
Chapter 95 Killing God Field Drained, Settling with Dai Mubai_2

Translator: 549690339

But Qin Xiao's answer left Meng Yiran somewhat startled.

"Killing God Field? I don't have such a thing..."

Qin Xiao didn't conceal anything and shook his head.

That immense Divine Power had been completely devoured by his Martial Soul, and as for what kind of mutation might occur in his Martial Soul, it was still unknown.

Because the energy had not yet been filled.

However, Qin Xiao speculated that it was very likely that, similar to when he'd devoured the Immortal Herbs, he would obtain a powerful divine ability.

That was far stronger than the Killing God Field.

"Such a pity, after using the Immortal Herbs once, the Thunder Emperor Spirit no longer needed the power of the herbs. It seems that if I want to gather enough power for the Thunder Emperor Spirit to mutate, I can only head to Sea God Island," he said.

"Maybe absorbing some of the Sea God Divine Power will be enough."

As Qin Xiao thought to himself, another reason why he must go to Sea God's Island emerged in his mind.

But in the next moment, Qin Xiao's expression changed subtly as he extended his hand, with a white orb emerging in his palm.

"What is this?"

Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran both showed perplexed expressions.

But deep in their souls, they both felt a trembling sensation.

"This is the pure Slaughter Qi, devoid of Divine Power."

As Qin Xiao spoke, he tossed the orb into the distance, "Let's go, it's not wise to stay here for long."

"If you inhale this pure Slaughter Qi, it could be troublesome for you; the severe cases could directly fall into demonization!"

Having done all this, Qin Xiao immediately left with Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran.

And after they left, the orb shattered.

Countless strands of Slaughter Qi were released.

They were more violent than before, with cries of "kill, kill, kill" echoing through the fog.

It was hard to imagine what kind of mutations would occur if someone else entered this place.


Five days later.

Two figures slowly walked into the town above Slaughter City.

"Xiaosan, do you remember everything I told you?" Tang Hao asked Tang San, looking down.

"Dad, don't worry, I remember everything," Tang San replied with a firm nod. "Once I enter Slaughter City, I won't trust anyone. The only ones I can trust and rely on are myself."


A look of satisfaction appeared on Tang Hao's face, "In just over a month, not only have you obtained three thousand-year Soul Rings, but I've also exceptionally taught you the Nine Absolutes of the Azure Sky of the Hao Tian Clan. Even though you've just reached the entry level, combined with your intelligence, I believe your journey to Slaughter City will only be thrilling, not dangerous."

But remember, after completing one hundred victories, no matter what kind of temptation and benefits the King of Slaughter offers you, you must choose to step onto Hell Road.

"Because the purpose of your journey is twofold: training, and secondly for the Killing God Field at the end of Hell's Road. The Hao Tian Hammer with a field and the Hao Tian Hammer without one are on two different levels, enough to look down upon all other top-tier Martial Souls on the continent!"

After hearing Tang Hao's words, Tang San's face was filled with resolve, "Dad, rest assured, Xiaosan will definitely not let you down."

After all, he had lost his exceptional Twin Martial Souls; only with the Killing God Field could he make his Martial Soul even stronger.

He had made up his mind not to leave Slaughter City until he attained the Killing God Field.

"My good son."

Tang Hao touched Tang San's head with affection, "I'll be waiting for you at the end of Hell Road."


"Little Ao, where on earth did Zhu Zhuqing go with Qin Xiao? It's been over a month, why haven't they come back?" Dai Mubai asked Oscar with a distant look in his eyes in the Blue Tyrant Academy.

"Boss Dai, you've just hit my blind spot with that question. What kind of existence is Qin Xiao? Even Teacher Zhao, who is such a fierce and malevolent person, is as obedient as a kitten in front of him. Who would dare to ask where he's gone?" Oscar said with a wry smile and a shake of his head, "Also, Zhu Zhuqing has long been someone else's, why can't you let go? There's plenty of fish in the sea, why be hung up on one flower? Does Qin Xiao's woman really smell that good?"

