
Chapter 88 Ah Yin Transforms, Calling me Benefactor? (4k)_2

Translator: 549690339

"Then why do you call me your benefactor?" Qin Xiao asked.

"Because you are my benefactor! If it weren't for you, Ah Yin would still be living in that cold and damp cave. It's truly terrible there, Ah Yin never wants to go back."

As Ah Yin spoke, her eyes revealed a mix of complex and frightening emotions, "Cold, desolate, barren... It's just too horrible. That place is really too horrific, Ah Yin never wants to return."

So that's how it is...

Qin Xiao silently nodded. Even though the Bluesilver Emperor is a plant, she is actually a person. Being alone there, it's normal for her to feel this way.

But what about Tang Hao?

Qin Xiao continued to inquire, "Wasn't there anyone with you?"

"There was occasionally a down-and-out man with a scruffy beard who would come by, spouting all sorts of nonsensical talk. My head hurts just listening to him, really, it's so annoying. I would rather be alone than be harassed by him."

"He's not keeping me company, he's torturing me!"

As she talked about that person, Ah Yin's face showed a look of resentment.

While speaking, she crouched down on the ground and started drawing circles, "Drawing a circle to curse him..."

On the other hand, Qin Xiao was taken aback.

He understood that the Bluesilver Emperor's rebirth was still recent; she really didn't remember the past events.

Or perhaps, her former memories were sealed deep within her soul and had yet to awaken.

"Strike first to gain the upper hand; hesitate and suffer the consequences."

"The ancients are sincere; they do not deceive me."

Qin Xiao laughed inwardly. Doesn't this mean that the current Ah Yin can do whatever she wants?

If one day Tang Hao saw Ah Yin like this, what would his feelings be?

And then there's Tang San...

How should he face himself?

Interesting, truly interesting!

Unable to help himself, Qin Xiao chuckled inwardly. His mood at this moment could be described with one word: thrilled!

"Benefactor, if you hadn't taken me to find the forest where the Blue Silver Grass thrives, I don't know when I might have awakened."

"Also, the Spiritual Medicine you spent on Ah Yin, I've seen it all."

"No one has ever been so kind to Ah Yin before."

"Ah Yin, Ah Yin..."

While saying this, she lowered her head to look at her small and cute feet, then weakly said, "Ah Yin will definitely repay you well."

To repay me...

Qin Xiao's expression became weird. No one's been so kind to you, could it be possible that aside from the infatuated Tang Hao you've never seen anyone else?


It has to be said, the price for the Bluesilver Emperor's rebirth was indeed not small.

"Hmph, what repayment? This transformed Bluesilver Emperor is just coveting Your Highness's body!"

Dugu Yan sneered disdainfully in her heart, feeling that this soft and weak Ah Yin was too scheming.

"Let's talk about repayment later."

Qin Xiao waved his hand and asked, "If I remove the Soul Power barrier now, are you able to withstand the pressure here?"

Upon hearing this, Ah Yin nodded vehemently, "Benefactor, whatever you want to do, just do it. Ah Yin can bear it. Now that I am human and no longer have the body of a soul beast, this sacred place's restrictions on me aren't that great. Besides, I am already a level 39 Soul Master. You don't need to feel sorry for Ah Yin."

Qin Xiao: "...."

He felt like a wheel was rolling over his face.

This Ah Yin, everything she says is fierce and forceful.

"Then get ready."

Qin Xiao reminded.

"Do it, I'm ready," said Ah Yin, also spreading her arms wide.

Qin Xiao: "..."

The next moment, he withdrew the Soul Power that was fighting against the domain.

Immediately, the formidable power of the Icefire Polarized Eyes' domain descended again.


Qin Xiao noticed that Ah Yin was just slightly struggling.

Bearing this pressure wasn't difficult.

Ah Yin looked towards Qin Xiao, excitedly saying, "Benefactor, Ah Yin is still quite amazing, right?"

"Mhm," Qin Xiao nodded lightly.

It was clear to see that the reborn Bluesilver Emperor hadn't directly recovered her former cultivation level.

However, it's normal for a soul beast to start cultivating anew after transforming into human form.

For the current Bluesilver Emperor to possess a cultivation level in the thirties right from the start was already remarkably rapid progress.

"How about it, Du Gu Bo?"

"Do you remember what we discussed before?" Qin Xiao looked towards Du Gu Bo and asked faintly.

However, his eyes couldn't hide a mocking glint.

On the other hand, upon hearing Qin Xiao's question, Du Gu Bo's expression stiffened and he quickly pretended to be clueless, "What did we say before? I don't remember it."

