
Side Story: Caedus & The Witch

Leaves rustling, twigs breaking, and battered breaths. The sounds of a little girl running through the forest. Her clothes were in tatters, if they could even be considered that. And her feet were bare, causing the sticks and rocks to cut and stab her feet. But, she ran nonetheless. She could still smell the burning of her village, and hear the anguished screams of the people whom she cared the most for. The little girl was covered in blood from head to toe, but it was not her own. The fresh memory of her father being pierced through the stomach with a spear continued to replay inside of the girl's mind. Tears flew away with the wind brushing past her face as she ran. She refused to stop or look back for even a second, lest she be slaughtered like an animal, just as her father and the rest of her village were.

The little girl looked down at her little sister. Her little sister was in no better shape than her. Her small cheeks were flushed, and she was breathing heavily as she struggled to keep up with her big sister. Two tiny black nubs protruded from the top of her head, the early signs of her horn growth. The little girl wanted to stop running to give her little sister a break, but the vivid memories of the humans on top of the women of the village prevented her from doing so. She would not let that happen to her. The little girl clutched her little sister's hand, as if she would disappear at any moment. The little girl prayed for the god's to cast their mercy on them.

The little girl suddenly stopped running when a sharp pain struck her back. She looked down to see that the fresh blood on her tiny hands did not belong to her father, or anyone else for that matter, it was her's. Blood spilled from her mouth as she looked down in horror to see an arrow protruding from her stomach. She choked on her blood, as the blood from her stomach flowed down the head of the arrow. Her little sister had collapsed to the ground, her eyes filled with dread and horror. The little girl wanted to give her little sister a hug, to tell her that it would be okay, to save her. But, alas, she could not. Her sister's screams could no longer reach her ears. The little girl wondered why the god's she had always prayed to didn't save them? How her village had just barely survived the cold winter, only to be slaughtered like animals? Was there any meaning to it?

Not too far away, a pile of corpses laid bare in the center of a small village. There was no mercy for anyone, not the woman, not even the children. Soldiers one after the other added to the corpse pile, as if they were throwing trash away.

The soldiers parted way for a tall figure adorned in extravagant armor. As the sun shined upon his armor, it revealed the blood red symbol of the severed head of The Demon Lord. The man exuded a noble air, and if someone were to look, it would be clear that he was a highborn. His steps were filled with authority and confidence. Naturally instilling admiration and obedience in the soldiers hearts.

The soldiers surrounding the man, all gazed at him with eyes filled with admiration. The man was clearly a cut above the soldiers surrounding him. Not only was his armor more intricate, and of better quality. He stood taller than the rest of the soldiers, and he himself felt that he stood above everyone. His slick black hair shined from the sun rays. His well defined features would make even the world's greatest sculptor green in envy. His robust build that held up his armor was the envy of every man he encountered. If you gazed into the man's pitch black eyes, it would appear that lightning continuously traveled inside of them, this was undeniable proof of his royal lineage.

The man's eyes held an incredible amount of resentment as he gazed at the pile of corpses. He scoffed and turned his back so that he would no longer have to sully his vision.

A tall robust brunette woman stood before the man. She had a short buzz cut, and her face was littered with scars. Signs of vicious battles, but trophies to the soldier. Her armour was different from the rest of the soldiers, it was of better quality, and it had the symbol of bravery painted onto the chest plate. Her armor had numerous knicks and dents, living proof of the fierce battles that she participated in. Her face was hardened, and her eyes fierce. She gave off the aura of someone who had seen enough combat to last three lifetimes. She kneeled before the man, and awaited his orders. "Lord Caedus."

Caedus gazed at the soldier in front of him, impressed with her aptitude and ferociousness in battle. A small smile formed on his face before he spoke. "You may stand."

The soldier instantly stood to attention. "We've captured most of the females, some resisted too much and had to be killed. The males that were not of fighting age were captured as well, the rest were unworthy and were killed."

Caedus was displeased, but he could not blame the soldier standing in front of him. The harder the task, the greater the reward. And there was no greater reward than what he sought.

"My lord-" With no hesitation, in the middle of her speech, the soldier moved to stand in front of Caedus.

She channeled mana into her sword causing it to ablaze with fire. She struck down the flying ice sickle aimed at them. As her sword made contact with the ice sickle, it exploded causing a cloud of ice particles to form.

As the cloud began to dissipate, it froze everything that it had touched.

Fortunately, Caedus and the soldier managed to escape the cloud before it made full contact with them.

As soon as she felt the chill, she instantly jumped backwards while channeling mana throughout her body, specifically in her hands. After all of her many battles, she developed a sixth sense which had saved her many times including now.

The soldier looked down at her hands in horror, the top layer of her skin was pitch black from frostbite.

How did her hands end up in this condition?! Was she not channeling mana in her hands in order to protect them?! She was more than average when it came to magical aptitude. How powerful was the person who had cast the spell that could do this to her?

Her hands trembled incessantly, and she could barely keep hold of her sword.

"Calm yourself." Caedus's imposing voice ripped the soldier's mind from her chaotic thoughts. Years of training showing itself in that moment.

"M-my lord." Despite her battle hardened demeanor, there was a tinge of fear present in her voice.

The soldier began to regain her composure, reprimanding herself in the process.

How could she be so foolish?! She had forgotten her lord in the heat of the moment!

She steeled her resolve and vowed to never let that happen again!

As she looked around all of her instincts began screaming for her to run away. The entire village had been frozen solid. The soldiers and corpses that were once around her had now become ice statues. Their pain and fear was permanently cemented, a glorious testament to whoever cast the spell's power.

