
I'm Tom Emris Riddle

The story of the most ordinary Man and his reincarnation in Tom Riddle in the Harry Potter universe. I don't speak English, this is my fanfic in Russian. Google translations.

Alex_Pendragon666 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 7. Vendetta.

05/20/1945, 7:00

The mansion of the Richards family

Lord Richards was peacefully, as if nothing had happened, taking breakfast in his wonderfully furnished ancestral mansion, not even suspecting what a fatal turn would soon take place in his wonderful life.

— The weather is great today, isn't it? Smacking his lips, the man quietly raised his voice, breaking the silence under the clang of cutlery.

At first glance, it might seem that the room of the pompous dining room was completely empty, except for the Lord himself. The latter, not hearing the answer, lowered his gaze to the floor, looking devastated at the black-haired girl lying next to a bowl of water.

The baby just mumbled something in response, nodding wearily. She had long ago realized that silence leads to punishment, so she was ready to play along, just to experience less torture at the hands of this dirty monster in human form. Although this does not always save her.

Richards just let out an exasperated sigh, loudly throwing the appliances and pulling the napkin off his collar. Frowning, he opened a small wooden box and took out a thick cigar.

— Hey, what are you mumbling about? — the man roughly kicked the toe of his shoe into the side of the girl's body, thereby forcing her to wake up from her melancholy.

— P-the weather is fine... it really is, Sir," the girl said through clenched teeth.

He was amused by the thought that such a young and such a blind girl still continues to somehow grab onto her pathetic life. He flicked the ashes into a bowl and, not satisfied with the reaction, wound the girl's long hair around his fist and looked into her face with disgust, knowing full well that she would never see his expression.

"You," he exhaled smoke at her, trying to continue a calm and quiet conversation, "are one of my most interesting and durable toys. I won't get tired of frolicking with you for a long time, and yes... you better try to make me laugh if you don't want to go to pieces on the black market like your girlfriend. Isabel— I think that was her name, exactly.

"It's going to be a lot better than putting up with your stinking smell, you crazy bastard," she hissed. The headache overshadowed absolutely all the restraining emotions in the baby. It was probably the first and only time she dared to address a Lord like that.

— Wow ... — the Lord raised his eyebrows and grinned insanely, clenching his fist tighter in his hair, — it seems like I haven't punished you for a long time.

All the girl could hear was the hasty rattling of the belt buckle, which Richards, apparently, was unbuttoning it, intending to take it off.

Her small face twisted in anger mixed with contempt.

— What is that expression on your face? he asked with annoyance, squeezing her chin hard with his hand.

"One day your time will come. You will suffer a fate many times worse than the one experienced by innocent people because of you.

— I curse you, so that you will never know peace, neither now nor after death. a curse sounded in her hoarse, childish voice.

— Rubbish! — he hit her hard on the cheek, and began to strangle her thin snow-white neck.

"How dare you talk to me like that?" I've really been too soft on you. — he said, as he brought the cigar to her cheek.

The girl felt something burning approaching her cheek. She tried to crawl away.. but unfortunately, the baby was literally tied hand and foot.

— AAAAA. Hoarse screams of utter pain rang out throughout the mansion. Only the butler of the Richards family heard them, who was full of indifference to everything that was happening, and continued to calmly clean his Lord's chambers.

— Did it hurt? After all, this is just the beginning. You will know the consequences of disobedience. Richards said coldly, ripping off her clothes completely.



"Lord Richards, there's been a disaster! – the butler brought a stack of newspapers to the table, trying to hide brief glances at the completely naked figure of a bloody girl on the floor.

It turned out that somehow the documents on the purchase and sale of children from the orphanage merged into all the main publications of the country. On the main page there is a large photo of the original documents from the director of the shelter.

Richards turned purple, sweated and ran into his office, slamming the door loudly and leaving the courtier and the girl alone.

Running through the spacious corridors, the Lord ordered the servants to collect his things and call the seneschal. And he himself, having run into the office, in a hurry began to open the safe with documents. He pulled out absolutely all contracts, documents, etc., related not only to the sale of children, but also to the illegal sale of opium and cocaine. With trembling hands, the man set fire to all the "unnecessary" papers, throwing them on a metal tray.

Richards then sat down at his desk, picking up a fountain pen and writing paper. In a hurry, he scribbled the words signaling that "the filthy director of the shelter turned them all in." The seneschal, who worked as Richards' right-hand man, who did not even have time to take bath procedures and have breakfast, rushed to him.

— Where the hell are you? – the Lord spoke extremely angrily, sealing the envelope. — So, immediately release the children. Do whatever you want with them, for the life of you, but don't let them be in the mansion. And this," the man held out the letter, "give it to Anderson personally.

Without giving anything to say, Richards walked around the Seneschal, intending to leave.

