
Chapter 96 Zhu Zhuqing's Killing God Field_1

Translator: 549690339

Facing the gradually approaching Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai held out his hand and said in a deep voice:

"Little Ao, Fatty, retreat."

Oscar immediately withdrew.

Of course, he didn't forget to pull the bewildered Ma Hongjun with him.

"Little Ao, what on earth is going on?"

As Ma Hongjun retreated, he asked Oscar quietly, "Is Boss Dai acting out because of rejected love?"

Meanwhile, Oscar scowled and said irritably, "Don't meddle in things that aren't your business."

At that moment,

Dai Mubai spoke, "Zhu Zhuqing, how do you wish to settle this?"

"Using the way of a Soul Master, of course."

Zhu Zhuqing's voice was soft, but it struck heavily against Dai Mubai's heart. At the same time, she stopped walking, now only about ten meters away from Dai Mubai.

"You want to fight me in a Soul battle?"

Dai Mubai was taken aback at first, then burst into loud laughter, "Hahaha, Zhu Zhuqing, even if you have a Titled Douluo backing you, you're just barely past level 30 and have become a Soul Elder, whereas I've been a Soul Elder for quite some time now...."

"You challenging me to a Soul battle, do you really think you have a chance of winning?"

He had absolute confidence in his own strength.

Moreover, the White Tiger Martial Soul naturally suppressed the Hell Spiritual Cat.

If Zhu Zhuqing fought against him, in Dai Mubai's view, it would be an act of self-humiliation.


Zhu Zhuqing just snorted coldly, too lazy to argue anything with Dai Mubai.

Strength was always the best evidence, no matter the circumstance.

"Martial Soul Possession!"

As she silently commanded in her heart, her Hell Civet Martial Soul possessed her.

Cat ears and a tail grew out.

Her figure also became taller.

Of course,

these were just external changes, but what was even more shocking was the vastness of Zhu Zhuqing's Soul Power, not something a novice Soul Elder would possess.

"Such a profound level of Soul Power is definitely not attainable by someone who's just stepped into being a Soul Elder."

Dai Mubai frowned and said, "If I'm not wrong, you are at least at Level Thirty-Five in Soul Power?"

Inside, he was anything but as calm as he appeared.

You see, just a month ago, Zhu Zhuqing had barely entered the realm of Soul Elder.

In just one month, to be able to improve by four levels of Soul Power?

What sort of divine speed of advancement was this!

"Qin Xiao, it must be Qin Xiao again!"

Soon, Dai Mubai figured out the key to the puzzle—apart from Qin Xiao, no one else had such capability!

"Level Thirty-Five...."

A rare smile appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's face.

It seemed to be a scoff at her soul power rank.

Level Thirty-Five was only on the surface; after the bloody trials in Slaughter City, her true combat power could absolutely dominate other Soul Masters of the same level.

Even challenging those of higher ranks wasn't impossible.

"Good, good, good, Zhu Zhuqing, I must say, the speed of your strength improvement is indeed impressive."

"But if you think just Level Thirty-Five is enough to defeat me, you're sorely mistaken."

"You don't think I'm still that Level Thirty-Seven junior Soul Elder, do you?"

"Hahaha, now let me show you the fruits of my efforts, Martial Soul Possession!"

In the midst of his wild laughter, Dai Mubai's entire body swelled visibly.

An aura far more powerful than Zhu Zhuqing's erupted from him, instantly overpowering her Soul Power fluctuation.

"Fuck, this is a total crushing."

"Level 39, Boss Dai's strength is definitely at level 39!"

Ma Hongjun exclaimed from the sidelines.


Oscar couldn't help but nod in agreement, "I didn't expect Boss Dai to increase his strength without telling us."

Ma Hongjun cupped his hands around his mouth, making it look like a megaphone, and bellowed towards Dai Mubai, "Boss Dai, whenever you had a breakthrough in the past, you'd take the brothers out to unwind. When are you arranging it this time?"

"Hahaha, my big bird is already starving."

Isn't this the classic example of "bringing up the exact thing that should not be mentioned"?

Oscar had not expected Ma Hongjun to publicly reveal Dai Mubai's old stories and quickly covered Ma Hongjun's mouth.

But after hearing Ma Hongjun's words, Dai Mubai almost tripped and fell to the ground.

"Damn it!"

"I'm beginning to suspect Ma Hongjun is doing this to me on purpose."

He cursed inwardly, wishing he could literally sew Ma Hongjun's mouth shut.

Zhu Zhuqing's face, meanwhile, was filled with frost.

And Meng Yiran frowned as if disgusted.

"Zhu Qing, listen to my... oh, explanation."

Dai Mubai tried to explain dryly.

But Zhu Zhuqing just shook her head indifferently, "Dai Mubai, save it. You don't need to explain anything to me; I'm very clear about what you've done all these years."

"Right, Boss Dai, why explain to her?"

By the side, Ma Hongjun added his two cents.


Dai Mubai could no longer restrain himself and coldly scolded Ma Hongjun, "Ma Hongjun, shut your mouth! Nobody will think you're mute if you don't speak."

What's the situation?

Who did I provoke to deserve being cursed at?

Ma Hongjun was dumbfounded by the scolding, his face expressing utter confusion, "Boss, why are you playing the gentleman in front of someone else's girl?"

Someone else's girl?

For God's sake, someone else's girl!

Dai Mubai's face turned dark; Ma Hongjun's words had really struck a nerve.

"Fatty, shut it!"

Oscar couldn't take it anymore, "Zhu Zhuqing is not just someone, she is Boss Dai's fiancée!"

"Psh, just a fiancée?"

Ma Hongjun waved it off, about to say what's the big deal with that.

But as he was about to speak, he had a sudden realization.

What the hell?

Zhu Zhuqing is Boss Dai's fiancée?