

The letter was sent by Titania. The contents were as follows.

A short greeting.


Explanation of Azaleas and Roses' death. The effects of it on the entire Eluive academy.

And if Sequencee knew anything about the matter.

– Signed off by Titania herself.

The corpses had been preserved and sent back to their territory.

The fact that one noble daughter had killed her own sister and committed suicide was big news. While Eluive Academy had done its best to cover up the incident, there was no way that count would remain silent regarding the matter.

As Lancet was in direct involvement, he would be sent home for the funeral procession. At the same time, he had been investigated for an explanation. One thing led to another and.. Sequencee was requested to provide his testimony as he was also involved as a third party in the matter.

'The hell..'

It dawned upon him why it was that Azaleas requested to see those butterflies again.

'.. did you think you would be free if you just died..?'

Sequencee knew that something was wrong, yet he hadn't acted. He could've prevented this.. if only cared a little more.

'What the hell has this to do with helping Leticia and her brother resolve their differences?'

"I see.." Titania placed her tea cup down on the plate.

".. I'm sorry."

"No. I'm also partly responsible for the matter. All of us are. None of us expected she had been harboring such an intent.. there is still so much we don't know. It's not possible for us to extract the information unless someone uses necromancy magic."

"What's going to happen to Eluive Academy now?"

"The tournament itself will proceed. A chance like this can't be wasted, we're not pulling back."

"How about the news? There's.. a lot to consider."

"Spare the details, I'll do what I must," Titania's voice felt cold.

'I shouldn't have said that..'


"Leticia had also been questioned earlier. I was in the room with the investigator.. she is being suspected for being the cause of Azaleas' death."


'What bullshit is this?'

"Know that it's only to the point of suspicion. Much still needs to be confirmed before a verdict can be ruled."

"She's the one being played here, Your Highness. Azaleas chose this path herself. She was the one who made this decision, either through consideration of others or some third party. I had mentioned earlier that Leticia didn't want any part in this." Sequencee raised his voice.

"I agree with you. But, due to my lack of knowledge surrounding the matter, I can only bring the matter up to the investigator. You'll likely have to speak up for her in the matter."

'Damn the fuck were you thinking when you tried to kill yourself?'


Sequencee walked out of Titania's drawing room with a hazy look in his eyes. He grabbed his necklace.

"Iona, are you busy now?"

["What is it Your Highness?"]

"Can you check for Leticia and Lancet's location? If you find Leticia, help me call a meeting."


"Used Leticia?" a third voice boomed.

Sequencee snapped at the person who had been waiting for him. He remained silent.

"Who was it that you were contacting?" the man pressed his glasses upwards. His dark green eyes glinted.

[Activated Skill: Eyes of Truth]

"My maid."


It was true.

"Do you have time open? I'm sure you understand where I'm getting with this without needing further explanations?"

"I take it that you're the inquisitor? Who do you work for?"

"Do you doubt my identity?"

"I would, after learning what happened."

Investigators, or Inquisitors as they were called, are like lawyers. Nobility often hired inquisitors to do certain 'biddings' to tear down their opponent. Sequencee wasn't sure where this inquisitor came from. It didn't sound logical for Titania to have hired a private inquisitor so early into the investigation.

Moreover, the entire process of taking care of the corpse and the arrangement of the funeral came too fast. It was as if someone had orchestrated it all– of course, Sequencee didn't know enough about this line of work to know if such a speed was normal.

"I'm a private inquisitor working under the Stravince family."

Stravince County, it was a military family which was once of the adjacent territories to the now gone Estia.

"How did you arrive here so quickly?"

"So you are doubting my identity it seems," his expression darkened.

"Fine. What do you need from me?"

"Your friend wasn't too cooperative with my inquiries. I hope that you'll be different. Follow me to the office."

'What office.. does the Stravince family have a special office just in Riestallia?'

Sequencee followed the inquisitor who introduced himself as Trhumen. They went into the building which housed the Sage's Hall and went up.

'This is familiar..'

They stopped before a specific room. Seeing the sign, Sequencee felt his blood boil.

The vice-president's room. That gray elf who tossed Sequencee out to die– Cabural.

Trhumen gave the door two knocks.

"I've brought him."


The door opened solemnly. The familiar scent of woody incense filled his nose.

Trhumen held the door for Sequencee's entry.

"I've heard of the matter. Please take a seat." Cabural invited with his gentle smile.

'What the hell did you get me into..'

Sequencee sat on the sofa as requested.

Sofas aligned parallel to the low glass table in the middle. Various trophies, awards and artifacts lined the shelves along the walls. A dark oak desk towards the opposite end of the entrance, and on the wall behind it, between two tall windows, a coat of arms with Riestallia Academy's lotus insignia. Cabural himself was sitting on the single-seater sofa perpendicular to Sequencee.

There was this weird pressure here that suppressed his ability to use magic. He extinguished the invisible elemental beads around him in preparation for what was to come.

'What is he playing at?'

"I've seen your performance. I'm glad to say that I'm proud of your contribution, student Sequencee."

'Oh, so he's just going to ignore the fact that he threw me out last time?'

The inquisitor, Trhumen sat on the opposite sofa.

