
Chapter 61: Admitting ones mistakes

"Milady, I am sorry to disturb you." Came Edna's quiet voice from the doorway. "But Lords Alucard and Sinjin Von Esterheim have come to see you."

I turned around on my small chair, startled to see the two intimidating and beautiful silver-haired gentlemen standing in the doorway. It had been a while since I had seen them both and I was happy to see that they looked as cold and breathtaking as always.

"Mmm..." I watched expectantly as a thin smile spread across Alucard's face. "A pleasure to see you again Lady Delton... or rather Holy Lady Delton." He seemed to be eyeing my appearance rather greedily.

Alucard just had a way of making completely ordinary words sound so sexy and alluring.

"Honestly, we should have guessed the true nature of your identity the first time we heard you sing and play at our mansion all those months ago. Looking back, it seems that the answer to your identity was so obvious..." Sinjin chuckled as he stepped forward into the room.

"Please just address me as you always have." I chuckled nervously, not wanting there to be any unnecessary awkwardness between us.

Sinjin and Alucard settled into the room as they always did: elegantly making themselves at home on the sofa and armchair opposite me, while still maintaining the proper form and attire expected of high ranking nobles. However, I sensed a stiffness from them that I wasn't used to. It wasn't anything they were doing or saying, rather it was just this tension in the room that I had never felt before. Could they possibly be feeling a bit more nervous around me since they knew I was a chosen child?

"Is anything the matter...?" I asked tentatively as I saw Sinjin anxiously fiddling with his bowl of iced cream, something I had never seen him do before. He would always happily eat it up without slowing down his pace, but today he seemed to be quite distracted.

When I asked the question, he jerked his silver head upwards to look at me and then immediately straightened up. The worried expression went from his face, now he was wearing a weak smile.

"Oh..." he began as if he was about to say something important. "...It's nothing." He seemed to lose confidence and lowered his head, back to playing with his bowl. I then turned to Alucard, only to see him visibly avoiding my gaze by staring intently at the wall, as if the wall paint was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. It was obvious that something was off with these two. The Alucard and Sinjin Von Esterheim brothers that I knew were proud and confident men who needed no reassurance about their place in their world, but right now they were avoiding my gaze like a couple of naughty school children.

My best guess was that they did something, and now that they knew I was a chosen child, literally an envoy of the gods they worshipped, their guilt and shame had caught up to them. Could their awkwardness be the result of them trying to apologize to me? Two high ranking nobles who had never had to apologize for anything in their lives were trying to figure out how to do it. I would have pitied them if I didn't find their shy guilty faces so adorable.

"Do you two have anything, in particular, to say to me...?" I prompted them as I chuckled. I found myself quite enjoying their predicament.

I saw Sinjin move uncomfortably on the sofa and clenched his hand on the armrest, so I knew something was clearly bothering him and I was on the right track.

"Anything you two want to tell me..." I pushed a little more, failing to conceal the grin on my face. "Anything at all..." The longer it took for them to speak, the more intrigued I became.

There was still silence as they both fidgeted uncomfortably in their seats.

"Oh come on just spit it out!" It was cute at first but now they were just taking too long.

Sinjin flinched slightly at my tone, but then put down his now soggy half-melted bowl of iced cream.

"Lady Riley..." He began by loosening his necktie. "Do you remember that little incident that took place shortly after you moved into your mansion?"

I thought back to the incident they were referring to. It happened the same night that I had set up the barrier within my safe room, the night that criminal broke in and tried to steal all the gold I had been bestowed by the king for winning the mage tournament. I remembered when I found him in the morning I tied him up in the library and tried to interrogate him, just in time for the Von Esterheim brothers to show up and take the criminal to the jail for me.

"Yes. What about it?" I asked, wondering what that incident had to do with anything.

"Well," Alucard spoke up from my right said. "We weren't quite honest about the actual circumstances of that incident..."

I frowned. Had he done something to that criminal that was less than just? What were they talking about? I at up on the sofa, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. Bad news, I could tell they were about to tell me something I didn't want to hear.

"We did not take him to the jailhouse," Alucard confessed solemnly.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Because we were the ones who hired him to rob your safe room," Sinjin said lowly.

My heart sank in my chest, and I felt a sour bitter taste form in my mouth as a result of the tightening of my chest. They lied to me, worse than that they had tried to harm me... What would I have done back then if the only money I had was snatched from me that night? I would have had been stranded in another world without any money, I would have to go around and beg someone for help, I would have had to rely on someone else financially...

I wanted to remain calm and level headed, but it seemed my voice wasn't capable of betraying my feelings.

"Why?" The harshness in my tone seemed to make them look even more gloomy and troubled.

"Lady Riley. You were completely new to the kingdom and displayed considerable power, we wanted you as an ally you see. We thought that if you didn't have the money the king bestowed you, you might reach out to us for help... from then on we could establish a good trusting relationship and help each other out in our future endeavours."