"~hmm hmm hmm~" An angelic humming echoed throughout the village. A stark contrast to the gruesome situation.

"Who dares to stand before me?" Caedus' voice was calm and imposing. As if he was not witnessing what had just happened.

"~Ohhh, is this the great Caedus?~" A cute and femine voice could be heard.

"W-what?" The soldier blinked a few times before she was convinced of what she was seeing.

The owner of the ominous and femine voice was a tall slender woman with blond white hair that didn't reach past her shoulders. She wore a frilly white and purple shirt, a purple skirt, and purple knee high boots. She looked young and delicate, which was exacerbated by her skipping happily towards them while humming a lovely tune.

The soldier could not believe her eyes. Surely there was something that she was missing. Was the girl just a distraction?

The slender woman stopped just as Caedus released a golden lighting bolt aimed at her.

The soldier couldn't make out what happened, only being able to see debris flying in the air from the impact.

"~Scary...scary~" The slender woman sang happily.

After the debris finally settled, a wall of ice was revealed. It was burned and large parts of it were missing.

The slender woman stepped from behind the wall, smiling happily.

"Witch…" Caedus' did nothing to mask his disgust and anger.

"Witch?" The soldier took notice of the slender woman's ears, pointed like an elf's, but short unlike an elf's. "My lord!"

The soldier moved to shield Caedus, and ready herself for battle.

She had heard stories about the woman in front of her. The half elf that could freeze hell itself. She had reduced entire kingdoms into barren lands of ice. The only signs of life being the frozen statues left behind.

How old were those tales? Were they not just stories? How could this woman still stand before her? Even elves' lifespan wasn't that long. She still had the appearance of a young lady. The soldier was shocked to no end. Asking herself questions non stop.

The witch's smile spread from ear to ear, she finally opened her eyes. Revealing a pair of Amethyst-like eyes. "~yes that's me! The witch of barren ice! Nice to meet you!!!~"

"Wha-wha!" Blood spurted out of the soldier's eyes, and her head grew foggy. She dropped her sword as she struggled to stay standing.

The soldier found herself to be a rational thinker at even the worst times, but now she couldn't formulate a coherent thought. She held her head as she found herself unable to breathe. Not that there was anything stopping her from breathing, she could no longer remember how.

The witch's eyes lit up in wonder. As if she was a child that had just found a new toy. "~ehhh this is interesting. There are only a few people who can resist my gaze~ But!" The witch's eyes shined brightly as she gazed intently at the soldier. "~I wonder for how long?~"

Caedus grabbed the soldier's head, and shocked her with electricity. She quickly soiled herself before her body fell to the ground, blood still pouring from her eyes.

"You're no fun!" The witch's cheeks puffed up, and she stomped her feet like a child throwing a tantrum. "She was interesting."

"What business do you have with me witch?" Caedus couldn't care less about the witch's mood swings. His ambitions were far more important.

The witch sighed loudly, disappointed in Caedus' lack of response. "Nothing much… It just looked like you all were having so much fun! Can you blame me for wanting to join?" The witch's face contorted into a twisted and cruel smile, as her eyes glowed ominously. "Though, most of your soldiers were no fun! ~They all froze with just a little touch!~"

"Your taunts don't affect me witch, a soldier's duty is to serve and die." Caedus picked up the soldier laying on the ground. Surprisingly she was not dead. He knew the chances of her recovering enough to be of service to Bellum were slim to none, but she was a extremely capable soldier with a decent blood line. Belllum needed as many of those as possible. "There is no benefit to fighting you witch. I am leaving."

"~Ohhh so soon? I wonder what you are looking for out here?~" The witch's curiosity could not be contained anymore. She just had to ask!

For a second, only a second, Caedus stopped in his tracks before continuing to walk away.

A second was all that the witch needed. Her smile was that of a vicious predator that was hungrily eyeing it's prey. "~Is it not strange to have one of Bellum's stringers soldiers in the middle of nowhere?~"

"All assumptions of a mad witch." Caedus responded before he continued walking away.

"~Hmm… maybe!~" The witch could not deny that she was mad, and that she could be assuming. But, if what she heard in the east was to be believed... "~Or could it be.. that you're looking for the hero?~"

Caedus threw the soldier to the ground. Golden lighting covered his entire being, he slowly turned to face the witch. His expression was blank, but his eyes gleamed maliciously. "What do you know witch?"

"🖤~So scary!!!!~🖤" This was what she wanted! Finally! His gaze sent chills down her spine, she could feel it even her bones. She was on fire! By the God's had she been craving this feeling for so long!

The witch's breath began to grow erratic, as her chest heaved up and down seductively. She could no longer contain herself. She licked her right hand before sliding it under her skirt. "🖤~Nnn!~🖤" An erotic moan leaked from her mouth as she began to pleasuire herself whilst looking directly at Caedus.

Caedus was unfazed by the witch's display, and his anger grew by the second.

The witch saw the expression worsening on Caedus's face, and she grew even more excited. Grasping her breast, squeezing and groping them with all her might. "Wouldn't it be interesting to see who could find them first?! I don't know if I'd be able to contain myself! I might just freeze everything!"

Caedus' eyes turned pure gold as the sky above him crackled and roared with thunder clouds. "You will die here, witch."

Translucent liquid began to trickle down her legs as the carnal sounds of pleasure filled the air. "🖤~Nnnn ahhh! So scary!!! SO SCARY!!!~🖤"