
Chapter 109 The Collapse of Yu Xiaogang, Qin Xiao Gives Immortal Herbs_1

Translator: 549690339

Who would make such a perverted request?

Qin Xiao was somewhat surprised; he hadn't expected Yu Xiaogang to muster such courage.

Of course.

In face of Yu Xiaogang's suicidal move, Qin Xiao had no reason to refuse.


A thick current of electricity fell upon Yu Xiaogang's body.


Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but let out a cry of agony.

"Your Highness..."

Liu Erlong's heart trembled upon hearing this, and she instinctively wanted to ask Qin Xiao to stop.

But Yu Xiaogang spoke before she could, "Er... Er Long... don't stop me..."

Then, he said to Qin Xiao, "I, I feel that the Soul Power within my body is increasing, please amplify the Thunderous Force."

Qin Xiao nodded silently without a word.

He increased the output of the Thunderous Force.

Instantly, Yu Xiaogang's screams rose anew, but although he was crying out, everyone could see him smiling through the pain.

Very eerie.

"Wait, Xiaogang's face..."

Suddenly, Liu Erlong furrowed her brows; she noticed the wrinkles on Yu Xiaogang's face had deepened.

"His hair, it's turned white!"

Flander's pupils contracted sharply, shock evident on his face.

They recalled what Qin Xiao had said earlier; if Yu Xiaogang persisted with Tempest Body Refinement without the potential, he would be overspending his life.

Both he and Liu Erlong knew that Yu Xiaogang was now casting his life away.

But was this really something they could stop now?

All they saw was Yu Xiaogang continuously shouting, more, more!

As if mad, even if they tried to stop him, would they be able to?

Obviously not!

Liu Erlong could no longer bear to watch.

Flander closed his eyes too.

After a long while.

The purple lightning inside the room suddenly extinguished as if snuffed out like a candle.

"Why, why did you stop?"

Yu Xiaogang asked with a hoarse voice.

Upon hearing his voice, Liu Erlong and Flander also looked over.

But when they saw Yu Xiaogang's current condition, they were at a loss for words.

He appeared much older with snowy white hair, his face was covered with wrinkles, and his posture was no longer upright, looking as if he would be buried within a couple of years.

Yu Xiaogang at present seemed to have aged decades from before.

"Your Highness, why have you stopped? I feel I'm close to breaking through level 29, I can hold on."

Yu Xiaogang looked puzzledly at Qin Xiao.

"Maybe you should take a look at yourself first."

Qin Xiao simply said, his voice devoid of emotion.

To him, Yu Xiaogang's life likely had no more than two or three years remaining.

"What happened to me?"

Yu Xiaogang subconsciously stretched out his hand.

He suddenly stunned.

In his cloudy eyes was disbelief.

The skin that had once been normal was now dry and devoid of any moisture or luster.

"Is this really my hand?"

"It's like tree roots!"

"Is this even real?"

He shakily lifted his hand before his eyes, examining it before finally touching his own face.

Upon touching his cheek, he became frozen in shock.

"Er Long, do you have a mirror?"

He instinctively looked at Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong opened her mouth, "Xiaogang..."

But Yu Xiaogang insisted, "Don't stop me, I want to see what I have become!"

"Sigh." Liu Erlong sighed deeply but still took out a mirror and handed it to Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang hurriedly grabbed it.

"Is this really me?"

"How did I turn into this!?"

When he saw his own reflection in the mirror, he was dumbfounded.

With a crack, the mirror slipped from his hands and shattered on the floor.

"Eat whatever you want, do whatever you want to do. That is if you still have the energy for it."

"If nothing unexpected happens, you haven't got much time left."

After saying this, Qin Xiao stood up.

Seeing this, Liu Erlong and Flander stepped aside from the doorway, allowing Qin Xiao to leave.

When the room was left with only Liu Erlong, Flander, and Yu Xiaogang, the air seemed to freeze.


Yu Xiaogang slumped to the ground.

"Xiaogang, calm down a bit."

Flander said, intending to help Yu Xiaogang up.

But Yu Xiaogang shook off his hand.

He coldly looked at Flander and said harshly, "Calm down, how can I calm down? Flander, I'm about to die!"

"I could've lived for decades more, but now I don't have many years left, I'm going to die!"

"And I've expended decades of my lifespan, but still, I didn't break through level 30."

He was truly falling apart.

Now, his life was gone, and his strength hadn't improved; Yu Xiaogang felt as if all his efforts had been in vain.

Flander frowned, "What do you mean by this, are you blaming me? Just now, Er Long and I persuaded you to give up, but you persisted, insisting on the help from His Majesty the Thunder Emperor, and now you're blaming me?"


Yu Xiaogang's face froze, then contorted even more fiercely, "Does that feeble attempt even count as persuasion?"

"What are you saying?" Flander's face darkened, "We walk our own paths, no matter what, you can't blame me, can you?"

"You need to understand, advising you was out of goodwill, not advising you was also my right! I don't owe you anything."

After hearing Flander's words, Yu Xiaogang was at a loss for words.

In his memory, whatever he said, Flander would hardly ever retort.

"Hahaha, good, very good. So this is your true face, Flander?"

Yu Xiaogang suddenly laughed, "I see now, you must be wishing for my death, aren't you? Only then, could you pursue Er Long without any qualms, right?"