"I hope you will cooperate with us on the matter, student Sequencee. It's a big matter that for the academy, Stravince family, and Eluive Academy."

"I'll do my best."

"Then shall I begin?" The inquisitor crossed his legs and flipped through a file.


"What is your relationship with Azaleas?"


"I've been told that you've been meeting with her in secret."

"She was the one who approached me. She wanted my help to resolve the conflict between Leticia and her brother."

"So that girl, Leticia, is of the Estia family, am I correct?"


"So she is the one who ran away. I don't see why she would need to lie about her identity here," the inquisitor muttered.


Innumerable possibilities flooded Sequencee's mind– coming to one line of thought: he had messed up. The inquisitor could use the information that Leticia was Lancet's brother, hence an adopted family member, to forcefully pull her back to Stravince county.

"What is your relationship with Leticia?" Thrumen continued.


".. Can you be more specific?"

"Close friends.. she's someone that relies on me whenever she has a problem."

"It's not conclusive. But I'll let it slide. So what are your thoughts on the incident? What do you think is the reason why she killed her sister, and herself?"

'.. I can't lie. He probably has a system gift that allows him to discern truth.'

It was a prerequisite of becoming an inquisitor. Everyone in this field needed a gift that allowed themselves to differentiate between truth and lies in order to graduate.

"I don't know."

"I need your cooperation on this Sequencee," Trhumen's authoritative voice boom.

"I don't know why Azaleas killed herself nor why she killed her sister. All I know is that it's likely part of her plan to force Leticia and Lancet back together."

"How much do you know about their conflict? Why is it that they hate each other?"

"How much do you know about what happened to them three years ago?"

"Not much. Could you elaborate?"

"Are you not a private inquisitor from the county? You should know this much about their history at least, right?"

"Let's not go off topic. I'm talking about their current relationship."

"Their current relationship is the result of what happened in the past. Did you not dig up any information beforehand?"

"Student Sequencee, collecting information is the reason why I'm talking to you here. Your cooperation is necessary, please calm down."

'Yeah right.'

"Did Lancet not tell you anything about their past?"

"He's clueless, he says."

'Clueless? Seriously? So he's just going to accept that he's lying?'

"So he's clueless that his home was destroyed?"

"And Count Stravince brought them in. In the months that followed, Leticia Estia went missing, and it is not until now that she was found. It is this time period between her disappearance and her discovery that I don't know anything about. Could you speak to it?"

"She was rescued after being kidnapped."

"Knowing that she was rescued, why did she not return?"

"She didn't want to return."

"Then it's clear here who is in the wrong is it not?"

"What do you mean..?"

"Had she not tried to hide from her home, none of this would've not happened. Moreover, her actions showed a clear antagonistic intent towards her family."

"Could you not say otherwise that Lancet was at fault for not stopping Azaleas from carrying out the plan?"

"Are you pushing blame?"

"Just because you're an inquisitor doesn't mean you should twist the story to achieve your purpose," Sequencee glowered.

"Sir Trhumen, student Sequencee. Returning to the issue at hand, out of curiosity let me ask you both," Cabural interrupted, "Who do you think is the biggest wrongdoer in the matter?"

"I believe it's Leticia. Her actions had been against her own family, going so far as to put blame on the deceased. Moreover, she was uncooperative during questioning, rousing my suspicion that she is hiding something."

"How about you, student Sequencee."

"No one is at fault. Certain issues happen that lead to a chain reaction, and outcome. I may even go so far as to say that I was at fault for trying to have Leticia reconcile with her brother."

"Interesting thoughts."

"So are you here to admit that you and Leticia are at fault?" Trhumen's eyes narrowed.

"Am I the only cause of the incident?"

"Sir Trhumen, what is your purpose here? Is it to gain a clearer picture of the matter, or to win an argument with a student?" Cabural spoke.


"Students Sequencee, do you have anything else to add?"


"I will take over the matter here. Student Sequencee, I will talk to Sir Thrumen alone, you may leave."

"Understood. Thank you vice-president."

Sequencee cautiously stood up and bowed once before heading to the door.


Sequencee grabbed the handle, and headed out.

There was a brief silence in the room.

"It's unlikely he'll hear anything even if he tries to peer through the door. I don't believe he has any auditory enhancing gifts either," Cabural said as he stood up from his seat.


"Tell me, what is your ideal solution?"


"I'm sure all three parties wish to resolve the matter peacefully. Cooperation is important is it not?"

"Her wish was for the student Leticia to return to the counts family after completing her education."

"Is that all?"

"Yes. I won't pursue the matter further if I achieve that alone."

"If I expelled this student, will it be satisfactory?"

"Will expelling her guarantee her return?"

"No, however, it would help ease the process, would it not?"

Thrumen pondered. While authority made things easier, it was naive to think that they didn't need to put in effort to set up a bait.

"I will call you again once I draft the details," Cabural sat down on his armchair and began writing.

"I'm grateful for your insight sir."

"You may leave."

Trhumen stood up and gave a prompt bow before leaving.

Writing a few lines, Cabural leaned against his seat and looked towards the ceiling. A crystal lens shimmered– an artifact.

"Should anything happen here.." Cabural muttered to himself. ".. that demon would be a perfect scapegoat."