
I've Been Reborn As Ash Ketchum (With a Twist)

I Woke up as Ash in Delia's Womb I've Always Said If i was Ash I Would've Done Things Differently. Gain Power. Gain Strength, In the face of Strength Rules no Longer Apply. People Slow you Down. Emotions Slow You Down. As Long as I Have My Pokemon, I Do Not Need Anyone Else. Inspiration taken from VinixxVidixxVici First time Writing so if you could please send Constant feedback that would really help me. Will be similar to his story As I’m Sort of Adopting it but Adding an OC twist to it MC will be Cold hearted to an extent as well as Stoic unless he’s Around his Pokemon. Maybe he’ll meet someone or a group of people that will be able to crack his mask you’ll have to wait and see

SomeonecalledA · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6: Viridian

Viridian City

I finally Reached Viridian City. I realised I forgot to check my Pokemon's moved and they were as follows

Magikarp - Flail and Splash

Charmander - Tackle, Ember, scratch and metal claw

"Today We will be focusing again on our physiques for the first half and charmander you will be focusing on controlling your flames such as the flame on your tail and the power of ember and then we'll be focusing on you're metal claw which will be an absolute big help against brock.

I called my mum to check up on her and told her about training is going and what not.

In terms of hell I meant training. They survived Surprisingly so I decided to do something that any nice trainer would. I extended it. For some reason they ignored me again after that I mean wouldn't you extend it or am I thinking wrong here. Hmm. I pushed them as well myself that combined with nutritional meal suited to their growth well. They're monsters in pre-evolved forms. I'm talking grinding up to level 16 before fighting the first gym leader kinda monster (I'm guilty of doing that😂) well they're not at that level yet but they're damned near close just need more of a push I'm pretty sure charmander will evolve soon or I'm battle and magikarps physical attributes? You wouldn't think this is a magikarp hes bugged ive trained his physical aspect to the brink of what a magikarp can endure and made him breakthrough that barrier.

We trained eat sleep. Trained eat sleep then played and relaxed then repeated thats how the cycle of days went.

Tonight should be the night team rocket attack now that I think about it.

Those grunts should go to jail, robbing and destroying a Pokemon centre with intention to steal and/or harm Pokemon is a serious offence and should get you thrown in jail.

Anyways the tyrantrum egg has been shaking a lot recently it should hatch today I'm so excited.

Anyways so on a training field me and charmander stand facing each other

"You can train all you want but without experience it will be meaningless, so come at me and show me your full power"

And we started sparring

It just resulted in my dodging effortlessly occasionally I would limit myself and charmander would get a hit in which showed progress which motivated her more and more.

All of sudden I heard a shriek

"What are you doing!!" 'Oh god no please no- I thought

"Beating your Pokemon. You should be arrested for life" I heard very loudly from behind me and I saw Misty she tried to slap me but before even I could do anything she got hit with a tackle courtesy of Charmander.

Sheesh talk about fiery I scratched my nose sheepishly "Charmander" she looked up at me " remind not to get on your bad side" she hmphed and went back to training

I sweat dropped at this looked at Misty and almost felt bad for her "welp it was your fault next time don't accuse me of harming my Pokemon in front of them" she glared at me with hatred

After that whole episode I trained in secluded areas where no one was there

I checked into The Pokemon centre healed my Pokemon and went back to training gradually increasing charmander and magikarps gravity on them they both had a hard time but with determination and grit they got through it. I wasn't idle either I was increasing my gravity while working and practicing my techniques as well manipulating space and vectors using limitless and practicing infinity.

Walking back the Pokemon centre I could see smoke coming out of it and I already knew what was going to happen

"To Protect the Wor- "

"I don't care I said"


"I said I don't care hurry up so I can heal my Pokemon" I interrupted again

Before anyone could say anything Misty again

"I knew you were a team rocket member abusing your Pokemon"

I stood there thinking I just wanted to heal my Pokemon.. why is it my blood pressures rising instead? I calmed down well at least tried to

Nurse joy came out and thanked me

"Thank you very much for capturing the team rocket members though I have to say your Pokemon look very very healthy"

Misty stood there slack jawed eyes wide

I didn't even bother with her

"Officer Jenny if you could take these criminals away please" I asked

After everything was said and done and I was finally back in my room I felt wiggles coming from behind me what was th-

MY EGG it's finally HATCHING

I took out the incubator and saw a few cracks and then a few more before it broke out and I saw