
I've never

Warning book contains mature content. Carla Brown never thought that her long-life crush was the head of a different universe and came to earth to track down a mate. Carla wasn't his first choice, but he got bested. Though she won the favor of Gods, fight demons and beasts alongside him. She's still trying to prove she can be his equivalent. will this new world tare her to shreds or strengthen their alliance? The reality of her situation will come out eventually.

Mrs_Phanor · Fantasy
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355 Chs

New wind Part 6


Cleon: You will fix this! so help me God I will kill you!

That statement send chills down my spine, Everyone said nothing waiting for Johnys response to such vigorous words said by his brother. They have always been close at time it seem like Johny could do no wrong in his eyes, up until today.

Johny: Brother.. I... Will help... But please don't ask me to fight?

As he said those heart broken words everyone silence became sympathetic. This young man would challenge anyone in any game hoping to win, He loved the excitement that comes in competitions, Now his result to this? Cleon looked away, I could tell He cares for his brother well being but this was bigger than both of them.

Cleon: I Won't ask you to engage in combat but you will help!


Satphire: Yes?

Cleon: Your son who married a bird have him settle down somewhere other than here

Satphire: You don't believe they would?

Cleon: You didn't see the lust they had in their eyes. They will!

He said flying off. My heart was racing, I've never seen him like this before, he talk with so much authority, precision, yet full of understanding. His really attractive like this.

Satphire: Um okay. Yall have a good day?

Johny: My house is right there just knock next time.

Satphire: Johny shower you look horrible

Johny: Yeah I figured you and your husband was going to get me involve in something I don't want.

Satphire: You should be ready!

I flew out to my house am sure Cleon was there in bed again. To my Surprise he was cooking us dinner. He had his apron on, He haven't looked at me I wonder why?

Cleon: Do you want to use protection

Satphire: No

Cleon: Can I pull out?

Satphire: No

Cleon: Can...

Satphire: Am strong, I'll bare you happy and healthy babies, My plans haven't change.

He didn't say anything. He shut off the stove separated the food and place it infront if us. Stream beans with carrots and barbecue chicken, why so healthy tonight?

Satphire: Thank you

He simply nodded. After we were done eating, I went upstairs to shower so did he. I was a little hot so I decided to climb in bed without any clothes on. He came on the bed clutching to his pillow on his side of his bed not moving a inch. Hands in his lap laying on his side.

Satphire: I would like to tonight.

Cleon: Um

I said turning him facing me, my neck glowed for him, In instalaxia it simply means I wanted him. I pray he didn't reject me? he never had before hopefully not now.


Sigh Alright I feel like I've rested enough time to see what's in these planets?

Regi: Good morning

Carla: What are you doing in my room?

Regi: Room 34? So the ones mark queen are just for show?

Carla: Get out

Regi: Fine have breakfast with me

Carla: No

Regi: Come on as much as I annoy you am the only one here that's not meditating or who have time for you

Carla: Why haven't you left?

Regi: Well, I honestly came to see you

Carla: Why?

Regi: Have breakfast with me and I'll tell you.

Carla: Your aggrevating

Regi: Let me get 10 minute if you don't agree I'll leave.

Carla: Fine

He left my room. I was so fed up with this guy always popping up places. He needs to leave today.

I got up and got dress, walking the long red hallway to the dinning room.. He was standing there waiting for me. I sat down in the other end of the table, He followed

Regi: Are you always displeasing with people?

Carla: No, just you

regi: Can you not insult?

Carla: Why haven't you leave?

Regi: I find you fascinating so I stayed

I put my desired food on my plate.

Carla: Sigh I dated someone like you already, The cool, Handsome type, In the end your all *Ssh*les

Regi: You think am handsome?

Carla: No, thats...

I was blushing.. Ugh He caught me off guard. Sure he was extremely dreamy but am not falling for Those types anymore. Death, Anubis, and mother came downstairs to eat with us as well. Everyone sat down staring at us. Oh God it's not what it looks like!

Death: What are you doing here first prince

Regi: Eating

Death: Don't think she is as easily sway

Regi: On the contrary she amuses me

Death: I won't hesitate if you put her in harms way

Regi: Relax uncle, Noone is going to put her in danger, I'll leave before that happens

Why did he refer to him as Uncle?


Cleon: Babe get up

Satphire: I dont want to..

I said wrapping myself in the covers, He and I have been on the Elite team, The kids knows I don't wake up early so I place the training at 10 why was he waking me up at 8?

Cleon: I was thinking of enjoying you in the showers

Satphire: Your lying! you just want me out the bed haha

I was glowing from what we did last night haha I don't need the showers. Am sleeping till 9

I turned around placing the blanket over my head haha, After many tug and pull he manage to carry me to the bathroom, I did not agree with carrying me over his shoulders.. But he kept his word we did enjoy eachother till 9, I still won.

Jr: Sorry for the late response what is it mom?

My son called me telepathically

Satphire: Take shelter with Carla at her place. Do not come here.

Jr: Why?

Satphire: We have a new king and Queen there is a chance that they may be killing hybrid babies

Jr: Thanks, I'll find Carla

Satphire: Stay safe.

Jr: You too.

I had to let Carla know telepathically

Carla: Hey

Satphire: Hey my son is going to stay with you for a while

Carla: Sure

Satphire: Okay, bye.

Me and cleon flew to training, today is the general feast.

Gladius: You are late generals

He said with a whole bunch of corn in his bowl. I completely forgot about this, But am sure Cleon remembers.

Cleon: I apologize for our tardiness

We both sat down, Squirelet was really enjoying those nuts.

