
I've become the horror game secret boss

When a programmer founds himself trapped in his own horror game he expected to suffer in a world filled with abominations and nightmares. But when he unintentionally possessed the body of the game secret boss things turned weird. Now trapped inside an advanced area and having no way to escape other than deceiving the game protagonists into freeing him, the new secret boss starts his adventure, though the suffering still remains.

Demons_Crawling · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Sudden arrival-S

I believe myself to be a calm and logical person, maybe a little coward in some aspects. I don't believe in anything supernatural and i know how to stay calm in moments of need. However all that just went flying straight to the bottom of hell along with a part of my sanity.

The dark and humid corridor that seemed to extend to infinity, the floor flooded with blood which reached my knees and the walls covered with pieces of flesh. My mind went slightly mad once i recognized the place i suddenly find myself in. I've seen this corridor countless times but never from this perspective.

My body trembles uncontrollably, refusing to answer my commands. I know what's about to happen but not how, this place shouldn't exist, it isn't real.

I moved against my will, every step a command not of my own. After a long time a black door appeared in the distance, cold sweat started pouring down my forehead the moment i saw it.

Soon my hand was grabbing the door handle, a horrible sensation invaded me the moment i touched it, as if a million insects were flowing through my veins and eating everything in their way. I opened the door slowly with a primordial fear engraved in my head, a putrid smell filtered through the small opening and forced me to empty my stomach and only once it was devoid of any food did my body continue opening the door.

The room in the other side wasn't much different from the corridor, with one exception, the being imprisoned in here.

In the center of the room laid a being that could only be described as bloody. It's body was tall and skinny, with flesh of a deep red similar to wine, covered in blood which seemed to be flowing out from inside it's skin. It's shape was human but there were too many differences to call it one. That being had three arms and eyes, with two of both in it's right side, it's hands were long and sported six razor sharp claw-like fingers. It's chest had a big gaping hole which beats as if it was a heart, while it's back was covered in large bloody spines larger than swords and a long spear-like tail. It's face was devoid of any characteristic other than it's black and red eyes which gave it a strange androgynous appearance which only got accentuated by it's long white hair.

This monster from nightmares was about six meters tall. It was chained to the walls by nine silver chains which wrapped its body tightly, eight of them were partially cracked.

I was familiar with such being, because i designed it.

Seerackt, God of Blood. That's the name of the creature in front of me, a secret boss in a game called Tower of the End. A game which i helped to make. However this shouldn't be possible, as i said, is just a game.

Every step got me closer to the god and when my hand reached his i heard the sound of metal cracking and everything turned black.