for a few seconds, then returned to the log desk, reached out, and twisted the switch of the gas lamp.

Dada, dada!

A cluster of flames lit up and grew rapidly. The bright light first occupied the interior of the wall lamp, then passed through the transparent glass and covered the room with warm colors.

The darkness suddenly shrank away, and crimson exited the window. Zhou Mingrui felt a little relieved and quickly came to the mirror.

This time, he carefully examined the position of his temples and did not miss any details.

After several comparisons, he found that apart from the initial blood stain, the ferocious wound did not flow out any more fluid, like the best hemostasis and bandage, while the slowly moving gray brain and the wound flesh growing at the speed visible to the naked eye showed the arrival of healing, maybe thirty or forty minutes, maybe two or three hours, there will be only shallow traces.

"The therapeutic effect of crossing?" Zhou Mingrui raised the right corner of his mouth and whispered quietly.

Then he took a long breath. No matter what, he was still alive!

After calming down, he pulled the drawer, took out a small piece of soap, took one of them from the old towel hanging beside the cabinet, opened the door, and walked to the bathroom shared by the tenants on the second floor.

Well, the blood stain on the head needs to be dealt with, so as not to always look like the scene of the crime. It doesn't matter if it scares my sister Melissa, who has to get up early tomorrow, then it will not end!

The corridor outside the door was dark. Only the bright red moonlight from the window at the end barely outlined the outline of the protruding objects, making them look like a pair of monster eyes silently staring at the living in the deep night.

Zhou Mingrui stepped softly and walked to the bathroom with a little fear.

Inside, the moonlight was brighter and everything became clear. Zhou Mingrui stood in front of the washing table and turned on the tap.

The water burst into his ears, and he suddenly thought of the landlord, Mr. French.

Because the water fee is included in the rent, the small and thin gentleman with a top hat, a vest, a black formal coat and always comes to visit several bathrooms actively to eavesdrop on the sound of running water inside.

If there is a big noise, Mr. Frankie will, regardless of his gentlemanly demeanor, brandish his cane fiercely, hit the bathroom door, and shout "Damn thief!" "Waste is a shameful thing!" "I remember you!" "Let me see it again, and then take your dirty luggage and roll out!" "Trust me, this is the most cost-effective apartment in the city of Tingen. You can't find a more generous landlord than me!"

Taking back his thoughts, Zhou Mingrui dampened the towel and cleaned the blood stains on his face again and again.

After taking a look at the tattered mirror in the bathroom and confirming that there were only ferocious wounds and pale faces left, Zhou Mingrui relaxed a lot, then took off his linen shirt and rubbed the blood spots with soap.

At this moment, he frowned and remembered that there might be other problems:

The wound is exaggerated and there are many blood stains. Except for yourself, there should be traces in the room!

After a few minutes, Zhou Mingrui disposed of his linen shirt, took a wet towel, and quickly returned home. He wiped the bloody fingerprints on the desk first and then relied on the light of the gas lamp to look for other residues.

During this search, he immediately found that there were many blood splashes on the floor and the bottom of the desk, and there was a yellow bullet on the left wall.

"... held the left wheel against the temple and fired a shot?" The front and back clues were suddenly connected. Zhou Mingrui probably understood the cause of Klein's death.

He was not in a hurry to verify. Instead, he wiped the bloodstain seriously and dealt with the "scene". Then he took the bullet and went back to the desk, opened the revolver to the left, and poured out the bullet inside.

There are five bullets and one cartridge case flowing with brass luster.

"Sure enough..." Zhou Mingrui looked at the empty cartridge case, stuffed the bullets one by one into the wheel, and nodded slightly.

His eyes moved to the left, and he looked at the sentence written on the open notebook, "Everyone will die, including me", and more doubts followed in his heart.

Where did the gun come from?

Suicide or pretend suicide?

What can happen to a civilian-born history graduate?

How can this suicide leave such blood marks? Is it because I travel in time and bring healing benefits?

After meditating for a moment, Zhou Mingrui put on another linen shirt, sat down on the chair, and thought about more important things.

At present, Klein's experience is not the focus of his own concern. The real problem is to find out why he will cross and whether he can wear it back!

Parents, relatives, close friends, friends, a rich and colorful online world, all kinds of delicious food... This is the urgent mood to go back!

Bang, Bang, Bang... Zhou Mingrui's right hand unconsciously threw out the revolver and pulled it back, again and again.

"Well, this period of time is not much different from the past. It's just a little unlucky. How can you go through it without any reason?"

"Bad luck... by the way, I did a transit ceremony before dinner tonight!"