
I've become a miserable character in a harem novel

[Ding: The tranmigrator cannot kill the devil, and the devil cannot kill the transmigrator except in the end. When the fate of the transmigrator is determined to be either a saint or a devil. The destiny of all beneath the sky is either to live or to perish.] The same system window appeared for Alex, but with different words. [Ding: The devil cannot kill the transmigrator, and the transmigrator cannot kill the devil. When the devil's fate is determined either to be the ruler of all realms or to perish. The destiny of all beneath the sky is either to live or to perish.] Will the transmigrator turn into a devil? Will the devil absorb the world? Who will win? The transmigrator or the devil in the world that has been invaded by gates and monsters?

juicefallart · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Did you miss me

Sophia was taken aback when she heard Emma Fontaine's request, which she didn't expect regardless. Emma firmly held Sophia's hand, looking at her confidently, "Don't worry,

princess. I won't hurt you."

Afterwards, Sophia felt a warm sensation flow through her body, relieving the immediate headache. She sensed her body becoming lighter. She could only remember some information about this girl. Emma had a rare innate talent; she possessed a balanced energy of yin and yang. Anyone who accepted it wouldn't react violently. In fact, her energy was useful, enabling her to heal all illnesses. But this came at a cost Emma herself didn't know.

Sophia quickly pulled her hand away from the other and said, "Don't do that, and don't tell anyone about your talent."

In the original story, Emma had been abducted by Alex, who only saw power and beauty before him. In the case of this innocent girl, she was nothing more than a pawn in his hands. What would happen if that obsessed person abducted her again?

Yes, Alex is mentally disturbed as far as I recall from the story. He had raped Emma!

Yes, it was due to his lust, but that was only a part of it. This girl was, to him, a portable source of energy. As for her fate, Sophia didn't know anything about it, as she hadn't finished reading the novel. Most likely, Emma was absorbed until her death.

The first time he raped her, he immediately break through his cultivation.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's dual cultivation. Thinking about this, Sophia felt like she was someone with nothing better to do and regretted wasting her time reading such chapters with disturbing and repetitive patterns that appear in fifty percent of novels.

She looked at Emma again with some pity, recalling that her ability, akin to Emma's healing power, came at a cost - the energy of her life. Every time she used this ability, she would lose months or even years of her life. With this information in mind, there was a third person added to the list of miserable characters.

However, Emma didn't know what Sophia was thinking. She believed that Sophia's sigh was due to her losing hope in herself. She thought that Sophia saw herself as worthless if she had to give away some of her energy.

Emma felt even more sadness for the princess who had come from afar, so she said, "It's okay, my princess. Nothing will happen to you, and I assure you of that."

Sophia raised an eyebrow upon hearing Emma's words, not quite understanding what she meant by this. She asked herself, "Assure me of what?"

"It's better that you think and assure yourself first, Then you can think about assuring others because, my dear, you have a future no less miserable than mine."

But when she looked into Emma's eyes, she couldn't bring herself to say this to her. Even if she did, Emma might think she had gone mad. So she told her, "Don't worry about me."

She added an attempt at advice, "Also, don't use your ability like this. You're wasting your time," which essentially meant her lifespan.

When Emma heard what Sophia said, she felt a bit of sadness in her heart. She had always admired the personality of this princess who came from afar. Seeing someone with a strong and patient character like hers in such a state made her sigh with even more sorrow. She considered her a calm and rational person, difficult to reach or understand her thoughts.

Emma felt even more sad for the princess, given her personality, to be told that her efforts were futile and she was wasting her time trying to make her feel somewhat complicated. Emma decided she would help this princess and become someone she could rely on until the end.

If Sophia knew what Emma was thinking, she would have laughed so hard that her stomach would hurt from the portrayal of a virtuous character she was presenting.

The two girls looked at each other with sadness, though the reasons were completely different.

Sophia recalled one of her reasons for leaving – to find something to eat – so she asked, "Where's little Mei?"

Emma's expression changed upon hearing the question. She had completely forgotten why she had come. So, she quickly said, "Oops, I forgot completely."

Emma gently pulled Sofia's hand in a supportive gesture and said, "Your Highness, Prince Noah is waiting for you in the dining hall."

Sophia frowned when Emma supported her, wondering if she appeared so weak. She frowned even more when she heard what Emma said about Prince Noah. Wasn't he her husband? What did he want?

Unable to refuse or even question the meeting with Noah, Sophia silently followed Emma, allowing her support all the way to the Crown Prince's location. During this time, the servants who saw her started whispering amongst themselves, but most of them didn't hold any special feelings for her. They neither hated nor loved her. Sophia felt relieved seeing this, not wanting to hear the typical gossip when the newly arrived young masters woke up, talking about them being trash and such things. At least they weren't calling her trash to her face. What more could she ask for?

They quickly reached the courtyard, not too far or close to her quarters. Emma let go of her hand, and Sophia adjusted her stance in front of the door, looking like one of the employees at a company facing the CEO during an interview. She said, "I won't be able to enter, Your Highness. Please continue the path alone."

Sophia nodded her head and gently opened the door, only to be hit by the pleasant and refreshing scent of sandalwood incense. In front of her stood Noah, dressed entirely in black robes, his hand resting on his cheek as he appeared to be lost in deep thought.

Sophia clenched her fists and greeted Noah as her original body's owner would have, without a single mistake. She sat quietly and waited for Noah to start eating.

A minute passed, then two, and three minutes, while Sophia and Noah stared at each other with no expression.

In those moments, Sophia felt increasingly uncomfortable and didn't want to continue sitting in this suffocating place. However, she was somewhat surprised when she saw Noah's smile and heard him say, "Did you miss me, my princess?"

Sophia didn't react to his question, her face showing no expression, her blue eyes fixed and motionless. But internally, she felt the urge to hit Noah with a shoe or something similar, muttering to herself, "Narcissist, you think too highly of yourself."

Noah sighed when she didn't answer and told her, "You can start eating." As soon as Sophia heard that, she began to eat immediately. She despised having to wait for his permission and follow dining etiquette during this time when she just wanted to eat quickly. She had to eat slowly, giving it an aesthetic touch, which was something the original body's owner had maintained perfectly. Sophia wouldn't let anyone know she wasn't from this world due to something like this.

After feeling full and placing the utensils down, Sophia heard Noah comment, "Are you satisfied now, wife?"

She looked directly into his eyes and replied just as the original body's owner would have, "Yes, husband."

"In that case, will you attend the Victory banquet this time?"