
I'm the Terminally ill Novel's Extra

From a reader to a character in a novel, the last thing she expected was to become a mere extra in a story. But... To her shock, she was no normal extra. She was a terminally ill extra! Counting the days left on her fingers, she struggles to maintain her character. Having received a system of her own, only made her realize that her mere existence made the story deviate from the original plot. ____________ Seated at the table, Wang Mingya tried her best not to notice the stares being thrown at her by the countless elites. For them, she was just a 'troublemaker'. Among the nobles, with a cold look on his face, was Alexander Arden, the crown prince of the kingdom. Dressed elegantly in a well-tailored suit, silver cufflinks adorning his wrists, he was truly popular among the women. "Oh my, Prince Alexander is truly so handsome. My daughter talks about you all the time~" A middle-aged woman laughed, touching Alexander's arm. Her friends soon joined, echoing her words. "I know right~ my sister is the same." "Even Lia, you know her right? The one who's popular now." Their sweet voices made Mingya want to throw up. Trying to maintain the smile on her face, she picked up a piece of meat from her plate. Just as she swallowed the meat, her stomach contracted painfully. Her trembling hand dropped the fork. The next second, food and bile came up to her throat. She got up abruptly and rushed outside the room. The audience in the room murmured, shaken by her leaving this sudden. "As expected of the attention seeker," sneered the lady who had first spoken up. Meanwhile, all Mingya could do was stare at the amount of blood in the urinal, some slightly dripping into her soft white dress. She had just vomited blood. [Ding!] [Health: Critical!] "What... What the f*ck is this?" #reincarnation #romance #villainess #webnovel #time-travel #fantasy #secondchance #revenge #strongfemalelead #face-slapping

Dao_lord_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

"An Unwelcome Engagement"

Mingya walked through the halls of the mansion towards the dining hall, taking in her surroundings. She admired the grandeur of the mansion, with its high ceilings, ornate decorations, and expensive furnishings.

"Wow, this is quite the place," she muttered to herself, marveling at the size of the chandeliers and the intricacy of the paintings on the walls.

As she approached the dining hall, she noticed that the door was slightly ajar. She pushed it open and stepped inside. The room was even more impressive than the rest of the mansion, with a long mahogany table in the center, surrounded by plush chairs and adorned with silverware and crystal glasses.

'Wow, they really don't skimp on the fancy stuff, do they?', she said to herself, a hint of amusement in her voice.

As Mingya walked towards her seat, she noticed that no one seemed to give her a second glance, except for her father, Henry Valois. He sat at the head of the table, his piercing blue eyes fixed on her as she approached.

In the seat right to him was William Valois, the Yandere Male lead.

William was tall and broad-shouldered with sharp features that made him look handsome and intimidating at the same time. He had piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through Mingya, making her feel a little uneasy.

Henry, on the other hand, was shorter and had a more gentle appearance. but His eyes were cold as ice, and his smile was non-existent . Mingya could see why he was described as a legendary figure in the novel.

Despite their physical differences, both men exuded a certain air of power and authority that was befitting of their noble status. Mingya found herself feeling nervous and intimidated in their presence.

'As expected of the main characters… they exclude a different type of vibe'

"You have arrived," Marquis Henry said simply, before turning his attention back to his breakfast.

Mingya breathed a sigh of relief. She had been nervous about being caught or revealing her true identity, but it seemed like her father didn't like to speak as much, which saved her the effort of trying to act like Charlotte.

'Amazing… ',

she thought to herself looking at the dishes before her. Even back on Earth she hadn't eaten these types of luxurious dishes.

She took her seat and began to peruse the dishes in front of her. There were platters of smoked salmon, freshly baked croissants, and bowls of seasonal fruits. She helped herself to a little of everything, unable to resist the temptation of such a delicious spread.


As she ate, Mingya couldn't help but marvel at the quality of the food. The salmon was perfectly cooked, flaky and tender, and the croissants were warm and buttery. There were also several dishes she had never tasted before, such as a creamy porridge made with barley and honey.

Mingya's taste buds danced with delight as she savored each bite, taking mental notes of the different types of food on offer. She realized that her new life as Charlotte might not be so bad after all, especially if she got to enjoy such sumptuous meals on a regular basis.

The rest of breakfast passed in silence, as Mingya ate and observed the movements between the members of the Valois family. She noticed that they didn't move an inch from their seat and were only focused on eating. It seemed like eating was just another type of work for them as they ate methodically like a machine.

As the meal approached its end, Mingya felt a relief. Nobody questioned her throughout the course of the meal.

Suddenly Marquis Henry called out her name.

"Charlotte Valois"

Mingya tensed up. The cold voice together with his stone face made her involuntarily gulp.

"you are going to engaged soon"

Mingya's heart sank when she heard the news of her engagement.

'The hell?! I am forced to marry as soon as I transmigrated??'

She looked up at her father in and asked,

"Who is it?"

Henry looked at her with a cold and expression and replied, "Edward Lancaster"

Mingya furrowed her eyebrows in confusion,

'I haven't heard of him before, meaning he is not a character from the novel.'

Henry seemed to have misunderstood her expression as he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"The Lancasters are a family of swordsmen and distant relatives of the royal family,"

Mingya let out a small sigh of relief, grateful that she wouldn't have to navigate an engagement with a character from the novel. However, the thought of marrying a stranger still filled her with anxiety.

"Father, may I at least meet him before any decisions are made?" she asked, trying to imitate Charlotte as much as possible, hoping for a chance to get to know the man she was expected to marry.

Henry considered her request for a moment before nodding.

"I will arrange a meeting with the Lancasters. However, I must remind you that this engagement is not negotiable."

Mingya nodded. She couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to escape her fate and return to her own world. After all she was perfectly fine with living as a professor and reading novels as a pastime. Just because she loved romance novels doesn't mean she had to be in one.

"I'll excuse myself"

Henry nodded and Mingya stood up from the table, curtsying slightly to the rest of the family as per the noble etiquette she had learned from the novel.

She then walked out of the dining hall, her mind racing with thoughts about her engagement to Edward Lancaster and how it would affect her plans.

'Damn it, I must have jinxed myself'

Mingya muttered under her breath.