
I'm the Terminally ill Novel's Extra

From a reader to a character in a novel, the last thing she expected was to become a mere extra in a story. But... To her shock, she was no normal extra. She was a terminally ill extra! Counting the days left on her fingers, she struggles to maintain her character. Having received a system of her own, only made her realize that her mere existence made the story deviate from the original plot. ____________ Seated at the table, Wang Mingya tried her best not to notice the stares being thrown at her by the countless elites. For them, she was just a 'troublemaker'. Among the nobles, with a cold look on his face, was Alexander Arden, the crown prince of the kingdom. Dressed elegantly in a well-tailored suit, silver cufflinks adorning his wrists, he was truly popular among the women. "Oh my, Prince Alexander is truly so handsome. My daughter talks about you all the time~" A middle-aged woman laughed, touching Alexander's arm. Her friends soon joined, echoing her words. "I know right~ my sister is the same." "Even Lia, you know her right? The one who's popular now." Their sweet voices made Mingya want to throw up. Trying to maintain the smile on her face, she picked up a piece of meat from her plate. Just as she swallowed the meat, her stomach contracted painfully. Her trembling hand dropped the fork. The next second, food and bile came up to her throat. She got up abruptly and rushed outside the room. The audience in the room murmured, shaken by her leaving this sudden. "As expected of the attention seeker," sneered the lady who had first spoken up. Meanwhile, all Mingya could do was stare at the amount of blood in the urinal, some slightly dripping into her soft white dress. She had just vomited blood. [Ding!] [Health: Critical!] "What... What the f*ck is this?" #reincarnation #romance #villainess #webnovel #time-travel #fantasy #secondchance #revenge #strongfemalelead #face-slapping

Dao_lord_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

"The Secret Room“

Mingya wandered through the halls of the grand mansion, her mind preoccupied with thoughts. As she passed by a large, ornate mirror, she stopped and took a moment to observe her reflection.

Mingya rubbed her arms, lost in thought. She couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have a man to hold her every time she was disturbed, someone she could lean on, someone she could trust. It was a foreign concept to her, but the idea sent shivers down her spine.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she scolded herself. "I should be thinking about getting home, and not about getting a man."

Letting out a dry laugh, she swept her gaze away from the mirror and scanned the hallway. Something in the back of her mind stirred, and she remembered a room where Charlotte had found the books, which was mentioned in her dairy.

"That's right," she murmured to herself. "Maybe I can find something useful in there."

Supposedly, the room was abandoned and left to gather dust, and there were many historical books and interesting things in that room.

Her curiosity piqued, she decided to search for the room. It wouldn't be easy, as the mansion was vast and filled with twists and turns, but Mingya was determined to find it.

"Let's go!"

As she walked down the dimly lit corridors, she noticed that all the maids seemed to avoid her like the plague. This made her journey easier, as she encountered no one to question her presence. But it also made her feel bad.

"Guess my reputation really went down the drain due to the hot tea incident."

She sighed.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of wandering, Mingya stumbled upon a heavy wooden door at the end of a long hallway. It was slightly ajar, as if inviting her in.

"Is this it? It doesn't look abandoned to me..."

She pushed the door open and stepped into the room. It was small and dimly lit, but there was a sense of magic in the air.


Mingya's eyes widened in wonder as she took in the sight before her.

The room was filled with all sorts of trinkets and treasures. There were shelves upon shelves of books, a large telescope in the corner, and a table covered in maps and charts. It was clearly a room meant for exploration and adventure.

She walked over to the shelves and ran her fingers over the spines of the books, her mind whirring with possibilities.

"The Art of Sword, A Beginner's Guide to Magic, The Science of Anatomy: A Study of Human and Animal Bodies, Art of Runes... I don't remember anyone in the Valois family who might know both swordsmanship and magic..."

"I wonder who lived here."

She thought to herself.

She suddenly noticed a table in the corner of the room. The table was made of mahogany wood, with intricate carvings on the legs and edges. It was adorned with various objects such as a crystal paperweight, a silver inkpot, and a quill pen, though they were covered with dust now.

As Mingya approached the table, she noticed a book lying on top of it. Surprisingly, there was no dust on the book.

The book was plain, with a blank cover, and there was no title or author mentioned on it.

"What is this?"

Mingya was intrigued, wondering what secrets the book held within its pages. She reached out and picked up the book, turning it over in her hands, trying to figure out what it was.

Mingya opened the book, and to her surprise, found it was empty. No words or pictures filled the pages, just plain, white paper. She turned the pages, expecting to find something written or drawn, but each page was empty.

"I guess they haven't even started writing yet..."

Mingya thought to herself. She closed the book and placed it back on the table, then started looking for other interesting things in the study.

That's when she suddenly noticed something in the corner of her eye.