Sinjin didn't sound like his usual self. His little speech was rushed and he had to concentrate to stop his tongue from tripping over this own thoughts. I might have felt sorry for him if it were a different situation, but after what they had just confessed to me, I was in a sympathetic mood. It didn't matter how sweet he tried to paint the situation. They lied, tricked and tried to steal from me. And like an absolute ninny, I never suspected them, not even for a moment...

"A good trusting relationship..." I repeated his words sarcastically feeling the bitter taste in my mouth get more potent.

"I trusted both of you..." Anger, hurt betrayal and mostly wounded pride. That was the bitter taste spreading in my mouth and making his way down my through and to my chest. Hard to swallow as it was, I had to. "Like a fool."

"Lady Riley..." Sinjin began, but I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to hear them talk right now, nor see their distractingly pretty faces. I wanted to be angry at them, I wanted to let them know that they hurt me and that it wouldn't be solved by a mere apology.

"I'm tired." I stood up from my seat and cut him off. "You should both go now."

I then called for Edna, who showed up at the door waiting to escort the two men out. Wordlessly and reluctantly they got up from their chairs and slowly made their way to the door. Alucard left first while Sinjin stayed behind.

"Allow me to once again express my deepest regret for deceiving you." He then bowed at a deep solemn angle before quietly straightening up and leaving.

I finally let go of the breath I didn't know I had been holding when I heard the front door of my mansion close behind the Von Esterheims. My mind was buzzing with the questions I should have asked them, and the things I should have said to them.

I could feel Edna and Auberon's questioning gazes on the back of my head, virtually asking me what the Von Esterheim's had done to make me so upset. I didn' feel like answering though, I just wanted to be alone for a while. Without saying a word to anyone I made my way up the stairs to my favourite room, the small study next to the safe room and quietly laid myself down and the sofa and just shut my eyes. My mother used to tell me to go take a little nap when I was little and something was upsetting me. As if nothing couldn't be fixed from having a little rest. I wanted to believe that was true but I knew taking a nap wouldn't make me feel any better.

I had been in this word for quite a while now and had come to love and respect all the people around me. The Marcellus's, the Von Esterheim's, even the royal family felt like people that I was friendly with. I kept them all close to my heart. I had trusted them all completely and didn't ever doubt them, until today. How many times had I been lied to? How many secrets were right under my nose but didn't see because I simply believed that they would never do something like that to me?

This had honestly all felt like a beautiful dream. Knocking my head on the sidewalk and then waking up in this amazing fantasy world, filled with wondrous things and beautiful people. Even if it was made of magic, it was still a real world with real problems. Even if they were beautiful, they were still people. These were the truths that I had been blind to until today. I wanted to live in a fairytale and find my 'happily ever after' without having to work hard for it. Thinking about it now, I really had gone around with rose-coloured glasses on, only ever seeing the good, and just sweeping up all the bad under the carpet. But now the reality of my situation was plain for me to see.

The people I cared about could be lying to me, and tricking me.

The man I loved could just be using me.

A terrible war was coming and I was expected to save everyone from it.

Although I had been given all this power and this great fortune, I was still just some naive nineteen-year-old college student.

I wanted to sleep to come, but it was probably cautious of my foul mood and stayed away from me. Keeping me awake to deal with all my thoughts.

So as I laid down in the quite warm room, too exhausted to fall asleep, I let my mind take me to the places I didn't want to go, and let myself think over the things I had been avoiding.


Mellie was feeling exceedingly proud of herself as she walked away from the main Hestia apothecary, where she bought a large range of medicines for Lady Riley. The shop girls were immediately so attentive to her when they saw the sack of gold that she was carrying around her arm. She had been treated like a real noble from then on, and Mellie absolutely relished in the experience. They had pulled out a cushioned chair for her and advertised the latest in cosmetics as well as trendy medicines all the while referring to her as 'Lady'. For Mellie who had only ever been called by her first name or 'miss', it had been so thrilling to be given that type of respect. After purchasing all the medicines on Lady Riley's list, Mellie left the store with a kick in her step, busy daydreaming about what it would be like to be a beautiful wealthy maiden with countless admirers around every corner, just like Lady Riley.

While Mellie was busy fantasising about her life as a grand and beautiful noblewoman, she bumped into something hard in front of her. She squealed unhappily as she dropped the basket of potions she had been carrying to the pavement. She rushed to the basket to check if anything had been broken when a hand suddenly reached out and picked it up. She gasped and then looked up to see a handsome young man, holding the basket out to her.

"My apologies..." He chuckled nervously. He was tall and lean, with a great white smile and dimples on his cheeks that made Mellie feel a bit self-conscious.

"I didn't see you there." His voice was deep but boyishly charming at the same time.

"Oh! It's no problem." Mellie gushed as she took the basket from his large hands and opened it to check inside that nothing was broken. Luckily the glasses that medicines were sold in were so thick, nothing had broken.

Mellie felt her cheeks flush a hot red and found herself lost for words as the man's bright green eyes stared down at her.

