
Chapter 147 Aftermath of Qin Xiao_1

Translator: 549690339

"Where am I supposed to get you energy on the level of Shura Divine Power now?"

Qin Xiao helplessly shook his head.

He then took out an Immortal Herb from the Spatial Soul Guidance Device he carried with him.

Believe it or not,

His previously uninterested Martial Soul didn't refuse Qin Xiao this time but conveyed a thought of 'wanting' it to him.

Such a scene gave Qin Xiao the feeling that when one is hungry, anything tastes good.

As for this,

Qin Xiao didn't refuse.

Instead, he swallowed the Immortal Herb.

Then, one after another, the Immortal Herbs were consumed.

When only one Damask Tulip was left in his hand, the Thunder Emperor Spirit indicated that it wanted no more.

Although it was still very hungry, it said it didn't want to eat anymore.

This scene was just like a child sulking.

"Hmph, eat it or not, if you don't eat, then just stay hungry," Qin Xiao snorted. Obtaining energy of the level of Divine Power wasn't easy.

"It seems, the trip to Sea God's Island needs to be moved up the schedule. The energy from a few Immortal Herbs is nowhere near enough to satisfy the Martial Soul."

Qin Xiao believed that the only way to solve his problem was to go to Sea God's Island.

There, ample Sea God's power was available.

Although in terms of quality, Sea God's power was not as good as Shura Divine Power, but in large quantities, it could fill him up.

"However, my body is extremely weak now, and it will take some time to adjust before I can recover some strength."

"For now, returning to Tiandou City is not a good decision."

Qin Xiao, aside from himself, had no one he completely trusted.

If he returned to Tiandou City now, and if people learned of his severe injuries, he didn't know what dangers could arise.

A moment later,

he made the decision not to return to Tiandou City for the time being but to find a quiet place to heal.

Once he had regained some Cultivation Level and the ability to defend himself, he would return to Tiandou City.

"Also, Yu Yuanzhen!"

Before leaving, Qin Xiao didn't forget Yu Yuanzhen, who he had already dismembered.

To avoid him coming back to life, he directly summoned the Thunderous Force and blasted Yu Yuanzhen's remains into ash.

After doing all this, Qin Xiao clapped his hands in satisfaction, "I don't believe you can come back to life this time!"

Having said that,

his figure turned into a streak of purple lightning and disappeared from the area.

After a long while,

a figure approached from a distance and arrived in a blink of an eye.

This person turned out to be the hidden Elder beside Qian Renxue, Porcupine Douluo.

He looked around for a moment, his expression growing graver as he said, "I don't know what level of expert fought here, but the destruction caused is terrifying, and the lingering aura is chilling."

Then, he shook his head regretfully. "It's a pity that I arrived a step too late to witness the prowess of such a strong expert."

This is how it is in the world of Soul Masters, the stronger the individual, the more they respect the powerful.

"Haha, what sort of strong wind blew that even brought the experts from Martial Soul Hall here?"

Suddenly, loud laughter came from behind Porcupine Douluo.

He turned around and furrowed his brows,

only to see Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo approaching on the wind.

At this moment, they were only three to five hundred meters away from him.

And the person who laughed loudly was none other than Sword Douluo.

Standing beside Sword Douluo were Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo.

"You know me?"

Porcupine Douluo was a bit surprised.

After all, many of the Elders in Martial Soul Hall are quite secretive.

They are the trump cards of the Martial Soul Hall and are seldom known to the public.

Asked by Porcupine Douluo in this way, Sword Douluo shook his head, "I don't know you, but I do recognize the clothes on your body. The color, pattern, and craftsmanship are all consistent with the standard of Titled Douluo-level experts in Martial Soul Hall, right?"


A look of surprise appeared on Porcupine Douluo's face.

He looked down...

Sure enough,

as Sword Douluo said, he was wearing the garment issued by Martial Soul Hall that only Titled Douluo-level experts were entitled to wear.

In his haste due to the sudden incident, he forgot to change it.

"Hahaha, just passing by, I recalled an urgent matter that I need to attend to. I will take my leave first," said Porcupine Douluo as he cupped his fist at Ning Fengzhi and the others and swiftly left the scene.

Of course,

he didn't head straight back to Tiandou City.

Knowing Ning Fengzhi's suspicious nature, he chose to take a detour and return via a different route.

"Sect Master, what do you make of this situation?"

After Porcupine Douluo left, Sword Douluo asked Ning Fengzhi with a frown.

"Currently, it's hard to guess whether this Elder from Martial Soul Hall appeared here by coincidence or on purpose," Ning Fengzhi pondered then slowly said, "Let's see if any clues are left on the scene."

As he spoke, he began to search aimlessly,

and Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo also started to look around.

A moment later,

Bone Douluo suddenly came to Ning Fengzhi's side and excitedly said, "Sect Master, look, I found something."

Ning Fengzhi turned to look and saw a palm-sized golden scale in Bone Douluo's hand,

"What is this?"

Ning Fengzhi was puzzled,

"It looks like scale armor from an unknown soul beast. I just tested its strength, and the defensive power is so incredible that even I'm envious. If there really is a soul beast covered with scale armor like this, it would be a nightmare."

Bone Douluo said, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Could it be that our guess is wrong?"

"That the opponent isn't a person but a powerfully strong soul beast?"

Ning Fengzhi looked at the scale and spoke with uncertainty.

However, according to Ning Fengzhi's memory, there were no records in the sect's archives of a soul beast that even Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo would fear existing on the Soul Land!