
Chapter 173: Shock After Shock_2

Translator: 549690339

When Qin Xiao reached the six hundredth step, he was only taking one step at a time, yet he still gave off an impression of walking on level ground.


After climbing the seven hundredth step, Qin Xiao stopped in his tracks.

"Is it over?" the Sea Horse Douluo murmured, "If that's the case, then the Sea God has been absolutely fair this time.

Do not underestimate the seven hundredth step; that's the limit of the Sea Horse Douluo.

He is already a veteran Titled Douluo, yet Qin Xiao, even if he were a Titled Douluo, is too young. To think he could match him, he must admit Qin Xiao is truly remarkable.

"Indeed, it's very good, this young man will surely become a great figure given time."

The Sea Dragon Douluo also nodded slightly.

He agreed with the Sea Horse Douluo's words.

However, how could Qin Xiao possibly stop here?

After taking a deep breath, he stepped forward again, heavily landing on the seven hundred and first step and steadying himself.

The golden halo above the small island suddenly brightened.

Without saying, everyone could feel that the pressure on Qin Xiao had suddenly increased significantly.

"Hiss, how strong is this kid?"

The Sea Horse Douluo took a sharp breath.

Not to mention anything else, his Ninety-Second Level Cultivation couldn't take him to the seven hundred and first step.

A mere step might seem ordinary, but the difference is vast as the heavens.

At least, he couldn't stand firm on it.

"It seems we still underestimated this young fellow."

"Sea Horse, I don't know how strong he is, but I'm sure of one thing: he is definitely stronger than you... and by no small margin," the Sea Dragon Douluo said quietly.

Sea Horse Douluo: Thank you for reminding me...

"It's indeed different, ordinary Titled Douluo probably can't stand here."

Qin Xiao did feel some pressure, but not much.

Thinking of the road ahead, Qin Xiao slightly furrowed his brows.

He realized that the one thousand and first step would not be so easy to reach.

But no matter how difficult the path ahead, Qin Xiao would still march forward bravely.

Seven hundred and five, seven hundred and eight, eight hundred...

Before long, Qin Xiao stopped again.

In the distance.

The complexions of many Pillar Guardians had become interesting.

By standing here, Qin Xiao had already surpassed most of them.

Among their group, apart from the Sea Dragon Douluo, no one could have reached this point.

"If Qin Xiao takes another step forward, he will have reached the same level as the boss," said the Sea Horse Douluo, his voice becoming somewhat hoarse without realizing it.

"Yeah, I never thought this young man's Cultivation was so outstanding."

"I'm more and more curious about his Cultivation level and how he cultivated."

"Maybe this is his limit, right?"

Everyone kept guessing.

"No, his limit is definitely more than this."

"He might even surpass me."

The Sea Dragon Douluo spoke.

"Boss, you think so highly of this kid? You're already a level-95 Titled Douluo, can he really compare?"

"Isn't that a bit too much praise for him?"

"No, I'm not overestimating this young fellow."

"Haven't you guys noticed something important?" The Sea Dragon Douluo's scrutinizing gaze swept over the people beside him, "He is a Soul Master and has never used a soul skill, not even showing his Soul Rings. Think back to when you completed the trial of the Sea God's Light, how much effort did you use?"

"I had to use all my soul skills to help myself resist the pressure. Even now, I would have to give it my all to reach the seven hundredth step."

"Doesn't that mean, if he takes another surge, he'll even surpass the boss?"

When Sea Horse Douluo finished this sentence, everyone was stunned.

They hadn't expected Qin Xiao to be so fierce.


Qin Xiao took another step, and the small island seemed to tremble slightly.

The golden halo became even more dazzling.

A stronger pressure descended.

Qin Xiao's body sank slightly, then firmed up again.

"Hmph, just this..."

He snorted and strode forward.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Soon, Qin Xiao had reached the eight hundred and fiftieth step.

"Well, this kid is really something, huh?"

"He climbed up to the eight hundred and fifty steps without using even one soul skill, not to mention without showing his soul rings?"

"What kind of power does he have? Could it be that he's already a level-95 Hyper Douluo?"

The Seven Pillar Guardians' eyelids were twitching wildly.

