
Chapter 122 Brave and Invincible Zhao Wuji_1

Translator: 549690339


No proof, no death!

In Dai Mubai's mind, these words suddenly sprang up.

Following that, a chill rose from the soles of his feet, rushing straight to his crown.

Zhu Zhuqing is truly determined to kill me!

He realized the severity of the situation.

"Zhu Qing, listen to me, I never meant to hurt you from the start. I just wanted you too badly."

Dai Mubai waved his hands continuously, pleading with Zhu Zhuqing, trying to find a chance to survive.

"Zhu Qing, it's not wise to linger here, we must settle this quickly."

At this moment, Meng Yiran spoke up, reminding Zhu Zhuqing.

"I understand."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, her third soul ring already shining bright.

She also knew that Dai Mubai daring to make a move against them meant he had backings beyond just two Soul Kings.

There must certainly be other powerhouses behind him.

"Hell Slash!"


A pitch-black edge tore through the void, slashing towards Dai Mubai.

"It's over, everything's over."

Facing such an attack, Dai Mubai was filled with despair.

After reaching level 45, how much more potent had Zhu Zhuqing's soul skills become, not just by a little bit?

Even if he defended with all his might, he would not die from this strike but would be gravely injured.

Moreover, even if he could dodge the first attack, what about the second?


Dai Mubai was in despair.

"Hmph, the young lady strikes quite fiercely."

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Dai Mubai at the last moment.

Frantically gathering Soul Power, he threw a punch, smashing towards the Hell Slash.


The Hell Slash shattered like broken porcelain, breaking into countless pieces.

"Are you the one Dai Mubai hired to deal with us?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the middle-aged man with a mustache in the distance, her pretty face covered with frost.

It was he who had helped Dai Mubai, blocking the attack and saving Dai Mubai's life.

"No wonder you could kill those two useless trash, this attacking power is indeed strong."

The mustached middle-aged man rubbed his wrist and said with a smile, "With such talent, no wonder Dai Shao can't stop thinking about you."

"Captain, you're finally back, I was almost killed by them. Quick, capture them for me."

Dai Mubai was like someone who had found a life-saving straw, his face filled with excitement.

Where was the look of someone begging for mercy?

"Dai Shao, rest assured, taking people's money to dispel their disasters, even if you didn't ask, I would still take care of it for you."

The mustached middle-aged man said, his face suddenly showing difficulty, "It's just the death of these two brothers of mine..."

God damn brothers, didn't you just call them useless trash? Dai Mubai's face changed instantly, looking even worse than the mustached middle-aged man's.

However, the two were different; Dai Mubai truly felt troubled, while the mustached middle-aged man was faking it.

As for his purpose...

"Mader, do you just want money?"

Dai Mubai asked through gritted teeth, "Captain has a point, I believe in you, brothers are not priceless, right? Name your price."

"Hahaha, Dai Shao really gets me. However, I think it would take at least ten thousand golden soul coins to soothe the sorrow in my heart."

The mustached middle-aged man let out a laugh before stating a number.

Ten thousand golden soul coins?

He's just naming a price without a second thought.

Damn, does he really think my golden soul coins are blown in by the wind?

Dai Mubai was so angry he wanted to curse.

But did he have any other choice?

"Fine, ten thousand golden soul coins. I agree."

"Now you can take action."

Dai Mubai clenched his teeth but agreed nonetheless.

Yet, the mustached middle-aged man shook his head, "Dai Shao, you must have miscalculated: it should be twenty thousand golden soul coins, not ten thousand."


Dai Mubai was taken aback. Why does the money keep piling up with no end?

"Ten thousand golden soul coins, that's per person. They were two brothers, weren't they? How much should that be?"

The mustached middle-aged man finished speaking and looked at Dai Mubai, waiting for his response.

Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran couldn't escape anyway, so he had all the patience in the world.

"Grind, grind."

Dai Mubai ground his teeth, but what could he do?

He could only swallow his broken teeth.

In no time, he made up his mind, "Fine, twenty thousand is twenty thousand. I agree, can you take action now?"

"Of course, everything as you wish."

The mustached middle-aged man smiled slightly, nodding in satisfaction.

The next moment, countless vines wildly grew within the dense forest, wrapping around Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran like serpents.

"Not good, he's a control-type Soul Master."

Zhu Zhuqing's expression changed.

"We're in danger."

Meng Yiran's pretty face turned pale in an instant.

However, at that moment, a heavy silhouette fell from the sky, crashing into the scene.

Indeed, crashing.

Like a meteorite from heaven striking the earth, the impact was staggering.

"Teacher Zhao!"

Meng Yiran, Zhu Zhuqing both recognized the figure clearly, their faces showing shock.

However, Zhao Wuji at this time was not in a good state, his clothes stained with blood.

He even had a deep, bone-revealing cut on his arm.

"Get away, find help, I'll hold them off."

Zhao Wuji's voice rang in their ears.

Then Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran felt as if they were lifted by clouds and mist, actually thrown over ten meters away by Zhao Wuji.

"Teacher Zhao!"


Zhao Wuji bellowed.

Immediately after, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran could clearly see Zhao Wuji being wrapped by vine after vine, like serpents.
