
I've become an Artificer in my second life!

The man who would become Rhine had been a perfectly average person from Earth. He did his job during the day and indulged in games and anime once he was done with his responsibilities for the day. Truck-Kun brought him to his very own Isekai with a system by a not so benevolent Goddess with a bloodline that shouldn't be possible for it to exist. A man who simply wants to create how will he handle a world where the biggest fist rules? Will he manage to create himself a place in this world with not being able to rely on the status of his new birth? Will he be able to become the dense harem protagonist many might dream of being? What does his story have in store for it and the state of the world where Artificers are a long lost job and one he has a great talent for.

Swaynard · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Rebirth and the events before it

The man felt like he was surrounded by a homely warmth, as if this was the most natural place for him to be. That of course was because he was currently in the womb of the one who would be his mother for this life. He heard a ding in his consciousness and a message on a screen explaining a number of things to him. The message was as follows:

Hi hi~ Your favorite Goddess here sending you a message through your brand new sparkling system! Now then onto the details which I'm sure you are curious about, why of course you are! Wahahaha!

At the moment in the outside world his mother felt a tiny kick bringing a strained smile to her face thinking if nothing else surely this child would be healthy as he turned his attention back to the screen which apparently still had more to inform him about as much as he wanted to ignore it and scream about how she suddenly became a different person entirely.

I'm absolutely certain you cannot tear your eyes off this screen since it has my words on it! At the moment you cannot see your status because you have yet to be born and only those who are born into the world have a status. You will be born safely I guarantee that on my name as your favorite Goddess.

What favorite Goddess? Aren't you the only Goddess apparently? Such were the thoughts going through the mind of the unborn man. Where did all that professionalism go? That manner of speaking that made him look up to her as an actual figure of divinity even if he couldn't make out the slightest hint about her true figure. More words started to appear on the screen once more tearing him away from his inner monologue.

Now then I suppose I should get to the actual reason I deigned to send you a message before being born despite the fact that most of your system hasn't been activated as of yet. Aren't you interested? I'm sure you are ohohohoho! It is a matter about bloodlines in this world. Even humans the base form of intelligent and sentient life are born with a bloodline if I am to be technical. You have been given quite a grand opportunity being able to influence which bloodline should become the winner in your body.

You should notice a total of three bloodlines. One that has no special qualities to it being the human bloodline, the human bloodline is specialized towards adapting other bloodlines into the stream and helping to thicken them. This makes humans the best to steal bloodlines in a sense and a miracle for reincarnator when they do appear once in a blue moon or some similar frequency to that saying of yours.

The second bloodline is related to your Kitsune blood, that is the one I suggest thinking about thickening it within your head and letting it happen. It really is that easy while you are in the womb, no need for miracle pills or the like while your body itself is developing. You should be able to in a way see those golden sparkles and how the blood itself glitters with a golden hue.

You could use the third bloodline, but it is thinner anyways and just look at that ominous purple hue it has. Surely you want to develop that golden bloodline right? Why of course you do for it is my recommendation!

Checking the state of his own developing blood and noticing that the characters being cited did indeed match what he could sense he decided to try and pay attention and focus on what she was telling him while utterly confused on the rather large bias against the blood with the purple hue that didn't seem inferior to the blood with the golden gleam and glitters.

You should just trust me the Goddess who reincarnated you! If that isn't enough I'll be theming some quests around benefits you would get from your bloodline. That purple bloodline is really bad news, but I couldn't get you a body that had such conditions that matched what you wished for otherwise. With that I just take my leave until you are born into the world! Ta ta have a good second life!

After that it felt as if silence had returned to the womb and the unborn child hurriedly focused on thickening the gold blood which has started to devour the human bloodline. A few days had passed like that with all of his focus solely on accomplishing this task which might just make his life easier at least to avoid being tormented by some of the quests. The bloodline with the purple hue has caught his attention to a rather large degree and he felt like it would be a really sad thing to give it up that easily.

