
I'm Your Man

Since the incident at the night club, Reynand looks for Naumi at his university with the help of his assistant Vino. Where this Naumi made love one night with him because his lover betrayed his broken heart. When he met Naumi, Naumi denied it, still being rude to him. When the love incident happened one night, his younger brother Reynand was undergoing an international taekwondo match but had an accident resulting in an injury and shock to his sister. Reynand's busy days with his only sister made him miss Naumi who went to America.

RinaMardiana_22 · Urban
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6 Chs

He Missing and Don't Care

 Happy reading

Time after time continues without stopping, until it does not feel that the day is approaching and now it is still on the verge of 04.12.  The cold pierced the bones, as well as Reynand who was still struggling with the thick blanket.

The man rubbed his eyes, Reynand forced himself to wake up because he couldn't stand the growing cold.  his hand reached out to take the AC remote which was located not far from him.  He immediately turned down the volume of the air conditioner so as not to add to the cold in the room.

He was pensive for a moment, seemed to be thinking about something, yes, that's right, the man was thinking about something, especially if he didn't think about Naumi who was found last night.  Reynand seemed to want to stress, about Syila?  He didn't care anymore, because his heart seemed to say that Syila was not his childhood friend.

Reynand rubbed his face, the man was really confused now, he didn't know what he was feeling right now, he used to hate Naumi so much that even Naumi's departure was what he really waited for, but now he seems to be being toyed with by circumstances.  .  It's true, love doesn't come in human form, it can't be seen, it can't be heard, it can't be seen but it can only be felt.  but it feels as if it makes humans seem to forget any problem.

"If only time could be repeated Naumi, I wanted to fix all my mistakes, but now I can't anymore, you have really left my life.  I beg you, Naumi, to come home and come back to me," he said, looking down softly.

Look, Reynand's real side has been revealed, just because of one girl, is he this sad?  this is the second time he is sad and misses someone other than his mother.  Ah!  he really regretted it now, he shouldn't have been rude to Naumi if he didn't like it.  his mother doesn't know about the problem with his lover, if Bagas finds out, then his business will be even worse and he will definitely become the target object for the destruction of his love with Naumi.

'Should I ask Varo for help?  to track down Naumi's whereabouts?' he thought not desperate to find his wife's whereabouts.

Not wanting to linger, he immediately reached for his cellphone which was located on the nightstand.  his hands nimbly played on the keyboard of his cellphone, until he found what he was looking for, namely Varo's number, he didn't make accusations anymore, he just pressed the number, but several calls went unanswered.  !  If you're in a hurry, you don't remember the conditions and don't want to know what the reason is. 

A girl is still lying on a soft mattress, her eyes still tightly closed in a dark room, a cool room with air conditioning.  A girl who was none other than Naumi was now still lying limp,

He was surprised, he also didn't think that his life had to end like this, his hero who had promised him himself before, promised him, anyone who would disturb him would be exterminated by his hero who was none other than his father, who is now torturing himself and hurting his children.  which he had promised that he would never hurt his son.

A drop of clear liquid seemed to be running down the eyelids of Naumi's eyes which had turned blue, by now she was used to any kind of pain.  Naumi tried to move, but her body felt like it was being cut into pieces, because now it really hurt, the girl bit her lower lip not to scream, she closed her eyes and tried again to move her body, but she couldn't and she had completely  weak now.

 "D-dad, sob... sob, it hurts," the lyrics sob softly.

 ~Flashback On~

 A six-year-old little boy was jogging in the park, a happy expression and smile never faded from his cute and beautiful face.

"Father, let's go after Aumi!"  he shouted in a loud voice.

He continued to run with the occasional glance behind him, seeing his father who was chasing him, and that made him run even more.

"Naumi dear!  don't run too fast!  you'll fall!"  Meli is quirky, who is none other than the mother of little Naumi.

Naumi did not heed the warning from his beloved mother, he was running more and more to avoid his father, and without realizing it there was a wooden branch lying in front of him, his shoes caught on the branch and as a result his body swayed and fell.

"Aaaa mommy!"  he shouted making Meli run followed by Vino behind him.

Naumi on the ground, Dirga who saw it was no less panicked than the others, he immediately carried his little daughter and sat her on a chair in the garden.  Meanwhile, Meli immediately took the red medicine in the house.

"Dear Naumi, Naumi Are you all right?"  asked Dirga anxiously.

 "Wh-it hurts. Well, sob ... sob," he sobbed in a slurred tone.

Meli came with a first aid kit in hand, she immediately sat down and opened the medicine box, patiently treating Naumi's knee on the ground that was hit by the wood scratch and bleeding a little.

"S-fucking Bun!  huaaaa!"  she cried loudly.

Dirga immediately hugged Naomi's body and placed her child's tiny body on his lap.  While Vino was busy blowing his sister's wound so it wouldn't hurt. 

