
Chapter 15 Tang Hao: I Can't Die Yet_1

Translator: 549690339

"Nine Absolutes of the Azure Sky!"

Tang Hao made a split-second decision and immediately resorted to the secret technique of the Hao Tian Clan.

While dodging the bombardment of the Thunder Pool, he was already prepared to erupt at any moment.

The so-called Nine Absolutes of the Azure Sky weren't nine skills, but nine methods of force application: "Void, Seal, Pierce, Permeate, Wrap, Shake, Destroy, Halt, and Collapse."

Compared to that, the power-charging Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique seemed somewhat inferior.

At this moment, Qin Xiao's soul skill was also unleashed.

The so-called Thunder Beast was not one, but nine.

Each of the thunder beads around his body transformed into a ferocious and terrifying Thunder Beast.

Each was as thick as a water barrel, shaped like a giant python, but with a fierce single horn on its head.

The sense of oppression was overwhelming!





Seeing this, Tang Hao steeled his heart and forcibly suppressed the injuries within his body, pushing his power to its peak condition.

And so, four of the methods of force application from the Nine Absolutes of the Azure Sky were displayed in an instant.

At that moment, the combat power he showcased was enough to crush any level-96 Titled Douluo.

Boom boom boom boom...

A series of explosions erupted, and the Thunder Beasts were instantaneously destroyed by Tang Hao.

For Qin Xiao, this came as no surprise.

The secret technique of the Hao Tian Clan was powerful, stronger than a soul skill. He remembered that in the original story, in the later stages, Tang Hao even relied on the secret technique to defeat the Golden Crocodile Douluo with the combat power of level 97.

Although it was true that the Golden Crocodile Douluo was already on the verge of death, no longer at his peak, he was still level 98.

And now, Tang Hao, with his level 95 cultivation level, bursting forth with level 96 combat power, was also plausible.

And at this moment, Qin Xiao's combat power had also just entered the threshold of level 96.





In the blink of an eye, Tang Hao used four other techniques, and in a flash, only one of the nine Thunder Beasts remained.

Moreover, Tang Hao took this opportunity to break free from the confinement of the Thunder Pool.


At this moment, the last Thunder Beast also charged towards Tang Hao.

But the result was the same, annihilation!

"Is that all?"

Having done all this, Tang Hao's eyes were filled with disdain, "Young man, I've warned you kindly and given you a chance, but you're just not up to the task..."

Now back at his peak, he was spirited and confident, his Hao Tian Hammer pointed toward Qin Xiao from afar, but he noticed something amiss.

Why was all that thunder converging towards Qin Xiao?

"Is this his ninth soul skill?"

Upon seeing the shining soul ring on Qin Xiao, Tang Hao had an epiphany.


It was at that moment, with Qin Xiao's sharp cry, that the sky full of thunder clouds dissipated.

Qin Xiao's silhouette appeared once more before Tang Hao's eyes.

The difference was that he now wore an additional piece of ferocious-looking purple armor.

Undoubtedly, this was Qin Xiao's ninth soul skill, the Thunder Emperor Armor!

Forged from the convergence of countless forces of thunder!

With this armor, his cultivation level, speed, and strength all received a tremendous boost.

Qin Xiao estimated it to be at least fifty percent.

"This armor is extraordinary, formed from the condensation of thunder."

"And his aura of cultivation has also risen significantly from before, at least... it could compare to level 97 now, right?"

A sudden chill seized Tang Hao's heart.

He felt an instant panic.

You might say it's okay for an eighteen-year-old Titled Douluo, but for a level-92 Titled Douluo to burst forth with the combat power of level 97 was too much.

At this time, lightning flickered in Qin Xiao's eyes as he dove down, reaching Tang Hao's side in an instant.


This was true teleporting, a skill granted by his third soul ring.

"So... fast!"

No sooner had the thought arisen in Tang Hao's mind than he was sent flying.