He also felt a bit pertrubed by the conditions of the body matching his wishes had been mentioned as he thought for a second it might be even more ludicrous than he could have imagined. In a fit of resistance he pushed the purple hue bloodline and the golden like bloodline causing them to mix and rapidly devour all of the human bloodline as if it never existed in the first place. This act of resistance had far more repurcussions than he could have ever imagined and right about now that Goddess was having a true moment of panic as she watched the events unable to intervene for the time being.

Why did he mix them!? Didn't I pretty much tell him abondaon that purple bloodline!? Here I had to go and force that father to activate his bloodline in order to setup his birth which made it possible to strengthen that one instead. At that moment before she could complain in her mind even mind even more the walls to her divine realm were intruded open as several of the deities of the original world intruded deciding to watch the show themselves and see just how much they would need to punish the failure of a Goddess for her mistakes this time.

A few more days passed along with a panic that the merged bloodlines would cause him to implode or otherwise have his life be snuffed out like an extinguished candle and yet the bloodline he had created showed no signs of acting out of control it seemed docile and reassuring if anything. Of course the fact that he became a proginetor of a bloodline while not being born was a separate issue by itself.

That crisis having been solved he tried pushing his attention out of the womb and trying to focus on it like he did his blood and somehow it actually worked. When he heard words they sounded off for a split second and he was almost thrown to despair before it suddenly adjusted and all became words he could comprehend as if it was in the English he had known in his previous world, it felt perfectly natural and akin to his first language he had learned.

"Madam Haruka, you must not push yourself and cast magic especially while you are carrying milord's eighty-eigth child." Milord? Madam? I suppose that means she kept her word to make me a noble? Wait a second ... Eighty-eigth child? Just what is this father of mine made out of? "Hmmph, that old man was never supposed to put a child into me and now you want me to restrain myself on your human superstions? Using magic will help my child get a sense for it and I will not allow anyone to take that away from them." Both a warm feeling and sinking feeling we're settling at the pits of the unborn person as it seemed like he should have a natural aptitude for magic instantly bolstering his trust in the Goddess who could flip personality seemingly at random.

"Very well, I shall inform milord of your decision." After leaving behind those words it seemed the maid or servant had left the room and his mother rubbed her belly as she started to chant the needed words for fireball. Wanting to commit them to memory the unborn child says it along with her in her mind as much as he wanted to burst from the shame of it all. Once both had finished up and said Fireball two fireballs had appeared in the room one above the other. The one created by his mother was the size of a basketball and the one created by him was the size of a marble though the heat of the two were on completely different levels.

The basketball sized flame actually had less heat and would burn a piece of wood and the ashes that followed. His flame was a different monster entirely for some reason having twice the heat to it than what it should have been for his magic. If Haruka's fireball had a heat of 1 at this moment than the unborn child's had a heat of 1.5 if one were to use a direct comparison. The appearance of a second fireball had Haruka craning her head around the room wondering if the fat lord who had put a child into her had stationed someone in the room other that maid who had left.

Her cursory glanced didn't reveal anyone causing her to let out a high pitched scream as both fireballs lost their mama and winked out of existence at the same time. The scream set off a series of footsteps the loudest of which was clearly running and once that set got to the door there was a boom followed by a thud.

"Haruka! Are you alright!?" A loud male voice had begun to boom making the unborn child wish he could close his ears. "Someone ... Someone else cast a spell! I only cast one!" There was evident fright in her voice as if afraid of the extra person in the room who just so happened to be the one within her room. Never before had a child caster from within the womb, so her assumption was perfectly valid. His father had checked the room once more letting out a sigh as he didn't notice any other presences. "Haruka nobody else is inside this room. Maybe you shouldn't be casting magic while expecting after all?"

I was stunned by what I had just heard from my supposed father when my mother's voice and the atmosphere around her suddenly dropped. "Geralt ... Thank you for checking the room. Did you really have to break the door sending it flying? Also you will stay silent on my casting magic. I only agreed to serve as your concubine for five years and the agreement was you wouldn't put a child in me! Yet, what did you do milord? You put a child in me during our last year together!"