Done!  doesn't it hurt, honey?"  Meli asked her son, while wiping the tears that had been running down the child's cheeks.

Little Naumi just shook her head, looking cute, and didn't forget her sweet smile that had returned.

"That's more like it!  Daddy's son must be strong!  you can't cry!"  exclaimed Dirga making Naumi laugh as well as Vino.

"Sister, don't run around anymore, it's better to just play with the dolls, Brother!"  said Vino who persuaded his sister.

"Do you really want to play with Naumi with dolls?"  asked Naumi Seraya looking innocently at her brother.

Vino nodded enthusiastically, he gave up himself as a boy but had to play with a pair of barby dolls, for the sake of his sister he would do anything as long as Naumi was happy, even though he was still a child, his mind was very mature.

"Brother will always protect your child from the monsters out there!  if someone bothers you, just tell your brother, let your brother destroy it!"  said Vino firmly and managed to invite laughter from Meli and Dirga who saw the strange behavior of their children.

 ~Flashbacks Of~

Tears flowed more profusely when remembering that sweet moment that had been several years ago.  Vino's words still ring in Naumi's mind where her brother's promise to always protect her from monster attacks, and now that monster is her own brother.

"Where's your promise, brother, you said, that you will destroy the monster that hurt Naumi but now you're the one who's become the monster, sob... sob," she whispered as she sobbed loudly.

Unbeknownst to him, someone was listening to Naumi's complaints.  That person is none other than Vino.  He froze hearing the hurtful words of his sister, Is he too cruel?  Don't ever think like that Rey!  because you are no longer cruel but actually have become a cruel senior.

In this world, it is rare for a family to be sadistic and have the heart to beat and even slap their own child like an animal.  Maybe if you think about it, it's impossible for your own child to be beaten and tortured, but this is the situation, you could say, Naumi's life is different from the others, the happiness she gets from her family is only temporary and is replaced by suffering.

Naomi tried to crawl her body so that she could lie down comfortably, the girl had time to think, if her life ends in this room, she wants her father to carry her and at the last time she is buried, she wants the whole family to smile without having to involve the word 'Tears'.

 "Vinvin, help Naumi" he screamed, not knowing what he was thinking, but his tongue felt like it was shaking to call his little friend.

The tears didn't stop flowing, even the floor in the room was already the language of tears.  Naomi smiled a little when she remembered her friend with Vinvin, but now she was destroyed, one by one the people she loved the most just left, leaving her alone, completely alone, indeed God's plan no one could guess

~Flashback On~

A pair of small children were sitting on the edge of the lake, looking familiar and every time they talked, there would be small laughs that adorn the atmosphere.  They hold each other's hands so as not to be separated, it's very true.

"Naomi would you like some ice cream?"  asked the boy in a slurred sentence.

While the one who was asked then turned and nodded his head, as a sign that he wanted to.  Vinvin, who already understood the meaning of his friend's answer, immediately put a spoonful of ice cream in Naomi's mouth, and was happily accepted by the master.

"Isn't it delicious?"  he asked again.

Very delicious!  Naumi vinegar!"  he shouted with joy.

"Later, Vinvin will buy it again, yes, we will buy a lot!"  said Vinvin with his sweet smile which was also replied with a smile no less sweet than Naumi..

 The two little children were still always sitting on the edge of the city's lake, they were neither together nor with their parents, because they did not want to meddle in the affairs of adults.

Vinvin observed Naumi's cute face from the side, he thought, will he always be like this with Naumi?  he wished he would be with Naumi for the rest of his life, that was what the boy had in mind.

 While the one who was being watched, seemed aware that he actually saw Vinvin who was busy paying attention, he also looked at his best friend, and the stares took place.

 "Vinvin why are you looking at Naumi?"  he asked confused.

 "Vinvin wants, Naumi and Vinvin can go on together until we are a trishaw!"  he said seriously making Naumi's smile widen again.

 "Yes, Naomi also wants us to be together until Becal!  he answered happily.

 "Promise?"  asked Vinvin while holding out his little finger.

 "Promise!"  Naumi replied by linking her little finger to Vinvin's little finger.

 They laughed after the promise was over, there was never a sad look on the faces of the two boys, they were both happy.


 "Sob… sob, I-I hate it!  i-i hate my own life!  sob... sob, go pick up Naomi God...!  "


In a room that has shades of gray, a man is sitting on his desk, I don't know what he is thinking, so that it makes him not as usual, he has started to be inconsistent in his work.

 The wind was blowing hard, entering through the gaps in the glass windows in the room, occasionally hitting his handsome face which looked a little lack of enthusiasm for life.  He was so busy wrestling with his own mind that he didn't know and didn't care about someone who had just come and sat in front of him.