"Yanzi, do you remember?"

What a joke.

The promises made during the argument with Qin Xiao, those were cutting-edge.

Even ten lives wouldn't be enough for him to complete it.


Face and reputation, things like those, when it's time to let go, just let go, and pick them back up later if needed.

For now, staying alive is what matters most.

Dugu Yan: "...."

She couldn't help but facepalm, feeling ashamed to have such a grandfather.

"Heh, playing dumb, huh?"

Qin Xiao raised an eyebrow, "You don't have to drink the mandarin duck hotpot if you don't want to, nor owe me a favor. See Ah Yin? Look after her for me for now."

"Where are you going? Will you be away for long?" Instead of immediately accepting Qin Xiao's suggestion, Du Gu Bo asked with a serious face, "Do you need my help?"

Rarely, Qin Xiao's expression became serious, "I indeed have to go to a faraway place, but I can handle it for now. I don't need you to make a move."

That's right.

Qin Xiao indeed needed to be away for a while.

In terms of distance, Sea God's Island was a necessary trip.

And closer by, he had to make a journey to Slaughter City.

Compared to Sea God's Island, Slaughter City was a major concern for him.

After all, within Slaughter City, there was the first ancestor of the Hao Tian Clan, the level 99 Peerless Powerhouse, Tang Chen.

Even if Tang Chen was currently neither human nor ghost and controlled by the Nine-Headed Dark Golden Bat King, who could guarantee that he wouldn't suddenly return to normal in the future?

A level 99 fighter with Divine Power is still a formidable foe to Qin Xiao!

Qin Xiao wasn't one to be passive; an enemy needed to be nipped in the bud.

"Benefactor, Ah Yin wants to stay by your side..."

"Ah Yin can do anything."

Suddenly, Ah Yin took a few quick steps to arrive in front of Qin Xiao, grabbing the hem of his clothing and speaking with tear-brimmed eyes.

After speaking, she pressed her lips tightly together, no longer speaking, but her pretty little face was filled with obstinacy.

Don't think that Qin Xiao has been in contact with her for just a short time.

But the things he did have truly moved Ah Yin, thus entering her heart.

Yielding more than expected is sometimes not such a good thing... Qin Xiao sighed silently.

What's so good about being handsome?

What's so good about being strong?

Being too likeable can really be a bother.

"I have to go to a dangerous place and your current condition is not suitable for following me."

"Then are you reassured to leave her here?"

At that moment, Du Gu Bo asked Qin Xiao, "She is a hundred-thousand-year soul beast, after all."

"Of course, I trust your character," Qin Xiao replied with a slight smile.

There was no denying that his smile was infectious.

Even Du Gu Bo was momentarily enchanted by it.

At the same time, he felt a sense of warmth. Was this what it felt like to be trusted?

Even though he was a Titled Douluo, his disreputable name preceded him; aside from Dugu Yan, not a single person genuinely trusted him.

Not even Prince Xue Xing...

Of course.

Now there was Qin Xiao.

With a nonchalant hum, Du Gu Bo said, "Hmm, go without worries, I will look after her for you."


That sounded somewhat like, 'thy wife will be cared for by me'?

Qin Xiao was taken aback. It seems everyone wants to play the villain...

"Benefactor, then you must remember to come back for Ah Yin," she implored.

One must say, Ah Yin had the kind of gentle, understanding demeanor.

Soft and vulnerable, making Qin Xiao's heart soften.

Qin Xiao reached out and pinched Ah Yin's little face, "Don't worry, I, Qin Xiao, never go back on my word."

On the side, Dugu Yan etched this scene deeply into her heart.

She told herself in her thoughts, sweet girls really are the essence of desirability...

But acting like a sweet girl, wouldn't that be exhausting?



Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, in the empty grand hall.

Xue Qinghe sat on the throne, his gaze unfocused, staring blankly into space.

"Young Master, the grand situation is now set; what concerns you?"

Right then, a shadow emerged from within the dark recesses of the grand hall.

It was none other than the Porcupine Elder.

Upon hearing this, Xue Qinghe glanced over, his eyes regaining some luster, "Elder, to be honest, I do have some worries on my mind."

"May I ask what concerns you? Is there anything I can do to solve Your Highness's troubles?" the Porcupine Douluo inquired further.

Xue Qinghe looked intently at the Porcupine Douluo and asked, "Elder, do you think Qin Xiao knows my identity?"


I'm tired today.

Extra updates tomorrow.

Thank you for your support.