
I'm the Terminally ill Novel's Extra

From a reader to a character in a novel, the last thing she expected was to become a mere extra in a story. But... To her shock, she was no normal extra. She was a terminally ill extra! Counting the days left on her fingers, she struggles to maintain her character. Having received a system of her own, only made her realize that her mere existence made the story deviate from the original plot. ____________ Seated at the table, Wang Mingya tried her best not to notice the stares being thrown at her by the countless elites. For them, she was just a 'troublemaker'. Among the nobles, with a cold look on his face, was Alexander Arden, the crown prince of the kingdom. Dressed elegantly in a well-tailored suit, silver cufflinks adorning his wrists, he was truly popular among the women. "Oh my, Prince Alexander is truly so handsome. My daughter talks about you all the time~" A middle-aged woman laughed, touching Alexander's arm. Her friends soon joined, echoing her words. "I know right~ my sister is the same." "Even Lia, you know her right? The one who's popular now." Their sweet voices made Mingya want to throw up. Trying to maintain the smile on her face, she picked up a piece of meat from her plate. Just as she swallowed the meat, her stomach contracted painfully. Her trembling hand dropped the fork. The next second, food and bile came up to her throat. She got up abruptly and rushed outside the room. The audience in the room murmured, shaken by her leaving this sudden. "As expected of the attention seeker," sneered the lady who had first spoken up. Meanwhile, all Mingya could do was stare at the amount of blood in the urinal, some slightly dripping into her soft white dress. She had just vomited blood. [Ding!] [Health: Critical!] "What... What the f*ck is this?" #reincarnation #romance #villainess #webnovel #time-travel #fantasy #secondchance #revenge #strongfemalelead #face-slapping

Dao_lord_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

"An Unwelcome Engagement-2"

Edward sat in his room, staring blankly at the wall. His mind was racing, trying to make sense of the news he had just received.

"Engaged? To a girl named Charlotte? I have never even heard of her before. What the hell?" he muttered to himself.

He couldn't believe that his father, one of the most respected figures in the kingdom, would make such a decision without consulting him first.

Edward stood up and paced around the room, his frustration growing with every step. He had always been taught to value his family's opinions, but this was too much.

He walked over to the window and gazed out at the garden below, lost in thought.

"Why would Father do this? Does he even know who this Charlotte is? What if I don't want to marry her?" he continued his inner monologue.

Edward shook his head, feeling overwhelmed. He had always known that his future would be determined by his family, but he had hoped that he would at least have some say in the matter.

As he stood there, lost in thought, a knock came at his door.

"Come in," he called out, turning to face the entrance.

It was his younger sister, Evelyn, who poked her head into the room.

"Edward, have you heard the news?" she asked excitedly.

Edward sighed. "Yes, I have."

Evelyn's face fell. "Oh, I see. You're not happy about it."

Edward shook his head. "I just don't understand why Father would make such a decision without even consulting me. And I don't even know who this Charlotte is."

Evelyn shrugged. "Well, Father must have his reasons. And from what I've heard, Charlotte is a really lovely girl. You might even like her."

"That's easy for you to say. You're not the one who's being forced into a marriage," Edward replied bitterly.

Evelyn's expression softened. "I know it's not easy, Edward. But please try to keep an open mind. And don't forget that Father wants the best for us."

Edward sighed, knowing that his sister was right. He couldn't let his anger and frustration consume him. He needed to approach this situation with a level head and try to understand his father's reasoning.

"Thanks, Evelyn. I'll try," he said with a small smile.

As his sister left the room, Edward returned to his thoughts, when suddenly the door was knocked again.

"You have something more to say?" he asked, turning back expecting to see his little sister, but instead it was Mr. Reginald, the head butler.

He was a tall, distinguished man with a well-groomed white mustache and piercing black eyes that seemed to look straight through you.

His hair was neatly combed, and his attire was always immaculate, consisting of a black suit and a crisp white shirt.

"Mr. Reginald? What's the matter?" Edward asked.

"The Lord wishes to see you, young master. He is in the study," Mr. Reginald replied.

"Thank you. I'll go meet him now."

Edward sighed and patted the nonexistent dust on his clothes, straightening his cravat. The news of his engagement to a girl he had never even met still seemed absurd to him.

As he made his way to his father's study, he couldn't help but wonder who this Charlotte was. He had never heard of her before and didn't know what to expect.

"I hope she isn't like those other noble ladies I've met who only care about their status and wealth," Edward said to himself, thinking about Charlotte.

When he arrived at his father's study, Marquis David looked up from his work and greeted him with a smile.

"Edward, good to see you. I trust you're doing well?"

"Yes, father. What did you want to see me about?" Edward asked, taking a seat in one of the chairs across from his father's desk.

"I wanted to discuss your engagement to Charlotte," Marquis David said, his smile faltering slightly.

Edward raised an eyebrow. "What about it?"

"Well, now that the engagement has been officially announced, I think it would be appropriate for you to visit her and her family to get to know them better," Marquis David explained.

Edward nodded slowly, still unsure about the whole situation.

"I understand. When do you want me to leave?"

"As soon as possible. I've already arranged the necessary travel arrangements and accommodations for you and your entourage," Marquis David said, gesturing to the papers on his desk.

Edward sighed inwardly, realizing that his father had already made all the arrangements without even consulting him. He couldn't help but feel frustrated at the lack of control he had over his own life.

"Very well, father. I'll leave tomorrow," Edward said, standing up from his chair.

"Good. I trust you'll represent our family well, Edward," Marquis David said, with a hint of disappointment in his voice.