He just didn't understand.

With Dai Mubai's character, why couldn't he let go?

"What are you saying!"

"What on earth are you saying!"

Oscar's words were like a spark to tinder, igniting the anger in Dai Mubai's heart in an instant.

"Boss Dai, why are you so agitated?" Oscar exclaimed.

"This isn't agitation, it's an instinctual reaction," Dai Mubai replied as he took a deep breath and made an important decision, "There's no point in hiding it from you any longer. One key reason I'm so worried about Zhu Zhuqing is that she is my... fiancée!"

With each word, Dai Mubai's voice became louder and more emphatic, nearly shouting by the end.

Oscar seemed as if struck by lightning, and he said in disbelief, "Boss Dai, are you joking with me? This is really not funny at all."

As he spoke, a dry smile appeared on his face.

But as he smiled, he found he could no longer laugh.

Because Dai Mubai was almost crying.

"Little Ao, do I look like I'm joking?"

"You must understand, this joke isn't funny at all."

"I think no man would want to wear the cuckold's cap."

He spoke bitterly, pointing at the top of his own head.

For a moment, Oscar's expression became dazed, and he squinted subconsciously.

It was as if there was a green radiance above Dai Mubai's head, making it hard for him to keep his eyes open.

"Little Ao, if you were in this situation, how could you let it go?"

Dai Mubai asked again.

Oscar shook his head and showed a thumbs-up to Dai Mubai, "Boss Dai, I misjudged you, you've endured what others could not. I admire you."

He really did admire him.

Putting himself in the situation, Oscar felt that if he were Dai Mubai, he might not be able to resist the urge to commit suicide!

Enduring what others could not, truly a role model for our generation.

Thinking this, he gave Dai Mubai a thumbs-up!

Is this praise for me? Why do I feel like this is more of an insult? A mixed feeling surged in Dai Mubai's heart.

"Boss Dai, Little Ao, I knew you'd be here."

Suddenly, a round figure came running over from a distance, shouting as he ran.

Without a doubt, who else could it be but Ma Hongjun?

"Little Ao, this matter concerns brother's face, don't let a third person know about what I said today."

Seeing this, Dai Mubai quickly spoke to Oscar, then he asked Ma Hongjun with a normal expression, "Fatty, you look in such a hurry, what happened?"

"Boss Dai, Zhu Zhuqing...."

"What about Zhu Zhuqing?" Dai Mubai's expression became tense in an instant.

Ma Hongjun finally caught his breath, "It's Zhu Zhuqing, she's come back!"

"Come back?"

Dai Mubai was startled, then grabbed Ma Hongjun's arm, "Where is she? Take me to her, I must confront her this time!"


At that moment, a cold voice arose, lowering the temperature around them significantly.

"No need for you to come looking for me, I am already here!"


Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun all looked over together.

From the shade of the trees not far off, a curvaceous figure emerged.

It was Zhu Zhuqing!


Another figure landed, with an equally cold expression, it was Meng Yiran.


Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai, and Oscar almost simultaneously swallowed hard.

For some reason, they felt that after not seeing these two young girls for over a month, they had become very frightening.

"It must be an illusion! This has to be an illusion!"

Dai Mubai shook his head and said coldly to Zhu Zhuqing, "Zhu Zhuqing, after more than a month, you finally deign to return."

"Yes, I have finally come back!"

"The day has finally arrived!"

Zhu Zhuqing said, her expression briefly becoming distant.

Ever since she came of age, she had lived in the shadow of Dai Mubai.

Family oppression, the threat of death, one could hardly imagine the pressure a young girl had endured!

But she wanted to live.

She struggled desperately, striving to survive.

Only by living could she have the chance to settle the accounts with the man who abandoned her, betrayed her, and lived a carefree life of luxury alone outside.

"Zhu Zhuqing, you...." Dai Mubai wanted to question her from a distance.

However, Zhu Zhuqing interrupted him, saying coldly, "Dai Mubai, there's no need for nonsense, let us settle both the new and old scores today."