
I'm the villain in my sister story?

one day after school I Ended up dying saving a little girl running down the street trying to save a puppy, as a truck appeared out of nowhere and nearly drove over the little girl. I then seemed to have woken up at a unfamiliar fancy place after finding out who I'm, my head fricking hurt "I reincarnated as the Villain in my sister's story!" --Original work--- ---New picture#it's mine#--

KyuKuro · Others
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12 Chs

Welcome To Emiko Fantastic Sunny Beach

What does time mean for Caid, when he knew just a few years from now that destruction would happen. Caid might be the strongest villain, but there are far stronger people than the people living in Imperial Astronia, and from how many organizations that want pure chaos hiding in the dark it only matters of when…

the most dangerous organization the ¤Necro Corps¤. 12 apostles representing the constellations and 7 commanders, each representing their sin. Even when Caid has taken a new path it won't change the fact ¤The one With No Name¤ successfully infiltrated Eden, the Guardian of heaven might fend him off but as ¤The one With No Name¤ came back stronger and with new powers it will prove a challenge when the Guardian is to protect Eden and the daughters are helping eradicate around Eden. forcing the inevitable judgment day.

Caid never skipped his training, and if he didn't have any training he spent some time with Sofie and writing letters to Aveline.

"Young master the city has been really occupied with guests visiting the hot spring and seeing how the city has been run on these mana embodiment ^Generators^ as well the ice cream business that has gone very well although there are many who wonder why you named the strawberry one Avelice Aka Berry cream? and the blue Raspberry for Sofice ao berry cream?"

"Think Fiora, think… think really hard Fiora…where does the name sound familiar?"

"Ave–... Av…Aveline!? and- and…Sof… Sofu…Sofie!" Fiora really had me go there. "But why is Ao behind sofie's name and Aka behind Aveline, shouldn't it then just be Sof ice berry cream and Avel ice Berry cream?"

"Well, Ao means blue and Aka means red and I had it to match the color so there you have it."

"ooooh…..I don't get it…where did you read it from."

"from a book in the library."

Caid felt really stiff only training, spending time in the mansion and only going out to the garden or tea parties, so Caid decided he wanted to travel to Emiko territory for the seaside.

Caid wanted to experience something new and exciting, so he decided to explore the Emiko territory, known for its beautiful coastline. He wanted to have a change of scenery and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of a new place.

"Fiora I need something new, let's pack and travel tomorrow to Emiko territory."

"Understood, I'll start making preparations for the trip right away."

Fiora quickly stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Caid alone in his thoughts. He walked up to the window and stared out at the horizon. He could see the sun beginning to set, painting the sky with an array of vivid colors. The sight was calming and invigorating.

"should I invite Aveline?"

He thought and thought, and decided to send a mana bird to Aveline. It was short notice, but he hoped she would understand and get the message in time. He knew it was a risk, as the mana bird could be a none approval method, but as influential the Zandwill family is I bet no one would object.

and after grueling thinking he wrote the letter…

Morning came Caid sent a formal letter to Mr. Emiko in advance for the short sudden visit. They launched some easy baggage onto the carriage and they set course for Emiko territory located to the south region.

The Emiko family is located near the sea of OnoCord, the richest fishing life in the 6 seas and their main export transport and are famous for taming, ^Sea serpent^, ^Royale Sea horses^, ^Ram Shark^ and probably all of sea creatures, the only rare cases that are not tamable and in which case are the Kraken a lv8 tier and Leviathan lv10 there exist only 6 in the 6 sea.


The Emiko family 2nd daughter Xaviera is Caid one equal rival, and they do NOT get along, Caid and Xaviera view was different, Caid believed the weak could never be strong and believes Xaviera is wrong, a trash is always a trash. No matter the effort one puts in, while Xaviera thinks the opposite and also values unity over individuality.

If Caid has light sky blue hair, then Xaviera has dark blue, every Emiko member has a tattoo blue stroke on their left cheek and if they have it on both cheeks running down from under her eyes then they are blessed by the battle god Suiji.

"ehm…"Aveline couldn't hold silence much longer and spoke up, "Caid, why did you suddenly want to visit Emiko territory?"

The hell do I know, I just wanted to get away from the same boring stuff, there is a reason why Iet it to the engineers to do their job and make someone else do the secretary job. and not to forget, the other stuff like dealing with the interest of Project Lumino City from the other family, and lastly the ice cream business.