In the rush, he only had time to use the Azure Sky Body Shield.

But what followed was still Qin Xiao's relentless assault.

Boom boom boom!

Tang Hao was like a punching bag, flung into the air and then falling back down, only to be thrown into the air again.


After being flung once more, Tang Hao couldn't help but roar in anger.

Who was he?

Hao Tian Douluo!

Ever since his youth, he had always been the one dominating his opponents.

When he first entered the realm of Titled Douluo, he managed to repel the Pope of the Martial Soul Hall and many Elders with a single strike.

Now look at him, Qin Xiao was simply repeating what he himself had done back in the days.

And even doing it more brilliantly.

It was a total slap in the face!

"Not enough."

"Only when one person is completely down, unable to stand up again, does it count as the end!"

Qin Xiao's voice was cold.

Actually, before this he had no thoughts about Tang San, Xiaowu, and the others. He was just looking to complete a mission at Shrek Academy...

But now, things had changed.

Since Tang Hao had made a move against him, there was no possibility of ending this amicably.

It wasn't just Tang Hao, even Tang San had to pay a price.

The son paying for the father's debts was the natural order of things.

"Overestimating oneself!"

"Do you really think that I can't handle you?"

As Tang Hao spoke, a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

At this point, there was only one method left for him.

And that was...

"Ring Explosion!"

His voice fell, and starting from the fifth ring, they shattered with a bang, continuing until the seventh ring before stopping.

A pure force surged into the Hao Tian Hammer.

Back then, it was by using the Exploding Ring Secret Technique that he was able to seriously injure Qian Xun Ji, the then Pope of the Martial Soul Hall, along with several Elders.

Of course, it wasn't these three soul rings...

But, he felt this was enough.

At this moment, his Cultivation Level was enough to match Qin Xiao.

"Ring Explosion."

Qin Xiao's eyes lit up, revealing surprise rather than shock.

Back when he read the original story, he thought it was a really cool ability, and today he finally saw it being used by a living person.

"Heh, ignorant."

Tang Hao let out a cold laugh and rushed out, wielding the Hao Tian Hammer.

However, after exchanging a few rounds with Qin Xiao, he became increasingly uneasy.

Forget about severely injuring Qin Xiao, he was barely managing to hold a draw with him.

This is so frustrating...

"Just a little more, if I could just raise my cultivation a bit more, I should be able to smash him."

Tang Hao's eyes reddened.

Subconsciously, he wanted to explode another soul ring.

But as the secret technique was halfway through, he had to stop.

"Exploding a thousand-year, or a hundred-year soul ring wouldn't significantly increase my strength..."

"But the backlash from exploding another hundred-thousand-year soul ring could take my life!"

"Let alone killing the enemy, I would be gone myself."

How could Tang Hao not hesitate?

If he died, what would happen to Tang San?

Now that there was a death feud between him and Qin Xiao, would he kindly let Tang San go?

Stop kidding around...

Such a saint only appears in fairy tales.

Not to mention, he believed that if Qin Xiao ever made it back to Shrek, the first thing he'd do is drag Tang San out for a bloodletting...

I cannot die!

In an instant, Tang Hao made his decision, and then Qin Xiao saw him finally using a soul ring skill other than the Azure Sky Body Shield and Martial Soul True Body.

"Bluesilver Cage!"

The hundred-thousand-year soul ring on his body lit up.

Countless strands of Blue Silver Grass grew wildly, wrapping around Qin Xiao like tentacles.

"Well, well, turns out a hundred-thousand-year soul ring comes with such a skill..."

Qin Xiao felt odd in his heart but didn't just wait to be captured.

This thing was like a toad: not harmful but irritating and it was a big nuisance to get entangled with it.

Meanwhile, seeing that Qin Xiao was temporarily unable to free himself, Tang Hao didn't go on the offensive but instead turned around and ran, heading straight for Shrek Academy.