
I've Become A Lewd Dragon

I used to be a blacksmith in my previous life. I died in a collision with a god. Said god was the primordial dragon god that had just lost a fight against millions of other gods On its death, its broken soul merged with mine, which allowed me to have a powerful soul and the energy to use powerful magic. The dragon god, before dying, sent my soul on an express route through the reincarnation cycle, allowing me to be reborn quickly and in the location it had desired. At the age of 3, my memories of my past life resurfaced, and the remnant soul of the dragon god taught me some techniques to get stronger. ------------------- Warnings **I have ADHD **This is Smut **Primarily Incest **Pictures aren't mine This will be a Sexual fantasy novel mostly. So expect a slice of life of an OP and confident Mc. I'll try my best as this is the first time I've written anything. I mean that literally, I hated school growing up, so I never did any essays.

_Dream_God_ · Fantasy
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9 Chs


As Aunt Emely held my twin and me, I experienced a sudden bought of vertigo which quickly disappeared. This feeling was accompanied by an 'awakening' of my current life's memories.

Since I was a toddler, to begin with, my memories weren't very coherent. Just flashes of my family's faces and what I assumed were other women from the village.

As my thoughts and mind strayed to my family, I noticed that my twin sister was still holding my hand.


I was at first curious about my 'new' siblings. But after my cute twin sister held my hand and gave me a gentle smile, I had already accepted her and would do anything to protect her.

She has these adorable dimples on her plump face. We share the same lustrous black hair. She has a beautiful pair of bright blue eyes that she uses wonderfully when she looks at me in such a gentle fashion.

I soon turned my attention to my big sister, who I could tell was five years old. She shared the same hair color as our mother and had the same emerald eyes, though hers were a bit brighter.

She followed us closely while putting on this 'strong face' that only made her look cute. She would often walk ahead of us to get something out of our way.

When we arrived at the table, she even pulled out a chair for us. Her actions confused me until I looked at the thread connecting us.

My older sister seems to deeply desire to protect her twin siblings.

'My god, they are absolutely precious!' I thought to myself.


Mom just pulled up to us and placed a few wooden bowls on the table before returning to the kitchen and bringing back the food. It would seem we will have some egg porridge for breakfast today.

As I went to eat some, I realized I wasn't that hungry as I had just had some fresh milk.

I didn't want to waste my mother's cooking or make her sad, so I was thinking about what to do. That's when I turned my attention to my little sister.

"Aly, say ah." I told her while moving a spoonful of porridge toward her.

She replied with an adorable nod and opened her mouth wide. She slurped up the porridge, turned to me, and thanked me in a lovely way.

I wasn't done yet though. I wanted everyone in my family to be happy, I know I just got my memories, but I felt everything I needed to feel to know this was my home.

Anyway, as a man of culture, how can I pass up the opportunity to spoon-feed my lovely aunt.

That's when I turned around and offered some to my aunt.

"Emy says Ah" I tried to put as much innocent love into my words as possible. Because only I knew that I was anything but innocent.

She beamed at me when she heard what I said and gladly ate the food I had so graciously offered her.

Seeing such an attractive woman experience such joy from something so simple was an incredible sight.

It seemed like the depression id suffered from in my previous life would quickly vanish if I continued to be around these ladies.

I didn't want to leave anyone behind, so I hopped down from my aunt's lap and approached my big sis before repeating the process.

She was relectant, unlike my little sister and aunt. Even going as far as trying to feed me herself.

I pulled another innocent act and pretended I was about to cry. "Big sis doesn't like me?" followed by, "Big sis doesn't want me to feed her?" when she was about to respond.

Big sis obviously loved us, she just showed it by trying to act tuff. But she wasn't old enough to learn to handle some simple manipulation and gave in. After she finished a few bites, I gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, big sis." before turning to the last person and saying. "Mama, it's your turn."

There was an innocent smile on my face as I turned to the only woman in this that I havent fed yet. I held the spoon out in her direction before I made a bold move and planted a quick kiss on her lips.

"I love you, mommy. Thank you for the food." The kiss stunned her for a moment, but when she heard my words, she responded with a similar thank you.

"I love you too sweety, and thank you for being such a good son and brother." she replied

"I'd say a good nephew but he didn't want to give me a kiss." Aunty interrupted.

My aunt could be seen with a slight pout, so I made my way over to her and gave her a quick peck as well.

As much of a man of culture as I am, I would rather wait until I was much older before trying to make any more progress than this. Even if I knew what my aunt felt for me, I wasn't really able to reciprocate them for now.

But in the end, I was happy if I could normalize kissing on the lips within the household. Thus I vowed to myself to keep this up.

Once breakfast was safely in our stomachs, it was time to begin the day.

My mother and aunt would return to the room I had been breastfed in and start making clothes as they both worked as seamstresses in this small town.

Winter was coming, and they wanted enough money to stockpile food. After all, I wasn't born to some nobility. I had been born to a Blacksmith and the town's local beauty.

And said blacksmith had run off when he found out he'd have two more mouths to feed instead of one.

I spent my day around the house playing with my sisters and occasionally spent time with my mother and aunt when they took breaks.

This chapter turned out poorly, as I originally had other plans for it. I have sorely underestimated how much effort it takes to put thoughts into words. Or even to put those words into a cohesive sentence. I really wanted to introduce the family before progressing with the Dragon God at night, but I ended up with more than I could bargain for as I came up with a lovely scene that won't fit in today's chapter. So look forward to that.

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