— Oh and yes. he turned around before walking away. — Clean up the dining room.

The man did not suspect yet that his "trusted" butler decided to hand him over to the authorities and save his "toys" in order to reduce his possible sentence.


The news about the sale of children from the Wool shelter spread like a virus around the world in a matter of days.

Meanwhile, Lord Richards has already settled into a secret bunker away from hidden eyes. Anxiously awaiting his inevitable fate, the man realized that he would not be able to escape now. He has crossed the path of too many, there is nothing holding them back anymore. They will definitely take advantage of the moment to destroy the Lord, preventing him from secretly fleeing the country. Richards did not tell anyone where he would be hiding. Even to his most trusted subordinates. Fortunately, there was everything necessary to live for several years.

A day after the publication of the documents that thundered all over the world, a criminal case was opened against the Lord and the man was put on the wanted list.

The authorities and the people needed only Richards' head. Especially after his butler voluntarily surrendered to the police and shared all available information about his dealings with Aristocrats and many others. And they were quite enough to arrange a real lynching of these inhumans.

Since Richards had long been in the way of some high circles, they used all their connections and powers to further denigrate the Lord in the media and cause people to hate him.

Meanwhile, those same officials were quietly taking control of his sphere of influence, not counting the sale of children. After all, even they considered it a disgusting act.

Meanwhile, neither Anderson nor the director of the shelter with Mrs. Cole could find a place for themselves. Each of them were soon caught by the police, so right now they were surviving these days in a cold cell as best they could.

They were all "randomly" put in a cell with the rest of the prisoners, who did not come to the joy of the articles for which they were there. So the prisoners gave them all a special resort.

It's amazing how strong love can be, since Mrs. Cole, after the problems piled up, still loved her "tiger cub".

Everyone involved in the crime understood that one wrong step, they could not only be "lightly" beaten, but also do something worse.


A few days after arriving at the bunker, bags of jewelry, gold, and "clean" cash of one million pounds evaporated!

At some point, Richards began to notice that food and drinks began to mysteriously disappear.

At night, he began to hear scratching and children's laughter, which did not allow him to sleep peacefully.

From the constant headache, because of the fear of falling asleep, Richards shuddered every time he heard any rustle in the empty bunker, looking around madly. It seemed that he was naturally going crazy!

In the morning, he was shivering from a hangover, then from bouts of uncontrollable fear, forcing the so-shattered nervous system to take on a triple load.

And so, when the man decided to leave the bunker, unable to stand it any longer, he discovered a fact that led him into a severe panic.

The door! It was tightly locked… no matter how the old man tried to open it or knock it out with his flabby handles, it was useless.

The metal door wouldn't budge in any way. The lord fell into uncontrollable hysteria, screaming and calling for help. The fear of staying here forever terrified him.

All alone, dying after some time due to lack of resources, which will end sooner or later.

It was then, under the emotions of a swollen face, a man with red eyes from tears fell asleep right on the cold floor.

But when he woke up, another great news was waiting for him. The supplies... are all completely gone.

At that moment, with a lifeless broken face, he remembered the words of the blind girl: "One day your time will come, and you will suffer a fate many times worse than the one that innocent people experienced because of you."

Could it be the notorious karma, or the so-called justice? He had no idea.

Lowering his arms completely, sliding back against the wall, Richards gave up... and accepted his fate. He understood that after all he had no right to repent for his actions and deeds.

So the man slowly died in despair. Like those broken "toys," as he always liked to call his slaves. Without water, food - like the last pathetic rat all alone.

And only a few months later, the police will discover the location of Richards, from which only a half-rotted corpse remains.


Tom was inspecting the loot he had received from Richards–gold, jewelry, and most importantly–a decent amount of banknotes and bonds. What can I say, the boy was pleased.

Did Riddle have a conscience about his actions with this bastard in the bunker? Of course not. When Tom lived his life as Merlin, he often had to kill. It wasn't life like in the series. It was a tough Middle Ages with its own rules of life.

And thanks to these memories, it was not so difficult for him to do this. Fortunately, already deceased and far from being a Lord, Richards is not an angel in the flesh. Still, Tom couldn't do that to an innocent person.

Picking up the newspaper, Riddle began to read:

"The body of Lord Richards has been discovered! It was found in one of the secret bunkers, which was located not far outside London..."

Flipping through the page, Tom read the following: "The accomplices in the case of Lord Richards were killed by cellmates during dinner. There were only two survivors – the butler Rikan Corldes, who had previously voluntarily surrendered. He has already been transferred to another prison. And Agatha Cole, rushed to the hospital with a heart attack. The source said that she fell into utter madness. The police are conducting further investigations into these actions..."

— Revenge is a dish that is served cold. Riddle said with icy calmness as the newspaper burst into flames in his hands.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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