
Chapter 69 Tang San's Discovery, Icefire Polarized Eyes (7000)_4

Translator: 549690339


I didn't expect Tang Hao to look down on Yu Xiaogang so much...

Tang San was taken aback.

However, with the treasure land right before his eyes, how could he not dare to search it?

"Dad, I remember now, the matter of the Icefire Polarized Eyes and the Immortal Herbs was discovered by the teacher in the archives of the Martial Soul Hall, saying it's a closely guarded secret."

Tang San pretended to be contemplative and continued, "Moreover, he also told me about several powerful Immortal Herbs, which can not only enhance one's cultivation level but also cleanse the marrow and improve the physique, and this enhancement comes without any harm or side effects, such that even the Martial Soul Hall is searching for them everywhere."


Is this a message that came from inside the Martial Soul Hall?

Tang Hao felt that if that was the case, then it must be taken seriously.

"Are there really such treasures? Would they still be effective if a Titled Douluo-level expert took them?"

"Of course they are!"

Tang San's reply was firm.

Doesn't that mean there's hope for me to increase my strength again?

It's really true that every cloud has a silver lining!

Tang Hao's eyes lit up, "Then we must go down there and take a look no matter what...."

Soon, Tang Hao was carrying Tang San into the valley.

Not far in front of them was an oval-shaped pond.

Inside it, milky white and vermilion springs coexisted clearly within the same pond, not interfering with each other.

"Amazing, truly amazing."

"A single pond actually contains the forces of ice cold and blazing heat... it indeed lives up to the name of the Icefire Polarized Eyes."

Tang Hao was stunned by the sight before him.

Tang San was just as surprised.

Only, he was astonished by the various Spiritual Medicine near the Icefire Polarized Eyes.

Looking around,

Surrounding the Icefire Polarized Eyes, there was an array of plants in all shapes and forms, all of which were rare treasures.

"Is that, the best of the Cordyceps, the Snow Silkworm..."

"And next to it, is that a Cinnabar Lotus? It's grown so large?"

"And by the fire spring, that is the Seven-Step Soul Breaking Grass, highly toxic..."


Standing in place, Tang San turned his gaze and could spot a type of Spiritual Medicine.

His eyes shone as if he had arrived in paradise.

"Xiaosan, what are all these things you're talking about?"

"Did you find any Immortal Herbs that, after being consumed by a Titled Douluo, would also be of great benefit?"

Tang Hao asked eagerly, his voice filled with urgency.

"Immortal Herbs!"

Tang San suddenly realized, "Right, why have I not found any Immortal Herbs!"

"Logically, with the Spiritual Herbs growing so well here, and their age being so high, it's impossible that there's not a single Immortal Herb."

Upon seriously considering it, Tang San realized there was something very wrong, which was entirely illogical.

At the same time, he began searching carefully.

Finally, with the meticulous observation of his Purple Demon Eyes, near the ice spring, he found a clue, "This, this is, the roots of an extremely cold flower species, the Octagon Frozen Grass roots...."

In an instant, Tang San's eyes went red with the realization that there really were Immortal Herbs that had grown here!

"Xiaosan, what is that?" Tang Hao, frowning, asked in a deep voice.

But Tang San ignored his words as if he had gone mad and began searching.

Quickly, he made another major discovery:

The roots of the Blazing Apricot Cabbage, the roots of the Damask Tulip, the roots of the Eight-petal Immortal Orchid, the roots of the Water Fairy Jade Bone...

Tang San briefly counted and found at least ten types of Immortal Herb roots.

But, what use was finding these roots?

Where were the Immortal Herbs?!

Tang San's head was buzzing, the world spinning around him, his vision darkening, about to faint.

Fortunately, Tang Hao was always watching Tang San's every move and quickly steadied him.

"Xiaosan, what's wrong with you?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Dad, they're all gone, all of them!"

Tang San was devastated.

Even the thought of the picked Octagon Frozen Grass and the Blazing Apricot Cabbage tore at his heart with pain.

"If I take two Immortal Herbs at the same time and combine that with practice using my Icefire Polarized Eyes, my strength will surely increase extremely fast. Even my Bluesilver Grass Martial Soul would gain unimaginable benefits,"

"Over a dozen Immortal Herbs, and not a single one was left for us."

"Why didn't you just dig out the rhizomes too and completely extinguish my hope?"

Tang San couldn't hold back any longer, and tears brimmed over.

So heartbreaking.

Hope was visible, but it quickly turned into despair.

He even felt that he should never have come for the Icefire Polarized Eyes.

Yes, he should not have come.

If he hadn't come, he wouldn't have to endure this human suffering.


"All the Immortal Herbs were dug up? Who is so immoral?"

After hearing Tang San's words, Tang Hao's heart skipped a beat.

He had come for the Immortal Herbs mentioned by Tang San, full of longing.

But now Tang San's words were like a blow to the head, shattering all his fantasies!

Without the Immortal Herbs, was there no hope of increasing strength and defeating Qin Xiao?


"No, no, no, they are beyond immoral already."

"I just checked, the person who did this seemed to know we were coming, they didn't touch the Spiritual Medicine and specifically targeted the Immortal Herbs. This simply doesn't seem like the act of a human at all."

The more Tang San spoke, the angrier he got, feeling a surge of evil fire in his belly, igniting his chest.


He couldn't suppress it any longer and spat out a mouthful of blood before collapsing weakly into Tang Hao's arms.

"Xiaosan, Xiaosan."

"Why are you so hot-tempered, child?"

Tang Hao was immediately panic-stricken.

However, just at that moment, a clear shout arose:

"Who are you? What are you doing here, and why are you making such a racket?"

"Do you have no manners?"

With the voice, Dugu Yan, furious, came storming over.

She had been cultivating in a cave in the distance and had been startled awake by Tang San and Tang Hao's various exclamations, prompting her to come over.

"There's someone else?"

Tang San struggled to sit up from Tang Hao's embrace with great difficulty.

At that moment,

Tang Hao's gaze had already fallen on the girl not far away, and he asked in a stern voice, "Girl, did you pick those Immortal Herbs?"

He wasn't just asking; a wave of Soul Force Pressure was also released, pressing down on Dugu Yan.

Thump thump thump.

Dugu Yan staggered back several paces as if struck by lightning before barely managing to stand firm.

Her face was pale as death, drained of all its color.

Yet, she showed little fear, retorting coldly, "Want the Immortal Herbs? Dream on!"

With that, she sneered.

In truth, she did not know what the Immortal Herbs were, but to her, this father and son obviously did not seem like good folk.

In Dugu Yan's eyes, it was like bandits had broken into her home, demanding to know where the valuables were hidden.

Some people might choose to write off their losses to save their lives,

But Dugu Yan was not such a person. Entrusted by someone, she must honor that trust. Since Du Gu Bo had promised to help Qin Xiao guard the medicinal garden, as his granddaughter, she must fulfill that promise.

"Hahaha, little girl, you've got quite the nerve for your age,"

Tang Hao laughed.

But his smile was filled with chilling intent, "I'll see how long you can hold out!"

As his voice fell, an even more powerful Soul Force Pressure erupted.

He was confident that even a Soul King-level expert would quake before this force.


At that moment, a gaunt figure stepped in front of Dugu Yan.

Facing the oppressive force, he smiled nonchalantly:

"Tang Hao, it's been over a decade. Have you gone to the dogs?"


Added a chapter, if you have a ticket, would you cast it?

I would greatly appreciate it.