

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 14 The psychic

The real psychic... Klein silently recited this description, did not speak again, and followed Dunn Smith out of the carriage.

Welch's residence in Tingen is a single-family house with a garden. The hollowed-out iron door is a road that can allow four carriages to drive at the same time. There are street lamps every 50 meters on both sides of the road. They are different from the ones Klein has seen in his last life. They belong to gas lamps. The height of the pillars is slightly equal to that of adult men, which is convenient for lighting.

The black metal clings to the glass and surrounds the grid, casting a classical "art" like a lantern. Cold and warm dance together, shadow and light coexist.

Stepping on the road covered with yellow, Klein and Dunn Smith entered Welch's rented place through the half-closed iron door.

Directly opposite the gate is the access road for two carriages, paved with cement, which leads directly to the two-story house.

It has a garden on the left and a lawn on the right. The faint fragrance of flowers and the refreshing taste are interwoven into one, making people feel relaxed and happy.

As soon as he stepped in, Klein suddenly stood with cold hair and looked left and right.

He felt that in the garden, in the shadow of the lawn, on the top floor of the house, behind the swing, in a dark corner, there were a pair of eyes staring at him!

It was clear that there was no one here, but Klein seemed to be in a busy street.

The strange contrast and strange feeling made his body tense and cold from the caudal vertebra.

"There's a problem!" He couldn't help reminding Dunn.

Dunn walked to the side with the same expression and replied flatly:

"Don't worry."

Seeing that the "night watcher" had said so, Klein endured the thrill of being tracked, spied, and looked at, but could not find the target, and came to the front door of the single house step by step.

I will be nervous if I stay like this for a long time... When Dunn reached out and knocked at the door, Klein quickly looked back and saw that the flowers were swaying in the wind and there was no figure.

"Come in, gentlemen." A slightly ethereal voice came from the room.

Dunn twisted the handle, pushed the door, and said to the woman sitting on the sofa:

"Daly, have you got any results?"

The ceiling lamp in the living room was not lit, and a main leather sofa with two pairs of patterns was surrounded by a marble tea table.

There was a candle burning on the tea table, but the flame of the lamp was bright blue, which covered the living room, dining room, and kitchen of the semi-open layout with a layer of flickering strange colors.

In the middle of the couch sits a woman, who is wearing a black robe with a hood, smeared with blue eye shadow and powder blusher, and exposed to the outside wrist, wrapped with a silver chain with a white crystal pendant.

At the first sight of her, Klein had a strange feeling: dressed like a real psychic

Is this playing yourself?

Daly, the "psychic" with a strange beauty, scanned Klein with flashing green eyes, looked at Dunn Smith, and said:

"The original spirits have disappeared, including those of Welch and Naya. Now the little guys here don't know anything."

Ling? The psychics... those unseen observers just now are spirits? How can there be so many spirits? Klein took off his hat, put it on his chest, and bowed slightly:

"Good evening, madam."

Dunn Smith sighed:

"It's really tough..."

"Daly, this is Klein Moretti. Try to find something from him."

Daly, the "psychic", immediately turned her eyes to Klein. She pointed to the single sofa in the vice seat and said:

"Please sit down."

"Thank you." Klein nodded, took a few steps, sat down honestly, and raised his heart unconsciously.

Whether it is life or death, whether it is a smooth passage or a secret exposure depends on the next development!

What makes me most powerless is that I lack something to rely on and can only hope for something special

This is really a very bad feeling... Klein thought bitterly.

As Dunn sat on the double sofa opposite him, Daly, the "psychic", took out two thumb-sized glass bottles from the pocket at her waist.

Her green eyes smiled at Klein and said:

"I need some help. After all, you are not the enemy. You can't be treated so directly and rudely. It will make you uncomfortable, feel pain, and even leave serious sequelae. I will give you some fragrance, give you enough tenderness and lubrication, let you let yourself go a little bit, and really immerse yourself in that feeling."

Why doesn't this sound right... Klein's mouth was shocked.

The opposite Dunn smiled and said:

"Don't be surprised. Unlike those guys in the Storm Lord Church, women can also flirt with men verbally. In this regard, you should be able to understand that your mother is a pious follower of the goddess, and you and your brother have also attended the Sunday school of the church."

"I understand, but I didn't expect it to be so, so..." Klein compared his gestures and couldn't find the appropriate adjective. He almost blurted out the corresponding translation of "old driver".

Dunn turned up his mouth and said:

"Don't worry, Daly rarely does this. She just wants to calm and relax you in this way. She likes corpses more than men."

"You make me look like a pervert," Daly, the "psychic", interrupted with a smile.

She opened one of the small bottles and poured a few drops into the bright blue candle flame:

"The pure water distilled and extracted from night vanilla, sleeping flower, and chamomile, I call it 'Amanda', which means quiet in Hermes and smells good."

While talking, the candle flickered a few times, and the drops of pure dew evaporated quickly and filled the room.

A quiet and charming fragrance penetrated Klein's nose, his mood was no longer tense, and his mind was fast and peaceful as if looking down at the darkness in the dead of night.

"This bottle is called the 'Eye of the Spirit'. It is made of the bark and leaves of the Dragon Tree and the White Poplar Tree, which are exposed to the sun for seven days, boiled three times and soaked in Langqi wine. Of course, there will be a few words in the middle..." The amber liquid, accompanied by the description of the "psychic" Daly, drops on the bright blue candle fire.

