
I've finally been released from prison

Five years ago, framed by his stepmother, Ye Feng was thrown into the world's most terrifying prison where he was left for dead by the inmates. Inside this prison were the world's most powerful: the omnipotent prime minister, the billionaire who could rival a country's wealth, the fallen war god, the top hacker, the murderous doctor, the sorcerer who summoned spirits, and the failed cultivator facing his tribulation... Despite the odds, Ye Feng was not harmed by these inmates. Instead, they shared their skills and knowledge with him. Now, as Ye Feng steps out of prison after serving his five-year sentence, the world will tremble at his return!

Zf_Guo · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 1: The Return of the Prodigal

Great Xia·.

Zero Prison.

This is where the world's most terrifying criminals are imprisoned, and the harm caused by any one of them leaving is no less than an earthquake.

Among them are the powerful prime ministers, the wealthy tycoons, the fallen war gods, top hackers, deadly doctors, sorcerers who feed ghosts, and failed cultivators…

Today, the bustling and noisy prison seems unusually quiet.

Those dreaded top criminals, under the scorching sun, have all gathered on the square to bid farewell to a young man.

This man's name is Ye Feng.

He has been imprisoned for five years. Today is the day he leaves prison.

He will be the first person to leave this prison since its construction.

"Little Yezi, the medical skills I've taught you are only for killing, not for saving lives. Do you remember?"

"Xiao Feng, take care of my daughter outside the prison! Marry her if you want!"

"The dagger I gave you must draw blood every day. Keep it safe for me! When I successfully escape, I will come to you for it!"

"After you get out, if you don't cause some major incidents, don't even think about knowing us. We don't want to waste five years raising a loser!"

The inmates were all talking at once, giving their final advice to Ye Feng, hoping he would cause a stir outside, not letting their efforts go to waste.

"Alright! Let that brat leave already! He's irritating just to look at!"

Suddenly, in the corner of the square, there sat a desolate old man holding a gourd filled with wine, drinking a sip, and coldly said,

"Ye Feng, once you leave this prison, we have no relationship. Whether you do good or evil, it's your business. But remember one thing—"

"If you get caught and come back, we'll dismember you and feed you to the dogs!"

As soon as the old man spoke, all the inmates around wisely kept quiet.

Only Ye Feng, smilingly replied to the old man, "Rest assured, Master Chu, I won't be coming back."

The old man leaned against the wall, drinking alone, saying no more.

For these inmates serving life sentences, Ye Feng not coming back is the greatest reward for them.

Then, Ye Feng turned to the others, took a step back, and deeply bowed to everyone.

"Masters… Goodbye!"

As soon as he said this, there was dead silence on the scene.

Even the old man Chu in the corner had his hand slightly trembling, spilling wine on the ground.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng in disbelief, because this was the first time in five years he used the term "Master."

Facing these extremely vicious criminals, Ye Feng had feared, hated, and even resisted them, but never called them "masters."

But now, Ye Feng felt only gratitude in his heart.

No matter what, it was these people who helped him change and gave him a new life.

Without their leniency, he would have died miserably in prison years ago.

Ye Feng was always a man of gratitude and righteousness. At the moment of parting, he recognized all the 108 masters present.

"I'm leaving!"

Ye Feng waved his hand, picked up his simple luggage, and left the prison without looking back.

The old man watched Ye Feng's departing figure, took another sip of wine, looked up to the sky and laughed, "Go on, become the wind, become the undefined wind. Once you leave here, you'll be like a tiger returning to the mountain, a dragon entering the sea. No one will ever bind you again!"

Even when the long night comes, the fire will forever be in your hands!

Outside the prison,

A black business car was parked.

When they saw Ye Feng coming out, the car door opened, and six or seven men in suits and leather shoes got out.

"Young Master Ye!"

"We were sent by the Madam to pick you up!"

The men bowed to Ye Feng one after another and opened a rear door, gesturing with a "please" motion.

"Young Master Ye..." Ye Feng murmured the title to himself. It had been a long time since anyone called him that.

The former Ye Feng was the eldest young master of the Ye family, living a luxurious life.

But, the aristocratic families are heartless.

His mother died when he was young, losing her protection. After his father remarried and started a new family, he, as the eldest son, became expendable.

As an adult, he was forced into the family's succession struggle.

In the end, he was sent to prison by his stepmother on false charges, left to fend for himself.

Five years was enough time to kill a powerless playboy like him a hundred times in prison.

Originally, Ye Feng had resigned himself to his fate. On his first night in prison, he even tried to commit suicide to avoid humiliation.

But fate had other plans.

The terrifying criminals inside the prison, who had scared people outside, didn't harm Ye Feng. Instead, after some discussion, they decided to pass on all their lifetime's knowledge to him.

Not out of a guilty conscience, but because they were unlikely to leave this prison anytime soon.

And they didn't want their skills to die with them.

Originally, they wanted to find a prison guard as their successor. But the guards here changed every six months due to the high-stress nature of the job, resulting in high turnover.

Coincidentally, Ye Feng entered the prison at this time.

In the eyes of these inmates, Ye Feng was like a blank canvas. With a five-year sentence, they could reform him extensively, cultivating a successor who surpassed them.

Medical skills, martial arts, deception, mystical arts, machinery, economics, warfare…

During the years when Ye Feng should have been attending university, he underwent an otherworldly training by those inmates in prison.

Over the course of five years, Ye Feng underwent a complete transformation. He was no longer the carefree playboy he once was but had been cultivated into a formidable successor by these ruthless criminals.

"Young Master Ye, please get in the car!"

The voice of the man in front interrupted Ye Feng's brief thoughts.


Ye Feng picked up his luggage, about to board the car.


Suddenly, a sound of breaking air!

Rapidly approaching this way!

Ye Feng instinctively waved his hand to block.

A palm-sized cobblestone was caught in his hand.

"Who's there!?"

The men sent to pick up Ye Feng also became nervous instantly, quickly dispersing and being on guard.

Ye Feng followed the direction from which the stone came and turned his head.

Not far away, there was still an off-road vehicle parked, with two graceful figures standing in front of it.

One of them, seeing that the stone didn't hit Ye Feng, simply drew his gun and rushed towards them.

"Ye Feng! You murderer! How dare you still be alive! Bastard, I'll kill you!"