"I'll be on my way then." Mellie didn't actually want to go, but she found herself so uncomfortable that she just had to get away from his strong gaze. She quickly began her escape route, when the stranger gently stepped in her way.

"Well, then I hope we meet again, Miss...?"

Mellie was utterly stunned but undeniably pleased. She couldn't help but smile at his request to learn her name.

"Umm.. it's Mellie. Mellie Branwen."

Back at Lady Riley's mansion, a sharp shiver shot up Edna's spine. She knew instinctively that something had happened to Mellie. She just hoped that it was something good.


The Person's in Service Association hall was filled to the brim with maids, butlers, chefs and gardeners who were all eager to find work at the Holy Lady Delton's estate. Agnes made an entire day of cutting the number of five hundred applicants down to twenty-nine extremely qualified people.

Three new lady's maids, all of whom were dutiful capable girls who Agnes had personally worked with before.

Five new butlers straight from the palace, all of whom were well trained and had good attitudes, and carried excellent letters of recommendation. Two of whom were half-beast men who were struggling to find work since nobles tended to discriminate against those who were part beast-man. And another was a part elf, who was also struggling due to similar discrimination. Agnes figured that Lady Delton would be more than happy to hire those who were being discriminated against.

Six new gardeners: three were highly skilled general garden workers. One man who specialized in scented flowers, and another gentleman who specialized in growing medicinal herbs, and lastly a head gardener to oversee everyone else. All of whom were able to use either earth or water magic.

Agnes hired a woman who used to be the head chef of the famous Maurice Restaurant on the harbourside. The woman so passionately expressed her will to learn the amazing foods that Lady Delton brought from another world that she quit her post as a head chef once she heard about the opening at Lady Delton's manor. Not only her, when she quit, but three of her underlings also quit and followed her, expressing their undying loyalty to her. Agnes had found their long and passionate presentation very uncomfortable. She ended up hiring all four of them though as they seemed so desperate to work for Lady Riley.

An experienced old gamekeeper to look after the horses, as well as a young boy to help him. A coachman to drive Lady Riley in her carriage. And three fully trained knights to guard Lady Riley's estate.

And finally, six general housemaids to focus on cleaning and maintaining the mansion. One girl, in particular, had an excellent reputation for taking care of linens, sheets and clothes. Agnes was excited to see her work since Mellie usually made a mess of such chores.

Unable to shorten the list anymore, Agnes hired all of them, confident that Lady Riley would approve of her choices. Absolutely exhausted from a day of interviewing hundreds of hopefuls, she told them all to go home and pack up their things to move into the mansion the next morning. Although Agnes had been focused on her task at hand, she had been worrying the entire day. She was praying to all of the gods that Mellie has gotten through her task without doing something silly. Mellie was a bright young girl but Agnes knew very well that Mellie had her head in the clouds half the time, and had a knack for finding trouble. Agnes also hoped that nothing bad had happened to her lady while she was out of the house.

As Agnes road back in the carriage she smiled heartily. What a busy life she had made for herself, running after a chosen child. What a fulfilling and happy life. As she rested her tired eyes on the way back to the estate, she thought to herself that it felt like she was on her way home.


In the capital square, people were absolutely buzzing with the great news that was being projected by the announcers.

"The Quest of the century has come to an end! The heroes who went to seek out the holy cores have finished their quest and will return tomorrow morning! Come welcome back our noble heroes with great applause and joyous celebration tomorrow morning!"

The announcer belted out the great news to the central square with much charisma and enthusiasm that got the entire crowd in a frenzy. Everyone was excited to welcome back the heroes and possibly get a look at the legendary Holy Cores.

Princess Astraea of Patagonia had been riding back from a wonderful dinner at Sedgewick's (Riley's restaurant) when her carriage had passed by the noble square and she had heard the wonderful news. Her heart had filled with absolute joy, at the thought that she might be able to get a glimpse of the handsome green-haired hero she had seen on the day the expedition departed.

"Edgar..." She gushed happily. She was so praying that he would come back safely and that no injuries had befallen him. That night she and her lady's maid had rummaged through her closet, trying to put together a beautiful outfit that she hoped would catch the eye of the man she had seen.

That evening, it was the talk of Gismead. From the humble people living down in Azmeth to the nobles in their lavish mansions. Everyone was setting out their best clothes, so they could be worn in the morning to welcome back the triumphant adventurers.

Riley, of course, knew they were coming back because of the spells she had cast on their carriages. She was excited that she would be able to see Edgar again after so long, but at the same time, she was still disheartened from her meeting with the Von Esterheim's. Nevertheless, she pushed her melancholy aside as she knew she had things to do. As she had just completed her plans for how she would mould the sacred weapons, she busied her mind with alchemy and sword making. She had already sent word to the Kaltain's (the family running her guild) that she would be coming in tomorrow and that they would be working on a major project that meant no sleeping for a few days. At the moment Riley was loving the thought of getting stuck into her work.