Carees: You are not eating?

Satphire: Forgot today was the feast day I ate at home, sorry

I lied. She looks at frank bitting on his apple like she wanted to insult him. What is their problem? Me and Cleon waited for everyone to finish so we could leave, but of course Gladius had something to add

Gladius: General I have two assignment for you.

Squirelet: Okay..

She said putting the nuts down.

Carees: We need a spy to go to the first planet we will concure

Gladius: I need to know how many young man suitable for battle? Than I want them trained.

Satphire: With or without consent?

Gladius: I would prefer with but they pledge their allegiance to this planet I expect their first born age 16 or older included.

Satphire: Hmm

Gladius: We are also going to tax 50 percent

Frank: Why?

Gladius: Because the new soldiers will need equipment Who is the weapon maker here?

Frank: Porcupine

Gladius: Get porcupine?

Frank: Call a servant

Wow Frank must be really mad at these two? His been a general for a while but he never act like this towards Carla? what is going on? afterwards one of the guards came

Guard: You called your majesty?

Gladius: Call the royal weapon maker for me.

Guard: Right away sire

Carees: Oh, I would like to provide personal care for anyone who's pregnant, I will need report of everyone who is currently pregnant.

Gladius: Anyone who is pregnant needs to let their queen know

Carees: It will be offensive if they do not.

In other words she would punish them how she sees fit if she feels insulted.

Satphire: Hmm if the person have their own doctors, you as their queen will need to honor that.

Carees: Am sorry?

Who was she trying to be slick with?

Squirelet: That is true your highness, some tribe do have a close door policy with their children and child birth.

Carees: Oh I see

Satphire: Over all its very kind of you.

I said between my teeth. She was up to something I could sense it. Before I got up and leave with the generals, she called me. Ugh what is it this time?

Carees: I will require assistance from one of your elite Troup

Satphire: Any mission gets Approved by me first, That is my job

She seem mad with my answer,

Carees: Come

She brought me to her room, Her bedding poles had screens on it, We have no misketos here why? her room was dark purple everything, She had a extra large king. 3 huge walk in closet, dining room, of course many rooms in the castle does, Purple table with tea sets.

Carees: Here

She shove the brown folder on my chest. God is my witness she is trying to die early.

Satphire: This said here the mission is to spy alone

Carees: What's the problem

Satphire: They are children still in training, they haven't been train properly on how to spy we can't accept your mission

Carees: Sigh general am trying but you are decipointing me.

Satphire: So sorry, As their leader I can't accept this

Carees: As their leader huh?

Her eyes went wide with a idea, Hmm?

Carees: You may leave general

I took my leave the halls were empty today no guard patrolling the palace what could that mean? I decided to call it a day. I flew to my parents home to talk to my dad. I found him meditating by my favorite mountain. I didn't make it to the castle because he was on the mountain the castle was further away. I landed infront of him.

Dad: Hey

Satphire: I am worried

Dad: So am I, everytime I try to look for the future of this kingdom, Darkness is blocking my path

Satphire: I don't think Lady Universe made the right call this time

Dad: Those exact words can get you killed.

Satphire: I know, I hate that I feel this way but I do

Dad: One thing is clear, when I did one for you.

Satphire: Hmm

Dad: You will no longer lead the elite team, your kids being transfered to the wrong hands will suffer greatly. You will need to protect them indirectly if you can't protect them directly

Satphire: Sigh How If she will remove me as Their leader?

Dad: Your my daughter You will figure it out.

Satphire: It's getting late, I better go home to my husband

Dad: Do not neglect your wifely duties

Satphire: I won't

I said giving him a hug. I flew to the house, Cleon was standing infront of our house facing Carla first house

Johnathan: Yes its a beautiful home, Perfect for raising little ones.

Johnathan said to the odd couple, it was a female orange fox with a black bull? Haha that's unusual.. She kept rubbing her belly She was huge, But she looked happy, the guy looked like a stand up guy.

Cleon: Nephew what are you doing?

Johnathan: Not to mention the security you will have living next door to two generals.

He said walking over to us, His smile slowly fading.

Johnathan: My genius dad left my Gold at the castle and it's not like I could just claim it back. The castle cut off my allowances, now I am force to remodel mom's houses and put them for rent to make a living!

He said pressing his chest in disbelief

Satphire: Haha really?

Johnathan: That's not funny, But if you know anyone looking to refinance their home, Maybe to resell it call me.

Fox: How much rent?

Johnathan: For you folks 4 gold piece

Fox: Make it three and we have a deal

Johnathan: Perfect! I'll swing by every first. Here is your keys, Just sign here and have a good day.

The couples was over joy, 3 gold piece in this neighborhood was hard to come by, The leopard kingdom was govern by Cleon. Cleon did not seem to mind he just walked inside.

Cleon: Man this boy is every ounce of his father haha

Satphire: Haha regardless of the circumstances he will eat

Cleon: Haha man I couldn't hold it back no more.

Satphire: Wait, isn't he paying 1 gold piece at his place?

Cleon: Yup, but who knows how many girls he gotta take care of. He comes by the restaurant eat for free now his living for free.

Satphire: Haha little Johny huh

Cleon: Yeah.

He said drying his eyes full of laughter tears. I decided to start on dinner. I had some conch in the fridge I decided to cook that, my mom shared her recipe, I've been adding my purity in the food to make it Taste heavenly. Cleon rolled up his sleeve and start washing the dishes, Setting up the table. The evening went quite well. We were still chuckling at Johnathan.