"I just wanna."

obviously Aveline didn't enjoy the half hearted answer, but she can't complain, she has always wanted to visit, but because of her family trouble…


Suddenly, the carriage stopped and Caid and Aveline looked out the window to find a group of at least 40 bandits surrounding the carriage. The bandits had swords and bows drawn and were shouting commands to step out and give them everything they wanted.

There were maybe 6 of them that didn't have any equipment except maybe a robe."Oh my what are we going to do?!"

"relax…" But Caid was not nearly as relaxed as he came out to be, Bandits…it's so easy to say I want to or will kill them as easy as it sounds, Caid never took a life before, and if he was ready to shed bloods. you may never be prepared to take a life, but you can be prepared to defend your life and the lives of those around you. and that's why Caid immediately set a barrier around them as tall as he could manage.

they weren't that far from Emiko territory and with this huge pillar of ice there won't be any citizens that might be wary of the large ice pillar and the guards might check on it.

Caid was strong for 8 and a half…but he is facing adults that are ready to kill and might be stronger than his 6th tier and 5th tier arsenal.

"Just hold out, Dave, did you say you can use normal magic?"


Normal Magic, different from any magic and doesn't require much mana. They are so rare that he might be the only one in the kingdom of Astronia. Normal magic can move objects, flight, push or pull, summon knights, summon weapons, space pockets, make people slip, teleport from where he has been, teleport a small object from random closeby, and little more I can remember the only downside is that it makes you dizzy for some minutes..

"Dave, I need you to teleport their weapon away."

"but the chances are pretty slim, it's so random, I might teleport something else you know?!"

"Dave, this is an order!"

"Okay, sir… I will oblige…"

Dave's hand glowed a small light and a magic circle appeared in his hand as a teleportation gate. He focused on the weapons of the bandits, but it came as shock as striped blue and white panties from the newly develop Zandwill business for girls and women has appeared in his hand leaving him confused and red, Caid swore if that was Aveline panties he could say goodbye to the only normal conjurer mage.

but to his relief and little bit of guilt it was the panties of Fiora who shrunk down hiding the embarrassment and didn't dare look at anyone's eyes. Dave immediately gave it to Fiora and she hurried inside the carriage to put it on. what could Caid say but…

Chuckled and said, "Looks like someone's been doing a bit of shopping, eh?" getting a punch in the head by his tomboyish fiance acting a little rude to the couple, but they aren't a couple…yet…

Alex tried again and this time he succeeded in getting the weapons inside their safe ice pillar, heaved a sigh of relief. but they weren't out of the danger yet, as the ice began to melt a hole by the conjurers.

Caid quickly drew his sword, ready to fight, but Emiko guards had already arrived. They had heard the commotion outside and came to the rescue. The bandits were quickly apprehended, and the carriage was safe. Caid and his companions breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for the timely intervention of the Emiko guards.

but one conjurer made a ¤untainted tornado¤. lv7 and guards attempted to stop it with their spell, but it didn't work and everything seemed to unravel. The tornado uprooted trees in its path, sending them crashing to the ground, splintering and shattering as they hit the ground. The force of the tornado was so great that it even broke apart large rocks, sending them hurtling in all directions.

One way to stop a spell from a conjurer is to use a counterspell or higher spell or from equal power, a counterspell is a spell that is specifically designed to counteract the effects of the original spell. Counterspells are usually more powerful than the original spell, and they can be used to disrupt the flow of magical energy and disrupt the spell.

and to counter the wind element is fire. But I'm not good with that element yet and I'm not on the stage at 7th tier…

"Aveline, what high level fire spell can you use!?"

"uhm…Nova blast is the highest, but I can only use it once."

"Do it, I support you!"

Taking a deep breath, she focused her thoughts and cleared away the fear and doubt that was clouding her mind. She slowly began to draw power from the elements around her, feeling the energy of the fire element in her veins. She slowly began to direct the power in her body, focusing it on the spell she wanted to cast. As she chanted the words of the spell, she felt the power of the spell building up inside of her. Finally, she released the spell with a loud shout and a surge of power, and a massive blast erupted, but she knew it wasn't strong enough so why?

In the meantime Caid drew a magic circle drawn on the ground, hoping in theory that he could boost Aveline's fire spell so as to raise the level and set the tornado off.

The magic circle expanded in the middle of Aveline casting time, the wide area of the bris and destruction were now marked and Aveline, with Caid's help, was able to cast a greater Nova blast, a spell of much higher power than before. The force of the spell was so powerful that it was able to disrupt the tornado, causing it to dissipate and the destruction to come to a halt.

"We did it…"

Aveline was exhausted, her mana pool was nearly depleted, and Alex soon felt better after getting a lap pillow from Fiora. He smiled…she smiled…and then he got hit by her for stealing her underwear.

