
Chapter 80: Gambling with Du Gu Bo, the new Shrek squad (5k)_1

Translator: 549690339

The Blue Silver Grass on the mound was scorched black.

Tang San confirmed that it was indeed struck by lightning, beyond any doubt.

"Xiaosan, you must believe me, I really didn't foresee this happening. I just wanted to create a suitable environment for Ah Yin's growth."

"Who could have anticipated lightning would follow the tunnels here? Such a probability is less than one in ten thousand."

"Accepting such an event is also hard for me."

Tang Hao looked at Tang San, desperately trying to explain.

"What's said now is too late, the fact is right before us, what else is there to accept?"

Tang San accused without hesitation.

In truth, his heart had also collapsed.

Having never experienced a mother's love in both lives, he had hoped to at least feel it this time. Even if his own mother was a grass, he could accept it.

But what was the result?

It was over before it even began.

"Your actions at that time were absolutely unnecessary, it would've been better to let mother grow in a dark environment, even if she perished naturally."

"Or rather, if you were so irresponsible towards mother, it would have been better if you hadn't revived her at all."

Tang San spoke coldly, his voice full of accusation.

"Yes, it's my fault."

"It's all my fault, anything I say now is too late, too little."

"Ah Yin, it's me who has wronged you."

"I should never have placed you here in the first place, it's all my fault."

The tragic death of his wife and his son's accusation were like the final straw the overcame Tang Hao.

Self-blame, regret, and anger filled his heart.

He was at a point of no return.

He collapsed, his voice sorrowful, tears uncontrollably streaming down his cheeks.

Under Tang San's gaze, Tang Hao took steps forward.

Eventually, he reached the front of the mound, plopping to his knees with a thud.

He shakily reached out to touch the lightning-struck Blue Silver Grass.

But as his hand was about to make contact, it stopped mid-air, never landing.

He feared his touch would reduce the Blue Silver Grass to ashes.

"Ah Yin, I've brought Xiaosan here for you, won't you take another look at him?"

But the Blue Silver Grass offered no response.


Tang Hao's crying became even more heart-wrenching. "If I had taken you away from here back then, would everything have been different?"

"Ah Yin, don't be afraid, I'm here with you now."

Immediately after, Tang San noticed Tang Hao's face suddenly flare red.

"That's bad! He's showing symptoms of extreme emotional distress."

Tang San's complexion changed abruptly.

But before he could intervene, Tang Hao spat out a mouthful of fresh blood and then fell down stiffly.

"Tang Hao!"

Tang San exclaimed, rushing to Tang Hao's side in two quick strides, urgently checking on his condition.

It was, without a doubt, terrible.

His life force was quickly ebbing away.

Even, Tang Hao showed no sign of struggle.

"Is he seeking death?!"

Tang San immediately understood Tang Hao's state of mind.

Tang Hao, you coward, can't you withstand even this much?


You cannot die, if you die, how can one person alone deal with Qin Xiao?

I, Tang San, refuse to live in hiding like a rat for the rest of my life!

Tang San made a decision in an instant, his hand moved to his waist, and several golden needles appeared in his grasp.

Without any hesitation, he inserted the needles into the major acupoints on Tang Hao's body with precision.

"You must not die."

"To think you're a Titled Douluo, just because I said a few words, you've gone to this extreme. How can you not withstand such matters?"

Tang San watched Tang Hao nervously, too spent to even criticize anymore.

At the same time, he decided that when Tang Hao woke up, he would not provoke him further, no matter what.

A full two shichen passed.

Tang Hao slowly regained consciousness.

Familiar caves, familiar faces.

"I, I'm not dead?"

Tang Hao spoke with a weak voice.

"Dad, you're finally awake." Tang San said, his face lighting up with joy as he threw himself into Tang Hao's embrace.

He decided to reach out to Tang Hao with love, to reignite his will to live.

Even if he harbored countless dissatisfactions, he would keep them to himself.

"Xiaosan, you, have you forgiven me?"

"The fault was mine, I was too impulsive before and upset you."

Tang San dared not mention Tang Hao's fault again.

He truly feared Tang Hao might seek death once more.

"Ah Yin..."

Tang Hao shifted his gaze slightly towards the mound.

Suddenly, his pupils dilated, and he stood up abruptly. "Where is Ah Yin?"

There, above the mound, the shadow of the Blue Silver Grass was gone.

"I've already buried mom in the ground," Tang San said somewhat sadly, "She was born here, and she died here, the same soil that nurtured her, now buries her."

Upon hearing this, Tang Hao trembled.

It took a good while before his eyes slowly regained a bit of their luster.

"Xiaosan, I will take you to a place."

"And what about you?" Tang San's heart trembled; he was genuinely worried Tang Hao might become despondent and seek death again.

"Don't worry, I won't be seeking death anymore."

"With my current state, I need to recover peacefully for a while and won't be able to look after you. Moreover, in that place, you will gain benefits beyond your imagination."

"Benefits?" Tang San was startled, then felt a tug of interest.

He believed that if Tang Hao valued the benefits, they must indeed be extraordinary.

At that moment, Tang Hao turned around, facing Tang San, "Your mother is the Bluesilver Emperor, and my Martial Soul is the number one Tool Soul in the world, you don't think your Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul is simply Blue Silver Grass, do you?"