
Black Haven a Cursed Land

Finn killed monsters for 5 hours straight until he could finally rest. He build a small house made of rock with what mana he had left and put Kane back into his ring.

He took a rest of 1 hour before waking up to equip God's Eye as he hadn't done that before.

God's Eye is similar to a super computer. It analyses the best pattern of attack and calculates when the next attack is coming before it comes. Finn destroyed the mud wall in way that made all of the dirt fall on the zombies and skeletons.

Finn jumps up in the air and uses "air magic: tornado" to kill most of the Skeletons and Zombies. The magic left a huge hole in the ground that Geyre were coming out of.

Finn fell down but added some earth magic to kill the Geyre and block the seal as well as control his landing. Finn turned right and broke the skull of a skeleton with the back of his sword.

Then he grabbed the core out of the skeleton and ripped it out like it was a heart. Finn then crushed the core with his bare hands as a sign of dominance which sacred the zombies and other skeletons from coming closer.


All monsters that have low intelligence levels also have a bravery level. if your scare them enough they'll either back down or run away when you approach them.

Finn ripping out a core and crushing it with his bare hands is enough to scare a mutant which is the evolved version of a zombie.

also no, mutants don't have different power; they have a specialty in poison and demonic energy similar to a devil.


Finn did this and was able to create more time for him to rest. Finn created a small base(it was bigger than the last one) this base was the size of a small house. The best thing about the house was that it would move upon command.

Finn took rest for around 10 hours to recover his mana and save enough mana for a large scale attack. Finn walked out of the house and stored it in his very own subspace.

Finn then summoned Kane and sat on his back. Finn and Kane rode out until Finn a horde of zombies were in front of him. Now this horde of zombies had some Skeletons and large Geyre mixed in.

Finn decided this was the perfect opportunity to try out the large scale attack magic. Finn used "fire magic: volcanic flood" this caused a good 38% of the island to get covered with magma which soon disappeared but killed a lot more monsters than Finn was expecting.

Finn finally killed most of the monsters on the surface. Finn could now enter the above ground dungeon all he had to do was find it. Finn used God's Eye and found the dungeon to be at the opposite end of the island.

Needless to say Finn raced over there and jumped inside the dungeon. Finn was greeted by a true devil which was a catastrophic level monster. Finn dodged the attack of the devil and jumped back unsheathing Morningstar.

To Be Continued...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

denthavetocreators' thoughts