"Well we are off a good start…" Caid said sarcastically as he looked around his surroundings. There was huge debris of Ice, trees that were uprooted and the carriage was completely smashed.

"Who is the commander of this squad?" Caid asked.

"It's me." The commander of the empire military squad was a man in his 30s with a thick mustache. He was tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and a commanding presence. He had a sharp eye, and his face was stern but fair. He wore heavy armor and was armed with a longsword and a shield. He was a veteran soldier, having served in numerous battles, and had developed an impressive tactical skill. He was respected by his troops and led by example and his code name in the battlefield is Golyat.

"Gustav de Olivier." The man bowed his head. "Thank you for remembering my name Caid Zandwill."

"Please escort us to the Emiko territory, safely and write a letter to my family household."



We got into a carriage of the Emiko's guards, the belongings we had in the previous carriage were barely saved and some destroyed, it wasn't anything special to worry about, it was mostly just clothes, maybe some magic book that was a copy of millions.

Upon arriving at the Emiko residence, the four were greeted by the lord of the territory. He welcomed them warmly and thanked them for their bravery in saving the people of his land. He offered them a place to stay and whatever supplies they needed for the journey. Caid thanked the lord for his hospitality.

while they greeted a person coming down from the 2nd floor, Caid locked his eyes at the figure as she descended down. her blue long wavy hair, her two blue strokes down under her eyes, her bronze complexion, that give it a exotic desire to continue to look at her.

She was formerly dressed, and by the looks of it she didn't like to wear dresses, but behind the scenes she acts all cutesy and such…that was the plan for her to be cold on the outside, heartwarming on the inside.

"Greetings Xaviera…"

"Greeting Caid…"

"uhm…" Aveline stumbled a little before she greeted her. "G-greeting Viera." nervously says as she lifted her dress and bowed.

"Greetings Avie." smiling, giving her the better treatment. Caid was not jealous…yeah not all…he is totally not jealous that Xaviera could call Aveline by her nickname…yep totally not jealous…

"I'm sorry for what happened to your travel, we take responsibility for the cause of the damage and please enjoy your stay."

"Thank you for your hospitality…"


The lord of the Emiko territory escorted them to the Emiko's famous beach residence, where they were greeted by the beautiful sight of the waves crashing against the shore and palm trees swaying in the gentle ocean breeze. The four were given access to the beach house, which included a number of luxurious amenities.

When Caid sat under the parasol chilling in the mattress, he got called out, he turned his head, stunned by Aveline. Aveline wore a bright yellow beach swimsuit that contrasted nicely against her skin. She had a beach hat covering her from the sun and sandals that completed her look. She smiled shyly as she fidgeted, her fingers.

Caid had inner monologue with himself, she is still a kid, turn off your pedo brain and just act normal, you are soon a proper adult mentally act like one!?

"You're looking…beautiful…"

"T-thanks…" smiling weirdly she had a question. "w-won't you join me to swim?"

Caid would like to pass, he is not feeling it right now…but if she continues to stare at him sadly like that…

"G-guess I-I have no choice…"

Aveline dragged Caid with her, it seems like she didn't notice she was holding my hand or did she? Caid felt the cold chilling ocean water, but it was on a nice warm day so he can't say it didn't help.

Aveline didn't seem to mind playing with water, it was just a thought that she was a fire conjurer and would like to stay dry as possible.

Caid and Aveline were having fun splashing some water against each other playing with a beach ball, and Alex and Fiora joined and they decide to play ^Vapos Water Ring War^.

The object of the game is to fire magic through the water ring as soon as it appears and the more points you have the closer you are to winning. and to make it fair, there are stand handing out Magus artifacts that shoot for you, these are artifacts that count for you to keep the game balanced.

"That seems fun, let me join." behind Caid there stood Xaviera with her long cream-white seafolly skirt and her matching swimsuit. Caid could't but not look away. Oh no if she was a woman he met he was still Lenel, he would probably be head over heels for her appearance alone, her caramel color skin, her dashing dark blue hair and her blue dark, yet light colored ocean eyes.

Aveline noticed Xaviera's look too and compared herself with her own swimsuit. What if Caid is falling for her, although it may seem impossible as both were shown to be VERY hostile against each other, Caid has been like a different person.

So Aveline couldn't help but feel threatened by her friend. Xaviera didn't have any ulterior motive as she just wanted to join in to her favorite water sport.

"Why are looking at me like that Avie?" tilting her head in confusion.

Aveline closed her eyes and said passively angry. "Nothing."