
Making new memories

"Come with me", Dylan led the way to a 24 hour diner across the street. Peter stopped him from entering by blocking the door, "Why?", he had his arms crossed as he thought to himself that guys who wanted to go on dates before getting in bed were lame. He was used to having it his way. And his way was straight to the bedroom...or the couch....or in the bathroom; the possibilities of sex positions are endless.

Dylan replied by crossing his arms as well, "Just bear with it. Buy yourself some pancakes". He then shoved Peter aside and opened the door.

Peter whistled, "I just want a piece of that ass, and I'll be satisfied" as he followed from behind. Dylan simply rolled his eyes as he picked a seat and looked at the menu.

"We need to kill some time here, since my mom wouldn't be happy about me bringing anyone home, especially you. She remembers faces and she already doesn't like you...so it's better to wait a few hours until she's sound asleep"

Peter smirked, "Got it. I can wait." He could hardly. But something about Dylan made it worth the wait.

"We definitely need to talk about how often you stop guys in the street to look at them like they're a piece of meat." Dylan said while biting his lips, "Anyways, we have more pressing matters. Should I get something savory or sweet? They have so many options here..." He was reading the menu items with such concentration, and this somehow made Peter horny. The downcast eyes, the perky lips that kept moistening themselves with his own tongue, and habitually biting them...

Peter's breathing quickened, and he felt the blood rush to his head, making him feel dizzy. "Look at me." Peter reached across the table to grasp Dylan's hand, rather forcefully. Dylan looked up from the menu, with a look of pure innocence, and this only added fuel to Peter's raging fire in the pit of his stomach. A million thoughts were going through Peter's head. It was the first time he felt so tentative about what to say. They stayed a moment there, with Peter's hand over Dylan's on the table, with no words exchanged. "Just hurry up and order so we can get out of here." Peter did one last squeeze onto his hand before letting go and tried to pay attention to the menu, but his mind was still elsewhere.

Dylan sighed and said, "I told you. We have to wait till it gets dark." He looked at his watch on his right arm and said, "3pm...umm, how are we going to kill 7 hours?" -Are you joking with me? I have to hold myself from the pleasure of plowing into his deep hole for that long?- Peter thought, clear irritation conveyed across his face.

"There is a movie that's playing, that I've wanted to see in a while...and the theatre is right there." Dylan pointed towards the left of the diner. He hadn't gone to the theatre in more than a year. He thought back to the last time where he was there with friends. Now former friends. They felt that they needed to cut the tie between them since he was gay... and they were straight... and somehow when he came out to them, they couldn't see that nothing had changed with him. He was still himself. He was and always will be Dylan. It confused him how he was abandoned so quickly in the dirt, just like that, and all he could do was blame himself.

When he thought of his friend's faces of disgust and their accusing voices, Dylan clutched onto his hair and tried to push the past back to the past, where it belonged. He will not fall victim to those feelings again of worthlessness. He is actually holding the power of attracting someone. But there was no way this would last either. Nothing ever ends in rainbows and butterflies. Because it was his fault.

Peter could tell he was going though some pain, as Dylan grimaced and seemed to not truly be here, with his eyes losing focus.

Peter woke him up from his racing thoughts, "I've been through some pain too. You want me to take your mind off it, don't you? The only way I made it this far was by replacing the painful memories with new memories." Peter wanted to grab his hand again. What was going on with him? Why did Peter want to blurt his entire life story right in front of this near stranger. Yet Dylan didn't feel like a stranger at all.

"There is actually someone I'm seeing, daily for a week now. It is a trend that they run off after the 7th day. I am sure he will break it off with me soon, since he's begging for a reply and I won't send him a text. That's just not how I roll. Things between me and another stays between the sheets. That's just the easiest way to not get hurt. Each person I've slept with, has moved on, as I kept tabs on their social media, and they're living happy lives." Peter smiled, "So am I." He added, and sipped at the water the waitress had just poured them.

"No." Dylan simply stated, "You're not happy."