The unborn child wanted nothing more than to tune out the bloody verbal brawl that erupted between his parents and the idea that he was very much an unwanted child at that. "I will raise my child and show them all the love they could get even without a useless father. He is my child after all and maybe if you don't stay hopeless I'll stay here for longer."

That reconciliation by his mother at the end was the sole hope he had for the two to make up as the months flew by idly observing his surroundings until the day of his rebirth came. His mother got rushed into a room with experienced mothers and nurses. Once he was brought into the world he let out an especially loud wail opening his lungs and venting all his frustrations at the incessant arguing he had to hear between his parents.

Having received permission to enter the room his father entered and the two smiled down at their child as his vision started to become something other than a haze. "My beautiful baby boy~ Just look at that wonderful gold like blonde hair and those amber eyes of his." His mother was softly cooing over his features which includes those creamy golden blonde strands of hair with the ears being a better representation as well as the tail which tapered off to white at the tip. His eyes had that amber gold like color to them though they had a faint purple luster to them that concentrated in the pupils.

As his vision recovered he first got a good look at his mother. Brown hair and fox ears as well as beautiful blue eyes and a rather sizable chest which he was already dreading having to breast feed from as he let out little oohs and aahs im curiosity. When his father came into view and he saw the large belly and wrinkles on his face he started to wail at the difference between the two. His mother for that matter was 23 and his father was 83 and even a healthy human noble only tended to live at most to 100 in this world. "Your name is Rhine El Varn, my son." His father's gentle voice actually helped him calm down somewhat though it was mostly his mother holding him close that sealed the deal.

It was at that moment his system came to life all of a sudden with a message.

Welcome to the world you little abomination! That is right! I said abomination! You weren't supposed to merge those two bloodlines at all! Try thinking the word status and just activate the trusted baby mode to be safe.

Baby mode sounded interesting to Rhine so he did just that and then thought the word status and a screen appeared in his mind.


[Name: Rhine El Varn]

[Sex: Male]

[Age: 0]

[Race: Divine Lust Kitsune Lord]

[Job: None]

[Level: 1]


[Strength: 45 Endurance: 30 Vitality: 50 Dexterity: 60 Resistance: 50 Magic: 90

HP: 150/150

MP: 350/350]


[Natural Blacksmith - The user is twice as likely to succeed in forging any weapon, armor or components. The user gains twice as much experience from any successful forging.

Natural Enchanter - The user is twice as likely to succeed in enchanting any object no matter what it may be as long as it can be inscribed on. The user gains twice as much experience from any successful enchantment.

One in a million artificer - The user is five times as likely to succeed in the creation of any artifact. The user gains five times as much experience from the successful creation of an artifact.]

[Racial Skills]

[ Divine Kitsune blood - The user's offensive and defensive spells that are not Kitsune spells are half as effective. Mana regenerates four times faster. Kitsune spells are twice as effective.

Demonic Lust Lord blood - All spells are twice as effective and lust curses are four times as effective.

**Note: The fusion of this unholy bloodline caused even the status to glitch out. The effects of the bloodlines can be summarized like this:

Normal spells are twice as effective, Kitsune spells and lust curses both sit at four times effectiveness. Mana regenerates four times as quickly.**]

After looking at the status and even seeing the note at the end he let baby mode fully take over for the time being wondering what went wrong with his system which conveniently gave him a few quests some of which he wanted to ignore.


[Learning about the world - Learn about the nation you were born in and the who rules it and that ladder of rulership.]

[A naughty child - Be true to your bloodline as a lord of lust and flip up the skirts of a few maids. 0/5]

[A cursed child - Practice magic which you shouldn't be able to do until you usually turn 3. Cast five different spells 1/5]

[Praise the Goddess - She clearly gave you the best system in the world right? You should pray to her as often as you can. Only sincere prayers are accepted. Infinitely repeatable]

For reference the average stats of a human at birth is to have anywhere from 2-5 in the non HP and MP stats.

Okay so fixed my accidental slaughter of 90% of the chapter and changed some things around.

Swaynardcreators' thoughts