They were shocked to their core.

Such a young person, possessing a cultivation level far surpassing theirs, was indeed astonishing.

A good while later,

The Sea Dragon Douluo's eyes turned red, and he was very excited, "Now I want to know even more where the limit for Qin Xiao is, and what kind of test the Sea God has set for him."

"Boss, you don't think the Sea God would let him walk to the end of the road, do you?"

The Sea Horse Douluo asked subconsciously.

"Is that possible?"

"On the entire Sea God's Island, no, to be exact, throughout history, only the Great Priest was able to step onto the one-thousand-and-one level staircase, do you really think Qin Xiao can compare to the Great Priest?"

The Sea Dragon Douluo shook his head, thinking it impossible.

There has to be a limit to how outrageous something can be, right?

"There it is, there it is, Qin Xiao has finally summoned his soul rings."

"Wait, something's off. Qin Xiao's first soul ring is actually a hundred thousand-year one?"

"A hundred thousand year first soul ring, what kind of freak is this!"

The Sea Pillar Guardians were all stunned.

They couldn't imagine that such an outrageous thing could truly be done by a person.

At least it shouldn't be.

And at this moment,

All nine of Qin Xiao's soul rings appeared beneath his feet.

Everyone was speechless.

Though there was not a second hundred thousand-year soul ring, none of the soul rings below the fifth soul ring were normal in terms of age.

After the appearance of Qin Xiao's soul rings, the ninth soul ring suddenly lit up.


A clap of thunder echoed over Sea God's Island.

A purple bolt even broke through the barrier of Sea God's Island and landed on Qin Xiao.

This scene once again shocked the Seven Pillar Guardians greatly. Such terrifying thunder, wouldn't it kill him?

Ashking themselves, they knew that under the strike of this thunderbolt, they would be either dead or severely injured.

As it turned out, their worries were unnecessary.

In their line of sight, as the purple lightning dissipated, Qin Xiao, wearing the Thunder Emperor Armor, reappeared before everyone.

At this moment, he looked so majestic, and the cold light in his eyes sent chills down one's spine. Even the Titled Douluo like the Sea Horse Douluo didn't dare to meet his gaze.

Their hearts were no longer calm. So this was how strong Qin Xiao was.

With the progression in cultivation, the enhancement the Thunder Emperor Armor provided to Qin Xiao also increased significantly. At this moment, speaking of cultivation level alone, he was at least capable of contending with a level-97 Titled Douluo.

As for the actual combat strength,

Qin Xiao figured that without going all out, a level-98 Titled Douluo would definitely not be his opponent.

And if he went all out, the outcome against a level-99 would be uncertain.

"Just one more year, at most one year."

"Once I successfully lead Shrek to win the championship of the Continental Soul Master Tournament, complete the System's task, and receive the reward, my cultivation will soar again."

"By then, even a level-99 Titled Douluo will have to crawl before me."

Thinking like this, Qin Xiao's heart was filled with light.

After taking a few deep breaths, he managed to calm his emotions.

He knew that thinking too far ahead was still a bit premature, finishing the current assessment was the most critical thing.

The next moment, he took another step forward.

The steps that had previously exerted tremendous pressure on him now felt completely without any.

Even more, he climbed with his hands behind his back, striding forward boldly.

Before long,

He was already standing on the nine hundredth step.

"Wow, this Qin Xiao is just too cool, I'm in love, totally in love..."

From a distance, Ning Rongrong watched Qin Xiao's silhouette and was salivating.

"Rongrong, I suggest you wipe your drool first. Otherwise, no matter how much you adore His Highness, he's not going to love you. I believe he wouldn't like someone who can't take care of themself..." Dugu Yan was quite speechless.


On the other side.

The Grass Bush Seven Guardians were already dumbfounded.

In their wildest dreams, they hadn't imagined Qin Xiao could reach this point.

But could he really continue further?

Sea Dragon Douluo speculated, "Actually, he's used his ninth soul skill, which proves he's giving it his all. The ease was all an act."

"Just one more step forward, and the pressure will double. A Titled Douluo below level 98 simply can't withstand it. Qin Xiao will probably stop here."