
I'm the Villain.

The concept of summoning adventurers to another world had always disgusted me, the idea of making other people fight a war that has nothing to do with them is sick.

Zed_Martin_9823 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
119 Chs

CH.3 The Banquette

Allen admired the design of the bathroom, the hot water running down his body as his black silky hair emitted a faded glow to it, the black marble floor, and the amount of space he had. All this was new to him, back home he used to share the bathroom with both his sister and mother, and since they lived in the restaurant, they owned the living conditions were good but the space or privacy one would need was lacking especially as he remembered how impulsive his sister was.

The thought of his sister had reminded him of what happened when he was been summoned to this world, the flesh tearing of his sister's hand as she fought to save her brother. These memories brought him back to reality as he got out of the shower and headed to his bedroom only to find a fresh change of clothes on the bed and a maid standing by the door.

The maid and Alen looked eyes for a minute before the maid turned around and exited the room leaving the former to change into his new attire, mid-way dressed Alen heard the door swing open and a very energetic blonde boy entered the room behind him two maids who looked exhausted.

"Please sir, the hero would be done in a couple of minutes," one of the maids said.

"It's no big deal, besides it's not like I'm walking in on a girl changing," Quinn said.

Alen who at this point had dressed and was looking in the mirror completely ignoring the commotion, his black curly hair complimented his blue eyes, and looking in the mirror Alen was a decent-looking guy, Quinn, on the other hand, had both the look and the body to attract the attention of the ladies while Alen had his beautiful blue eyes and his cherry deep voice.

"What do you want Quinn?" He asked as he sat on the chair next to the bed.

"Isn't this place amazing, all you have to do is ring a bell and a beautiful lady comes to serve you, one of them helped me get dressed and she had a huge and bouncy personality not to mention the way she looked at me?"

"You should be careful she was probably trying to get in the good graces of the so-called heroes, having someone with a title and reputation of a hero could open a lot of doors for someone. Although we may be in another world human beings are still the same"

"You worry a lot," Quinn said as he took a little golden bell by the side of the bed and rang it. The two maids standing outside made their way in together and waited for their orders.

"Can you ladies help us out with some water?"

" Yes of course sir," The maids said in unison.

" Wait, Lucy stay behind please."

"o-of course sir" Lucy, the maid that was appointed to Alen answered with a slight bow.

"Please take a seat," Alen said as he offered Lucy a chair.

"You're not thinking of doing anything degenerate, are you? I was just joking earlier" Quinn interrupted.

"Would you shut up! who do you think I am" Alen snapped his cheeks turning slightly red.

"Anyway, Lucy would you mind telling me a bit about this world, it'll help me be more at ease if I knew something. As things stand now I have so many questions and little to no answers, not knowing these things makes my stomach turn."

"I apologize Sir hero; His Majesty has instructed us not to say anything."

Lucy left the room and Alen stared outside the window; he couldn't help but admire the view of this new world. After a few minutes, carriages drawn by horses arrived at the villa all while being escorted by the royal guards. Alen had noticed something different and that was the division of knights up until now he has seen three types of knights, the Holy knights, the royal knights, and the regular knights who would patrol the city and be in charge of the security of the people.

These knights also wore different armor, the Holy knights had light blue armor with a white robe and a shield with a red cross on it. The robe they had also had a red cross on the colors, and the royal knights had a unique set of red and black armor and a leather cloth underneath, they looked to weigh about a ton, yet these soldiers moved swiftly in them. The normal knights had a set of grey plate armor.

Once the carriages arrived the students were then escorted and divided into four people per carriage, unfortunately for Alen was placed in a different group from his friend, and the carriage he was in had three other girls. Alen has always tried his best to keep his social interactions to a minimum since he was always quiet most of the people viewed him as a loner loser but that never really bothered him much now, he could see the nervous looks on the girls and one of them was trembling slightly.

What did he expect although some of the students accepted being summoned to another world something like this was not normal, taking someone from their daily lives and introducing them to a new environment would get a negative reaction from anyone. As the carriage started moving Alen scotched over to the window and slide it open letting the fresh air inside and exposing the beautiful view outside.

"Isn't it beautiful, you can't find a view like this back in our world" Alen said as he gazed at the starry night.

"Y-yes I guess" Theresa the girl who was trembling replied as she was caught off guard by the voice of the former.

"I know this has been hard and I know you are scared of this place, and if I'm been honest, I'm also terrified but this view calms me down so try your best to do the same everything will be explained tonight right, if I'm been honest you ladies look stunning, I bet you would turn a lot of heads at this party," Alen said with a gentle smile.

The girl's faces turned slightly red they regained their nerves although the person in front of them looked anti-social and grumpy he still went out of his way to comfort them what had helped was his deep voice, it made everything sound gentle and reassured them that things will work out. Looking at each other the girls let out a slight chuckle as they started talking to their new friend.

A few moments later, the carriages arrived at the castle and the students exited the carriages and were escorted to the hall before they went their separate ways the girls made sure to wave goodbye to their new friend whom they found surprisingly nice as they walked away.

"I leave you alone for a few minutes and you bag three hotties!" a familiar voice said behind him.

"It's not like that Quinn, it-"

"Not like that my ass, why is life so unfair you get three hot girls to laugh with you while I get avoided like the plague."

"Hahaha maybe if you stopped jumping to conclusions the ladies might stick around," Alen said as he followed the knights to the hall. When he arrived the whole was decorated from top to bottom and the lighting used gave off a golden hue which made the room look even fancier than it was, the room had small individual tables arranged around it while also leaving the center free leaving room for those who wanted to dance.

"THE HEROES HAVE ARRIVED!!" a soldier announced the heroes' arrival, snapping Alen back to reality. Everyone in the room went silent as they gazed at the students with hope in their eyes, some were clapping and cheering while others observed them from afar.

Every hero was appointed a guide and lead through the crowd been introduced to the nobles and their families before the king's arrival, some of the noblemen had brought their daughters and sons in hopes that one might catch the eye of a hero. This would increase the nobleman's political stand and the influence they have among the others. After that, the heroes were led to another room where they found a giant table at the center, and at the end of it sat the king with three girls by his side.

The girls looked like dolls as they bowed slightly showing respect for the heroes, the heroes were shown to their seats, and Alen was lost in the beauty of the room as he analyzed the number of guards in the room and how the royal guards were standing on the king's side while the Holy knights protected the heroes and the outside of the venue.

"Alfred, it's time we begin," The king said.

"Yes sir" Snapping his fingers maids come pouring into the venue with trays and trays of food and drinks, like well-oiled machines they arranged the food and drinks on the table, and after they were done, they left the room just as fast as they had entered and now the once plain table decorated with flowers was filled with food and drinks of every type imaginable.

"I welcome you, heroes, I know you've had a long day so eat and enjoy, and after we are done, we will continue with discussions," said the king.

Alfred then made his way to the king's dish and tasted everything on his plate including the wine after a while, the king started eating the food as well, this had also happened to the king's daughter as they had their caretakers to taste the food. While this was happening Alen was witnessing every bit of it and was now skeptical of eating his food until he gazed around the table and locked eyes with Quinn who seemed to know what the former was thinking and was trying to pressure him into eating.