
Chapter 86: The Breakdown of Father and Son Tang San, Abolishing the Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul_1


"Ah! Who is it!"

"Who the hell cruelly hunted down the Blue Silver King!"

In the dense forest, Tang Hao could no longer restrain the anger in his heart and bellowed to the sky.

His voice carried far, startling countless birds into flight.

"What, the Blue Silver King is dead!"

"Dad, is, is this true?"

By his side, Tang San heard and showed a look of astonishment on his face.

Subconsciously, he didn't want to, nor could he accept this reality.

"Is there a chance that the Blue Silver King left this place on his own?" His eyes filled with hope, he tentatively asked.

"No, there's no chance of that. The Blue Silver King was your mother's most loyal subordinate; he once promised me he would wait here for you."

"So he wouldn't leave this place."

"Now that we can't find him, there's only one possibility left, and that's death!"

Tang Hao's tone was incredibly resolute.

"So you mean..."

"The Blue Silver King was really hunted down?"

Tang San's complexion turned pale, and his color drained significantly.

It had to be said, Tang Hao's words eradicated the last bit of hope in his heart.

"But the Blue Silver King, after all, is Blue Silver Grass. Who would be so indiscriminate to not even spare the Blue Silver Grass, hunting it down for a Soul Ring."

"It's simply inhumane."

As Tang San spoke, he was on the verge of tears.

Hunting down Blue Silver Grass to make it into a Soul Ring, to what extent must one be bereft of a conscience?

With so many soul beasts in the world, one must be truly desperate to hunt down Blue Silver Grass!

"And why not?" Tang Hao said gravely, "It's perfectly normal for someone to choose the Blue Silver King for a Soul Ring.

Have you forgotten what I told you? The Blue Silver King is an eighty-five-thousand-year-old soul beast. Even if it is Blue Silver Grass, that's enough to tempt anyone."

So this means there's really no hope at all for me?

It's truly too despairing.

With a thud, Tang San sat down powerlessly on the ground, looking utterly forlorn.

When he arrived, his heart was filled with anticipation and joy.

But what was the result?

All his efforts were in vain, a complete letdown after a false rejoicing.

The huge gap between expectation and reality completely broke his spirit.

"Xiaosan, do you know? I regret it!"

Suddenly, Tang San heard Tang Hao say such a thing.

He struggled to gather his spirit and looked over in bewilderment.

Only to see Tang Hao at that moment, his face full of despair and regret: "If I had known this would happen, I shouldn't have done what I did at the beginning.

I might as well have taken your mother to accept the Blue Silver King's sacrifice, and she would have grown at an amazing rate; maybe in my lifetime, she could have become a hundred-thousand-year soul beast and meet with us.

Instead of letting the Blue Silver King wait in vain and be hunted by others to become their Soul Ring. And Ah Yin might very well have had a chance to survive...

One mistake led to another."

In Tang Hao's voice, there was full of regret.


After hearing Tang Hao's words, Tang San was completely stunned and asked with disbelief, "Dad, what do you mean by that? Are you saying that my mother could also have accepted the sacrifice of the Blue Silver King and then... quickly recover?"

"Of course!"

Tang Hao nodded his head bitterly, "Your Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul could accept the sacrifice from the Blue Silver King, let alone your mother, who is the Bluesilver Emperor."

"Then, then why didn't you bring mom to accept the sacrifice?" Tang San was shocked; he couldn't comprehend why Tang Hao would make such an unwise decision.

"Are you blaming me? Did I do this not for your sake?" Tang Hao noticed Tang San's attitude and his expression suddenly darkened.

For my sake? Tang San was completely confused. What does this have to do with me?

Isn't it all because of your momentary foolishness?

But this time, before he could ask again, Tang Hao began to explain, "The moment you were born, I detected something abnormal about your Soul Power. I suspected that your Martial Soul might not be simple and could possibly have inherited your mother's Martial Soul."

"But your mother once told me about the traits of Bluesilver Grass, which are that without someone to awaken it for you, even with the bloodline of the Bluesilver Emperor, you wouldn't be able to use the Bluesilver Emperor Martial Soul."

"So, I thought I'd wait until you were six. If you hadn't awakened the Bluesilver Emperor Martial Soul by then, I would take your mother to the Blue Silver King, so it could sacrifice itself to her. If you had awakened the Bluesilver Emperor Martial Soul, it would sacrifice itself to you.

As it turned out, you were even better than I imagined; you not only possess the Bluesilver Emperor Martial Soul but also the Hao Tian Hammer, becoming one of the extremely rare holders of Twin Martial Souls on the Soul Land."

Upon hearing this, Tang San was shocked, "So that's how it is."

It turns out, Tang Hao truly did consider his well-being.

But then again...

"But, you could've simply allowed my mother to recover first and then have her awaken the Bluesilver Emperor Martial Soul for me."

In Tang San's opinion, wasn't this putting the cart before the horse?

"Ha, you think it's that perfect!"

Tang Hao gave a bitter laugh, "You probably don't know that the Bluesilver Emperor has one more trait: emperors don't coexist. If your mother truly regained a certain Cultivation Level, you would never be able to awaken the Bluesilver Emperor Martial Soul in your lifetime."

"Furthermore, you have Twin Martial Souls. If you cultivate to a certain extent and if the grades of the two Martial Souls differ, you would lose control of your Soul Power and explode to death."

"Now do you still resent me?"


After listening to Tang Hao, Tang San took a sharp intake of breath.

It had to be said, that was a consequence too great to bear.

What's there to resent?

Tang Hao's words helped him calm down considerably.

"Dad, you should have told me about this. If relinquishing the Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul could bring mom back, I would be willing."
