
Chapter 144 The Majesty of True Dragon Nine Crowns_1

Translator: 549690339

"Qin Xiao, how are you feeling? Surprised, aren't you?"

Yu Yuanzhen looked at Qin Xiao, laughing loudly as he said, "Actually, I owe my success today to you. Without you, I would never have reached my current level of cultivation. Without you, Yu Yuanzhen would never have reached the true peak in this lifetime."

"Qin Xiao, rest assured, to express my gratitude, I will make sure to crush you to dust. But before that, I will let you watch as those close to you die, one by one. I want you to experience the pain of loss."

Without a doubt, Yu Yuanzhen held an immense grudge against Qin Xiao.

In his heart, if he had killed Qin Xiao outright, that would have been too easy for Qin Xiao.

"You think you can face the Holy Radiant Dragon with your level 96 cultivation?"

Qin Xiao didn't say much, just coldly retorted.


Yu Yuanzhen nodded heavily and said gravely, "Isn't that enough?"

To this, Qin Xiao's reply was definite, "Of course it isn't."

As his voice fell, soul power surged around him.

Although Yu Yuanzhen did not see what Qin Xiao's Martial Soul was, he saw nine soul rings emerge beneath Qin Xiao's feet.

The first soul ring was red.

Then followed purple, black, purple, black, black, black, black—eight soul rings in tight succession.

"What an unusual combination of soul rings."

This was the first time Yu Yuanzhen had seen Qin Xiao fully demonstrate his cultivation.

Especially that eye-catching hundred-thousand-year soul ring, it was particularly conspicuous.


Yu Yuanzhen had ultimately arrived too late, otherwise, after seeing the scene of the Xingluo Empire's total defeat, he might have had second thoughts about attacking Qin Xiao.

"Thunder Emperor Armor!"

Qin Xiao chanted inwardly as the ninth soul ring glowed with a dark light.

As deep as a starless night sky.


A purple bolt of lightning tore through the void and struck Qin Xiao precisely.

Then, under Yu Yuanzhen's watchful eyes, the electric light coalesced without scattering, astonishingly transforming into a set of purple armor on Qin Xiao's body.

At the same time, Qin Xiao's aura rose again.

In an instant, it matched his own.


"He's become even stronger than me!"

Yu Yuanzhen felt a chill in his heart, not expecting such a transformation to occur on Qin Xiao.

"If your Martial Soul were still the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Martial Soul, this battle would have been as predictable as the last. But, now you are not, and within the thunder, there is the power of light..."

Qin Xiao paused, then continued, "However, even with that, the outcome will still not change."

At these words, Yu Yuanzhen's pupils shrank sharply.

He heard a tone of disdain in Qin Xiao's words.

But he also knew it was the truth.

If not for the transformation to light attributes, his cultivation wouldn't dare seek revenge against Qin Xiao, not even at level 99, let alone level 96. The immunity to lightning was simply the bane of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan.

Suddenly, Yu Yuanzhen let out a cold laugh, "Qin Xiao, if you think I have shown all my battle power now, you are gravely mistaken."

"The outcome will only be known after the battle!"

As Yu Yuanzhen's voice fell, he suddenly transformed into a golden beam of light, rushing towards Qin Xiao.

Far away, Liu Erlong and Poison Douluo had already seen the two begin their combat, only to hear the belated sound of breaking air afterward.

"What incredible speed, both their speeds have broken the sound barrier!"

Du Gu Bo couldn't help but exclaim. That lad Qin Xiao's true combat power was indeed formidable.

No wonder Tang Hao would run away as soon as he heard Qin Xiao's name, as if a mouse had seen a cat.

Even if Tang Hao saw Qin Xiao's face now, wouldn't it be difficult to run away?

Boom boom boom.

The battle raged on, countless powerful forces unleashed, shaking the earth and mountains.

Meanwhile, Qin Xiao and Yu Yuanzhen had turned into purple and gold lightning, moving so fast that it was disorienting.

"Your Highness, who do you think has a greater chance of winning?"

At this moment, Liu Erlong couldn't help but ask Poison Douluo, her voice not hiding her worry.

"You want to know if Qin Xiao will be in any danger, don't you?"

Du Gu Bo saw through Liu Erlong's thoughts, "Don't worry, a good person won't die young, and a scourge lasts for a thousand years. Qin Xiao, such a big scourge, I'm confident he can live for ten thousand years."

Liu Erlong frowned upon hearing this, feeling that Du Gu Bo's words were unreliable.

Seeing this, Du Gu Bo just shrugged his shoulders and said no more.

Of course, he wasn't disparaging Qin Xiao on purpose.

He could see that even though Yu Yuanzhen was holding his own against Qin Xiao, he was still a bit short.

And sure enough.

As if to confirm Du Gu Bo's statement, Qin Xiao and Yu Yuanzhen slammed into each other, followed by Yu Yuanzhen falling from the sky like a meteor.


The ground trembled again, followed by a cloud of dust and debris.

"We won!"

Liu Erlong's eyes lit up, her eyebrows filled with joy.

Looking at Du Gu Bo, who glanced at the panting Qin Xiao in mid-air, he shook his head slightly.

He noticed that Qin Xiao's gaze had never left the direction where Yu Yuanzhen fell.

As if he could see the figure in the dust.

"It's hard to say, the battle needs more time to conclude, and Yu Yuanzhen may still have some unknown cards up his sleeve."

Without realizing it, Du Gu Bo's voice was filled with solemnity.

Liu Erlong subconsciously glanced at Du Gu Bo, seeing his serious face without a single sign of jest.

Subconsciously, she clasped her hands together, looking towards Qin Xiao and praying silently, "Please, let there be no trouble."