
Chapter 16 Tang San and Xiaowu Run Away_1

Translator: 549690339


Shrek Academy.

In the plaza.

All the teachers and students were looking in the same direction.

There, powerful soul power fluctuations transmitted, preventing them from falling asleep.

"Such powerful soul power fluctuations, His Majesty the Thunder Emperor is truly formidable."

"With my cultivation level, if His Majesty the Thunder Emperor really got serious, I wouldn't be able to take even one hit, would I?"

Zhao Wuji, feeling the soul power fluctuations coming from afar, couldn't help but shrink his neck.

He knew Qin Xiao was strong, but he didn't expect Qin Xiao to be this strong.

"Who says you wouldn't be able to take it?"

"Didn't you endure under His Majesty the Thunder Emperor's soul skill for the time it takes half an incense stick to burn?"

A sly look flashed in Flander's eyes.

"Haha, right."

Zhao Wuji's eyes also brightened, "With such a feat, even a Soul Douluo would have to feel ashamed."

His smug look made everyone else in the plaza speechless, as he really knew how to give himself credit.

"Be careful, a tremendously strong aura is heading towards the academy!"

Suddenly, Flander's expression changed and he spoke in a grave voice.

Coming to the academy?

Everyone was shocked in their hearts.

What would such a powerful being want with the academy?

Instinctively, everyone had a bad premonition arising in their hearts.

And Zhao Wuji and Flander unhesitatingly stood in front of everyone else.

Li Yusong and Lu Qibin took positions to the left and right, protecting Dai Mubai, Tang San, and other students in the middle.

The food-class Soul Master, Shao Xin, stood in the midst of everyone.

And in that moment, a figure had already appeared before them all.

"Dean Flanders, it's been a long time."

He took the initiative to greet.

"Hao Tian... Your Highness!"

Surprise filled Flander's eyes.

No matter what, he couldn't have imagined that the one contending with Qin Xiao would be Tang Hao.

In the crowd, Tang San roared in shock, "Dad?!"

His voice was filled with disbelief.

Not just him.

People like Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and a host of teachers all found it unbelievable.

What's going on?

Tang San's father, a Titled Douluo?


Tang Hao called out with a complicated expression, then said to Flander, "Flanders, thank you for taking care of Xiaosan these past few days, but now I have reasons I must take Xiaosan away."

"Your Highness, please do as you wish."

Flander immediately made way, allowing Tang Hao to approach Tang San.

And Tang San, even more excited, pushed through the crowd and rushed into Tang Hao's embrace.

"I know you have many questions in your heart, but now is not the time for too many words; come with me. I will tell you the truth of everything in due course."

Tang Hao said solemnly.

"Okay." Though Tang San had countless questions, he could only keep them to himself for now.

"Dad, can we bring Xiaowu with us?" He was actually asking, but there was a pleading tone in his voice.

"Do you want to?" Tang Hao looked at Xiaowu.

Instinctively, Xiaowu shrank back, filled with fear.

Her heart was also far from calm.

"Didn't Xiaosan say his father was just a down-and-out blacksmith?"

"But what's going on with this Titled Douluo thing?"

"And did he recognize my identity long ago? Then Xiaosan, he...."

Instinctively, she looked towards Tang San.

Doubt, confusion, and other emotions surged in her heart.

"What, you don't want to?"

Tang Hao's brows furrowed as he asked again.

But Xiaowu could feel an oppressive force bearing down on her.

It was as if daring to utter the word 'no' would lead to a dire conclusion...

In fact, it was exactly the case.

After all, he fought with Qin Xiao, half the reason for which was because Qin Xiao's presence could affect Tang San's development, and the other half was because of Xiaowu— a hundred-thousand-year soul beast that had taken human form, too precious to lose.

"I, I am willing..."

She kept her eyes lowered, not daring to look at Tang Hao anymore, and said in a fluster.


"Alright, let's go."

As Tang Hao spoke, he grabbed Xiaowu with one hand and took Tang San with the other, disappearing from the spot at an extremely fast speed.

"They've left, just like that?"

The members of Shrek were left in a state of astonishment.

Utterly baffled.


Not long after, a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, and Qin Xiao's figure appeared from the flash of light.

"Your Highness…"

"His Majesty the Thunder Emperor…"


Flander, Zhao Wuji, and others dared not neglect, speaking in a low voice.

In fact, they were even more respectful than before.

No one was blind; despite his young age, His Majesty commanded genuine awe.

Haven't you seen Hao Tian Douluo flee with his son?

Qin Xiao merely glanced over the area and noted Tang San and Xiaowu's absence, then suddenly smiled, "Tang Hao, oh Tang Hao, the one thing you should never have done in your lifetime is to become my enemy."

But everyone uncontrollably shuddered at his words.

A long while later.

Qin Xiao retracted his gaze.

He did not pursue them.

His series of strikes just now had also consumed a lot, and his soul power reserves were nearly depleted at the moment.

If Tang Hao were truly pushed to desperation and chose to explode one or two more Soul Rings in a last-ditch effort, the outcome could very well be uncertain.

However, he was young, with plenty of time on his side.

With his own efforts, it would take at most three to five years to overpower Tang Hao completely.

If the System didn't mess things up, that time might be further shortened significantly.



Tang Hao rapidly took Tang San and Xiaowu over a hundred miles away before alighting by the side of a stream.

"Cough cough."

He could no longer hold back, coughing up two mouthfuls of fresh blood.

At this moment, the injuries he had forcefully suppressed erupted, along with the backlash from the Ring Explosion and the damage inflicted by Qin Xiao's attacks, all compounding severely. That he hadn't ascended to heaven straight away was a testament to his great strength.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Tang San immediately became anxious.

Xiaowu, frightened, hid to one side.

"I'm fine."

"Just need to rest for a bit."

Tang Hao sat down on the ground.

Spitting blood and still fine? Regardless of Tang Hao's objections, Tang San grabbed his arm and checked his pulses.

In a moment, his face turned as dark as a liver.

The blood flow was impeded, meridians obstructed, soul power chaotically rampaged like headless flies...

This was fine?

Anyone else would have probably died, right?

Without any further thought, Tang San whipped out a handful of golden needles.

He intended to use the Golden Needle Acupoint Clearing method to adjust Tang Hao's breath.

"What is this?" Tang Hao was taken aback.

"A technique taught by my teacher, it should be able to help you," Tang San said without hesitation.

"Yu Xiaogang knows this stuff too?" Tang Hao frowned but knew it wasn't the time to hesitate, so he nodded.

Seeing his approval, Tang San stepped forward and inserted the golden needles into the acupoints on Tang Hao's body.

A short while later, Tang Hao's eyes brightened, and his complexion improved significantly, "Heh, Yu Xiaogang that worthless..."


"Who would have thought Yu Xiaogang had such skills? After so many years of research, he finally managed to come up with something decent."

He couldn't help but marvel.

However, Tang San did not answer his question, "Dad, who exactly injured you this badly?"

After a silence, Tang Hao said, "You should know, it's Qin Xiao."

It was indeed him!

Guessing was one thing, but having Tang Hao's confirmation was another.

At that moment, Tang San's eyes filled with hateful glare, veins on his forehead bulging, his fists clenched so tight they creaked, his teeth nearly crushed.

He really wanted to go back for revenge.


He was no match for Qin Xiao, only left with impotent fury.