
I'm the Villain.

The concept of summoning adventurers to another world had always disgusted me, the idea of making other people fight a war that has nothing to do with them is sick.

Zed_Martin_9823 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
119 Chs

CH.2 New World

Using his hands to shield his eyes from the bright light emitted by the mysterious circles Alen felt his stomach turn and his blood freeze, the situation resembles most of the games and anime he watched and unlike normal people who would get excited about the concept of another world he felt the opposite.

After the light dissipated more graduates with different robes and uniforms appeared before he was summoned here Alen was in one of the top universities in the country. Zahard University was at the top followed by Doniam University and lastly Union Bridge. Alen was a graduate of the last university and number three among the top schools in the country.

The fact that the new students had uniforms from the other two he had figured the same thing that happened during their ceremony must have happened to the other schools as well.

"So did it only happen to the top schools or every university in the country," Alen thought to himself, looking around the area he could see people in silver armor equipped with spears, swords, and shields.

After carefully surveying the area, he found that they seemed to be in a large hall, the entire place seemed to be made out of marble as the whole building emitted a beautiful luster. The building was held up by pillars decorated with a beautiful pattern, the ceiling was in a dome shape also decorated with expensive lights. The place looked like a cathedral and the atmosphere was one of respect.

"Thank you, great heroes, for answering our plead for aid" A man stood up on the walls of what seemed to be a castle, he had an expensive red coat with animal fur on the collar the yellow beard matched his hair which had been partially covered with a golden clown.

The king was equipped in full gold-plated armor and dual blades strapped on his back, the moment the king spoke the whole room fell into silence even among the summoned graduates no one could muster up the courage to speak, they could feel the air around the person vibrate the presence of this man screamed authority.

"My name is King Edmund the Third, I am the ruler of the kingdom of Noel please allow me to extend my greetings and welcome to the heroes. I know you all have your queries, but I ask you to wait for a moment, your questions will all be answered in tonight's banquet for now the Templar knights will escort you to your quarters."

Suddenly the big door behind them swung open and knights in white cloth equipped with light armor and chain mails came pouring inside forming two lines beside the door and creating a path leading outside the throne room, a man with long well-kept golden hair approached the group, his sword still in its sheath but he was carrying a white shield with a cross.

"This way please," The man said as he gestured his hand telling the group to follow him.

"WHAT IS THIS!?" one of the students shouted turning towards the king, do you think we're dumb enough to follow someone we don't know, and what exactly even is this place? King my ass, IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE!!?"

"INSOLENT" one of the guards shouted as he drew his weapon, this action caused the other guards to also draw their swords.

The king stood up and raised his hand gesturing the knights to stand down and sure enough, like machines, the guards placed their weapons back in their sheaths and stood firm once more.

"I understand your concerns and I give you my word as King that no harm will befall any of you, as for your questions they will all be answered during tonight's feast. But for now, allow Sir Zelda to take you to your living areas."

The outburst had drawn more attention to the student, and the reactions of the armed men around them had instilled fear in the graduates keeping more of them from bursting out and expressing their complaints.

"I understand your mistrust and how you must feel right now, but you can rest assured that the Holy Knights will keep you safe" Sir Zelda who was the commander of the Holy Knights spoke as he expressed a gentle smile that captured most of the lady's hearts. With that done the graduates were then escorted out of the throne room.

As the group exited the palace they were met with a breathtaking view, outside the palace walls were a seemingly endless quantity of houses, the streets were neat, and the variety of houses brought color and style to the area. The people seemed to be clad in simple cloth nothing fancy but also nothing too ragged, the markets were full of life as people exchanged goods while some just enjoyed their life in general.

As the group was led through the market area it wasn't long till they were the talk of the town, they had unusual clothing and the fact that they were escorted by the Holy Knights along with their commands indicated these foreign people were important.

"Pardon me, I'm sure his majesty would have preferred we transport you using the carriages, but the dusk of the day brings out a beauty to this nation of ours and I selfishly wanted to share this beauty with you," Commander Zelda said, his gentle voice capturing the hearts of many around him.

Suddenly as dark drew closer the systematically arranged lights on the streets turned on one after the other illuminating the area while also adding to its beauty, the atmosphere was completely different from the modern world they were used to so the students couldn't help but admire the change of scenery but, while others were enjoying their new experience somewhere filled with the uneasiness of the whole situation.

This was a whole new world, a different one from one of their origins, it had different cultures, different rules, different languages, and different histories. Among the students who weren't supportive of the whole experience was Allen who had kept to himself while walking alongside his best friend, this whole mess seemed odd but every question he had would be answered later tonight.

"Excuse me, Sir Knight," one of the girls said as she tugged the sleeve of the commander of the Holy Knights.

"Yes, young girl, how may I be of assistance," Zelda said with a gentle smile on his face.

"How do the lights work; I don't see any wiring or solar panels to supply power?"

"I do not know of these wires and solar, but if you're asking about the lights, I'll be glad to answer, you see the rocks inside the glass are what we refer to as enchanted orbs. They are items that have been infused with mana and placed under a spell, during the day they absorb the bounty of the sun, and at night they supply the lights back illuminating the area once again."


"Yes, hear me or ruler of day grant your faithful followers with the gift of light and illuminate our sounding, gentle halo" As Sir Zelda completed the spell a gentle bright light emitted from his fingers and began to spread all across the area, the sparks of light turned into beautiful butterflies flapping their wings around while emitting a bright light. The butterflies scattered across the area surrounding the students.

The scene resembled fireflies dancing in the dark these were brighter. After a while, the students arrived at an extravagant mansion, the Holy Knights quickly took their positions around the area and established patrols and guard posts while Sir Zelda lead the students inside the mansion.

From the outside, every corner of the villa was beautifully carved, and the designs were made with complete care. The combination of the sky blue and spotless white paint along with the greeneries around the building added to its beauty, the inside was carefully constructed with marble and complemented with a touch of mosaic patterns around it.

The mansion had four floors and easily covered 5,000 square feet of land and each floor had at least five to six bedrooms, the staircases to the upper floor were made entirely of rosewood. The group was met by the staff, which was made up of 28 butlers and 62 maids.

After that, the group was shown around the house and where everything was from the dining room to the training room which was specially made inside the house some areas of the mansion were enchanted with different spells like hot water in the showers or strong winds to dry off.

Some areas were enchanted with defensive spells and some offensive spells as well, this left the group in shock as they still couldn't believe magic existed in this world. Although this world lacked various aspects of everyday life in modern times magic seemed to cover most of their technology. Giving the otherworld some of the things from their home world like hot showers and blow dryers.

Then they were left to pick their rooms and freshen up before the banquette could start.