
Chapter 151 Destiny Sequence Seven

'The cabin is the safe house...'

Chen Lun's mind recalled this phrase.

Looking back, the world outside the door was dim, full of shadows from trees, and the woodcutter was nowhere to be seen.

His fingers came together, touching his brow lightly, then he raised his clenched fist high in a salute to the Constellation. The staff returned to its original form, and he planted it on the ground.


Looking around, the cabin's arrangement and scenery were identical to those in the lake cabin.

'Hmm...no, there is something different.'

Chen Lun suddenly discovered something and raised an eyebrow.

He walked to the table and saw a red velvet tablecloth spread across it, with different items than those in the lake cabin. There was a top hat, a pair of white gloves, and a Magic Wand on it.

A deck of brand-new playing cards held down two thin sheets of paper.