Klein smelled the aroma of wine, which was ethereal and ethereal. He saw the candlelight swaying violently, and Daly's blue eye shadow and powder blusher glittered with strange luster and even appeared ghosting.

"It is a good helper for channeling, and also a charming flower essence..."

As Daly spoke, Klein only felt her voice coming from all directions.

Confused and looking around, Klein found that everything was shaking and blurring, like a layer of thick fog, with his body shaking, blurring, floating, and losing weight.

The red is redder, the blue is bluer, and the black is blacker. The color mixture is like the impressionistic oil painting, blurred and dreamy, while the surrounding tiny overlapping murmurs come in waves as if there are countless invisible people talking.

"This is similar to what I felt when I did the 'transit ceremony' before, but there is no smell that makes people crazy and wants to explode..." Klein looked at all this and wondered.

At this moment, his eyes were attracted by a pair of crystal-like emerald eyes. Daly, wearing a black robe, sat on the fuzzy "sofa", his eyes strangely focused on Klein's head, and his voice smiled softly:

"Meet me formally, Daly the 'psychic'."

This... I can still think calmly and rationally... just like in the "transit ceremony" and "party"... Clay's mind moved and deliberately showed a confused state: "Hello..."

"People's thinking is very broad, and there are many secrets hidden. Look, the sea, we can only understand the islands exposed out of the sea, but in fact, under the sea, there is a larger part of the island, but in fact, in addition to the island, there is the whole sea, and there is the boundless sky symbolizing the spiritual world..."

"You are the spirit of the body. You know not only the islands exposed on the sea, but also the part of the islands hidden under the sea, and the whole sea..."

"All existence will leave traces, and the memory of the surface of the island can be erased, but the part under the sea and the whole sea must have its residual corresponding projection..."

Daly was induced again and again, and the vague wind and shadow around him also changed into similar shapes, just like Klein's heart sea was completely exposed here, waiting for him to find and discover.

Klein calmly looked at the sea from time to time, and finally answered vaguely:

"No... I can't remember... I forgot..."

He showed his pain just right.

Daley tried to induce again, but the sober Klein was not affected.

"Well, let's finish here and go back."

"Go back."

"Go back..."

As the ethereal voice lingered, Daly disappeared, the wind and shadow began to subside, and the faint taste and faint aroma of wine became apparent again.

All the colors returned to normal, and the vague and confused feeling no longer appeared. Klein's body shook for a while and found the weight.

When he opened his eyes and closed them, he found that there was still a bright blue candle in front of him, or Dunn Smith, who was sitting comfortably, or Daly, the "psychic" wearing a hooded black robe.

"Why did you use the theory that the alchemy of psychology would be the evil lunatics?" Dunn frowned and looked at Daley.

Daly put away two small bottles and calmly replied:

"I think it's quite right, at least in line with what I saw and contacted..."

Before Dunn spoke again, she stretched out her hand and said:

"He's a tough guy. He hasn't left any traces."

When he heard this, Klein next to him sighed with relief and asked with a feigned ignorance:

"Is it over? What happened just now? I feel like I slept..."

Is that OK?

Fortunately, there is an "exercise" of "transit ceremony"!

"I think so." Dunn interrupted his words and looked at the "psychic" Daly. "Have you checked the bodies of Welch and Naya?"

"The body can tell us more than you think. Unfortunately, Welch and Naya did commit suicide. It can only be said that the forces that affect them are frightening, and there is no trace left." Daly stood up and reached out to the candle, "I want to rest."

The bright blue light disappeared, and the house was flooded with blurred crimson.


"Congratulations, you can go home, but you must remember that you can't tell your family and friends about this, you must make sure." Dunn led Klein all the way to the door.

Klein was surprised and asked, "Don't you need to check the traces of curses or evil spirits?"

"Daly didn't say it, just didn't," Dunn replied briefly.

Klein was relieved. Thinking of his previous worries, he quickly asked again:

"How can I make sure there is no trouble?"

"Don't worry too much," Dunn said with a corner of his mouth. "According to statistics, under similar circumstances, 80% of the living parties have not experienced terrible follow-up. Well, this data is what I said by impression, probably, about."

"Then there are 20% unlucky people..." Klein can't dare to spell "face".

"Then you can consider joining us as a civil servant. In this way, we can find out if there is any omen in time." Dunn said casually as he approached the carriage, "or directly become an extraordinary person. After all, we are not your nanny, and can't watch you all night, even what you and women do."

"Can I?" Klein asked along with this sentence.

Of course, he had little hope. After all, how could he join the team of night watchers so easily and gain extraordinary power?

That's extraordinary power!

Dunn paused and looked at him sideways:

"... is not impossible, depending on the situation..."

What? This turn startled Klein, who stood beside the carriage for a moment and then said:


Are you kidding? So easy to become extraordinary?

Dunn chuckled, and his gray eyes were covered by the shadow of the carriage:

"Don't believe it? In fact, if you become a night watcher, you will lose a lot, such as freedom."

"Even if you don't mention this first, there are other problems. First, you are not a meritorious clergyman or a devout believer. You can't pick and choose the safest way."

"The second thing..." Dunn grabbed the handrail and boarded the carriageway. "We, the punishment agent, the heart of machinery, and other similar judicial organs deal with a quarter of the incidents every year, which are out of control of the extraordinary."

A quarter... the extraordinary lost control... Klein was stunned.

At this time, Dunn turned half around, his gray eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth moved without a smile:

"A large part of the quarter is our teammates."