Chapter 182 - Lightning quick
<Clara POV>
Clara, being one of the first to split off, wanted to finish up quickly, so she infused lightning into her legs which enhanced her speed. She also struck lightning onto the surrounding buildings to get the attention of the elves.
After running a lap of the area she was assigned, all elves in the vicinity were now aggravated, chasing Clara down. Once she was confident that most of the elves were following her, she spotted a town hall-like building.
'I could use the walls to my advantage.' Clara had an idea on how to eliminate the elves which required an enclosed space, so a town hall would be a suitable location.
Running to the hall, Clara kicked open the door, taking it off its hinges and hitting a couple of dark elves that were behind the door. Walking in, Clara crushed the 2 elves' heads and made it to a small stage that looked over the hall.