
You are real

A cold breeze hit my body making my body to tremble. I got up slowly with my eyes closed I was now sitting.

It was pretty cold it was like I was outside. I must have let the window open.

".... Cold.... "

I murmur this single word. My hand were on my knees but I feel that right now I'm sitting on the hard ground. It seem that I once again I slept on the floor when I watched TV.

I put my right hand on the floor to get up and find my room but....

That was not my apartment floor, it was ground covered with...


I open my eyes immediately looking around me I was in a forest with white trunks and... pink crowns.

After you possible died and spoke with GOD you are now in a unknown and weird place with pink trees. Like a normal person you would the same.

"I'm out of this place."

I started to run like a madman. I didn't know where I was running but I know I had to get out of that weird and incredibly familiar forest.

It was dark on the sky it was just a half moon that gave just a bit of light but the trees block the light stopping me to see anything. I trip over a trunk root sticking out and I fall directly in a river.

"What the heck? This water has taste of candy... "

Fortunately the river was not deep I got up and I lay back on the ground. I was still in the weird forest but I'm not afraid anymore.

I lift my hand to run my fingers through my hair. It is a habit for when I fill stressed or embarrassed.

Huh? What's this? I seems that I have a something on my head. I grab it and took it out.

It was a weird white hat with... bear ears.


The realization hit me like a brick! The forest with trees with pink crowns, the river with taste of candy and the white bear hat!

No, no, no, no! Is not possible! My hand subconsciously rise and I run my fingers through my hair.

... My long and... blonde hair...

"Aaaaaah!! I think I'm Finn the Human!"


«You're right host! Welcome to the Land of Ooo and you are the Finn the Human know as Hero of Ooo.»

Ok, ok, ok. Take a deep breath and calm down. You were being reincarnated in a cartoon. Is not usually a anime or a novel?

«God send you in a world you remember the best and admire.»

Oh yeah that make sense. If I remember I was watching the show before I was hit. I take another deep breath and I look at the sky full of stars.

This view help me greatly to relax. I live in the city and I could see the stars only on a screen and not on the sky.

"Ok, sorry for screaming. Who are you?"

«I'm the system that will help to survive in this world. This cartoon have a lot of dangerous things that can kill even the original host of your body survive with the help of the Jake the Dog.»

The system is right. Finn was brave but he didn't have a proper antrenament with the sword or fighting.

«The host is right once again!. Finn the Human was a student in the secret school of the assassins and warriors of Ooo but he only stayed a half a year. He didn't wanted to learn so he ran»

"What?! That was not in cartoon!"

«Some of the original story chance but the main story is the same.»

"Ok can you tell me what chance in the serial. Honest I don't remember more of it, it had more than 250 episodes and it got canceled after they tried to bring it back."

«Of course! This is the one of the reasons I was made. Unfortunately I can't tell you informations that will affect the original story.»

Ok I accept that. Lets see... Did Flame Princess is still in her prison in the fire palace?

Flame Princess is one of the most important. She's powerfull and it will help us greatly to defeat the enemies that will come in the future.

«Flame Princess is still in her prison the original Finn had a crush for Princess Bubblegum but he kept it secret. Not even Jake, his brother don't know what he is feeling. So Finn never cry after Princess Bubblegum in front of Jake and Jake he never go to Flame Princess to hook them up.»

Wow, that actually this put me at ease. She is cool and everything but a couple of hours ago she was a cartoon character, even if she is alive now I still I don't know if I can bring myself to have feelings for her, plus she is in love with Cinnamon Bun and Cinnamon Bun is in love with her.

"Hey system. How old I am?"

«The host can see for himself in your status screen, you only have to say "Open status" in your mind and it will appear in front of you. ATTENTION. The status bar can be seen only by you nothing can chance that.»

Ok. Open status!

A holographic screen appear in front of me with my status. It green with black letters

Name: Finn Mertens known as Finn the Human


Age: 15

Race:Human (Sorta)

Strength:D+ Now C+

(The strength of a nomal adult.)

Speed:D Now C+

(Before you were slow as fuck now you can run like a athlete.)

Agility:D Now B+

(You have the reflexes of a cat.)

Luck:B+ Now A

()You're the protagonist is normal that you have a lots of luck)

Magic:E Now E

(You can't even pull a rabbit from a hat)

Dexterity:E Now B

(Before you couldn't hand a sword properly now you are much more handy.)

Vitality:B Now A+

(You can run for for months and not get tired!)

Int:C Now B+

(You are the same level of a harvard graduated!)


Resistance to Mind Manipulation:A+

(Even the strongest spell can have a hard time to enter in your head)

Perception Manipulation Resistance:B+

(You can't be fooled be normal illusion magic)

Resistance at Absorption:C

(You will be absorbed but it will be much slowly in comparison with others)

Electricity Manipulation:D

(At this level you can have only a strong resistance at electricity)

Hey Status what means all these "Now" in my status?

