
Chapter 89 Xue Qinghe: Qin Xiao Says I'm Not a Woman! (4k)_1

Translator: 549690339

In the great hall,

confronted with Qinghe's question, Porcupine Douluo hesitated for a moment.

"Young Master..."

He began in a low voice, yet before he could finish his sentence, Qinghe had already interrupted him.

Following that, Qinghe spoke, "Elder, there's no need for words of comfort; I'm no longer a child. Qin Xiao has been in close contact with me, and given his strength, the likelihood of him discovering my identity is quite high."

"Young Master, it is because of my incompetence that I failed to protect you!"

"I was unable to save you at the critical moment, which is why your identity is now in danger of being exposed."

Upon hearing this, Porcupine Douluo's heart trembled, and he quickly admitted his error.

"Elder, there's no need for such words. This incident is not your fault, nor do I blame you,"

"Besides, it was right for you not to act. Even if Qin Xiao uncovers my identity, I am still the emperor of Tiandou. If you had acted and as a result, our identities were exposed, that would be a different situation entirely. This might be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

Qinghe shook his head again and added, "But I'm truly curious, what exactly does Qin Xiao want to do?"

After Qinghe's words, a worried expression spread across Porcupine Douluo's face, "Young Master, one must always guard against others. Is it possible that Qin Xiao wants to use this incident to coerce you?"

His words fell, and the great hall quieted down for a time.

After a long while,

a resolute look flashed in Qinghe's eyes, "No, I can't just sit and wait for doom. Instead of guessing here, it is better to confront Qin Xiao directly and see what he really wants. I, Qian Renxue, am not one to be slaughtered by others."


A cold light flickered in Porcupine Douluo's eyes, "The Young Master is right. I too want to see what he really wants to do. You should know that Martial Soul Hall is not something a titleless Douluo without the support of his clan can manipulate, and certainly not comparable to a gutless, ruined dog like the Hao Tian Clan."


"Coming and going, Tiandou City has changed quite a bit since before," he noted.

As Qin Xiao entered Tiandou City, he immediately noticed the differences.

By this time, it was late, the streets were sparsely populated, and white lanterns had been hung outside every household.

He knew that the people of Tiandou City were mourning for Emperor Xue Ye.

Even the entrance to Blue Tyrant Academy was the same.

"Mr. Qin, please wait a moment."

As Qin Xiao was about to enter Blue Tyrant Academy, a voice called out from behind him.

He turned around to see that it was President Meng.

"President Meng, you must have a lot of things to deal with by the Crown Prince's side at this time. What kind of big issue brings you to me personally?" Qin Xiao asked, puzzled.

"Mr. Qin jests. No matter how significant the issue, it's not as important as you," Meng said, his face brimming with a smile. "It is the Crown Prince... no, Your Majesty, who has arranged a banquet and wishes to invite you to the imperial palace for a chat."

Qinghe summoned me to the imperial palace?

Qin Xiao first started in surprise, then immediately understood.

He chuckled inwardly, heh, it seems he guessed that I discovered something, and now he's feeling a bit uneasy...

However, that is normal. With such a massive concern lingering outside, who could remain at peace?

"Could this be a trap like the Feast at Hong Gate?" Qin Xiao joked.

Upon hearing this, President Meng's expression stiffened before he gave a bitter smile, "Mr. Qin is jesting again. His Majesty has organized the banquet to express gratitude for your help. There will be no danger, and it's a private banquet, just between you and His Majesty."

"Haha, just joking, President Meng; don't take it to heart," Qin Xiao laughed off, "Then let's head over now."

"Mr. Qin... such jokes should not be made lightly..." Meng wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead.


Inside Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, Qin Xiao met Qinghe.

Different from usual, Qinghe today was dressed in plain white clothes, but his bearing was vastly different from before.

On a typical day, he seemed approachable, but this time he exuded an air of authority that accompanied those of high status.

However, facing Qin Xiao, his face still revealed a smile, "Mr. Qin has arrived."

Qin Xiao nodded slightly in response.

"President Meng, you've worked hard,"

"You may go and rest now," Qinghe told President Meng.

"Yes," President Meng respectfully withdrew.

The doors of the hall thundered shut. Suddenly, it was just Qin Xiao and Qinghe left alone.

The air itself seemed to solidify.

"Mr. Qin, please have a seat," Qinghe gestured invitingly.

"Crown Prince...."


"Your Majesty," please," Qin Xiao spoke and sat down by the table. He couldn't deny that the dishes prepared by Qinghe were quite exquisite,

the sight of which made one eager to dig in.

At that moment, Qinghe also seated himself opposite Qin Xiao.

"Mr. Qin, allow Qinghe to offer you a toast to express thanks for your rescue today," Qinghe spoke while lifting his glass and emptying it in one gulp.

Qin Xiao offered a slight smile and drank a glass in kind.

"This second toast, again from Qinghe, represents the subjects of the Tiandou Empire," Qinghe drank another glass.

Qin Xiao likewise drank a glass.

"The third toast..."

Qinghe began to speak again.

However, this time Qin Xiao stopped him, "Your Majesty, just speak plainly. If you're hoping that I might speak truthfully under the influence of alcohol, I fear even if I drank all the fine wine in Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, I still couldn't satisfy you. Hahaha."

He laughed,

Already suspecting Qinghe's intentions,

which were nothing more than trying to probe his own depths.

At the same time, he could sense that there were two powerful presences lurking behind Qinghe.