«That was the level of the original Finn after you enter in his body your strength combined with him»

...Great... I really fell bad about stealing his body and all I don't think I to do this. I better remain dead.

«The host didn't steal anything. The original body was dead for 20 minutes and 22 Seconds."

"What! This surely was not in serial! Were I'm more exactly?"

«Sorry this information is classified. If the host will know this information it will chance the original story»

Ok, I already accepted this is different from the original serial. Now that I'm Finn I better go back to the tree house.

....Only if I knew were I should go. Not a problem I will climb a tree and look for the Candy Kingdom or the tree house.

I walk till I found a pretty tall tree and I started to climp it till I got in top. The tree was just a bit taller than the rest and I climbed in just a couple of seconds.

My Strength, Speed and Agility now are above normal, this was just a child play for me. I look around and I see the Candy Kingdom it was still the huge castle build around the gigantic tree sorrounded by the reddish orange river. Now that I calm down I realized that the river I fell in it was the same reddish orange.

Fortunately only my t-shirt is wet ...and surprisingly not sticky. Well I better go towards Candy Kingdom.

I jump off the tree and I landed perfectly on my feet. I didn't have the green packbag I must have left it in the woods.

Before to go in the Candy Kingdom and meet Princess Bubblegum I better try to find the backbag and call Jake to pick me up.

It dangerous to go there in the first day. It would be a very big problem if Princess Bubblegum will found out I'm not Finn. She is a scientist she will possibility lock me in a cage and make painful experiences on me to bring the original Finn back even if he is probably dead.

I don't mind to give this body back to Finn but I don't want to someone to make painful experiences and lock me in a cage... or worse, they would probably think that an evil doppelganger and kill me. I better keep my distance till I get a full grip over this problem.

Jake is Finn brother but he can be very naive so I can't just throw a simple excuse and I'm sure he will belive me.


Huh? I think I recognize this voice I walk carefully to not make a sound toward the singing voice.

I better be carefull the land of Ooo have a lot of weird things that will not blink to kill someone especially me.

Fortunately it was not a monster with pretty voice. It was just a girl with black shiny hair.

She was wearing a grey sleeveless t-shirt with blue jeans and red boots.

Oh, it was Marceline. The Queen of Vampires and the only vampire in the world.

When I was watching the cartoon, I really like her she was original and cool and her songs were incredible. Now she is a person... vampire in flesh and bones! I have to admit she is really beautiful. Her red eyes that sparkle like two rubies in the half moon light, pierce my soul like a dagger. Her beautiful long hair move with her movements like she was under water making her more beautiful.

"Hey marcy!"

The vampire seem surprised but she didn't jump or flinch when I call her suddenly, she was only a bit surprised.

"Finn, what you doing here at night?"

"Well I has fighting an monster but it was more trickier than I was aspected. After I kick his ass up I pass out on the grass and I woke up a couple of minutes ago."

Marceline smile a bit and look at my wet t-shirt with a rising eyebrow.

"Oh, that it was very dark and I accidentally trip and fall in the river no big deal."

"You're not cold and were is your hat?"

"Well, I decide to chance my style. I don't why maybe a very late rebellion phase or something like that. How about you, I look better without my hat on?"

She look at me a couple of seconds and give me a warm smile.

"Yeah you better without the hat but that hair make you look like a princess"

"Hey! I will cut it. Like a said it just maybe it just a late rebellion phase. Anyhow what your singing?"

"Is a new song wanna hear it?"

I nod slowly and I sit on the cold grass looking at the floating brunette staring to song with her beautiful voice.

I close my eyes enjoying her soft and melodious voice. It was the best. In the serial the most of the Marceline song were interrupted or they just cut at another scene so I never could enjoy the full songs. Even if I tried to search for them on internet the cartoon was already much too old to somebody to remember about it, and nobody put the whole songs or even remember them. Now I can enjoy her voice.

When the song ended I open my eyes and see Marceline look at my completely relaxed self. I smile and I look at her with warm.

She suffered so much. Don't worry I will give my all to help and the others.

"I love it. I always love your songs they are real."

I close my eyes, I almost fell asleep. I don't care anymore that I am in a forest. I was pretty tired.

I didn't notice because I was so freaked out but I was so sleepy that couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.


Fortunately Marceline voice woke me up. I open one eye to look at her still looking at me. Floating above the ground and her beautiful red eyes meeting my blue ones.... I think that are blue. I didn't look at my appearances but all of the people on internet said that Finn eyes are blue.

"Real, you never made a song just to make people to listen to it. You're not like the others you are honest and brave. You put your heart in every song and sing your real feelings, but that it just my opinion, don't think too much about it"

I close my eye and fall immediately asleep.

Next chapter