
A New World 9

"Useless! Fucking useless!" He kept screaming that at the top of his lungs, over and over again. Punching his steering wheel with everything he had.

"I'm sorry." I just wanted him to stop yelling, he always yelled.

"Shut the hell up!" Once he got going, he never stopped. Even when I wasn't speaking.

He almost swerved off the road because he kept turning around to punch me wherever he could. I blocked his punches as best as I could, but it didn't make them hurt any less.

This was the time that I tried out for my local pal team and didn't get picked. It's not surprising though, I had terrible coordination, stamina, and didn't enjoy being hit. But, I wanted to make them proud of me, especially him. Unfortunately, it did the exact opposite.

I could never forget the look of shame and resentment on my dad's face when he had to pick me up after I almost passed out. He didn't explain anything when we got home, except that I failed.

My mom tried to hide her disappointment, but I could see it in her eyes. Jasmine had piano, Marcus had track and field. I was the only one who couldn't accomplish anything. The failure.

After that day, I gave up everything, and they gave up on me.

"Mmmm.." There was a pleasantly cool feeling on top of my forehead that caused me to wake up.

I opened my eyes to find Juliette squeezing out a towel in a bucket.

"Why are you in my room?"

As soon as I asked that question, she looked up from what she was doing and made eye contact with me. She fidgeted and her gentle eyes widened in surprise.

Her face began to turn bright red as she continued to stare at me in silence.

"Okay…" I sat up and saw a white rag fall off of my forehead.

This must have been the pleasant feeling on my forehead.

I looked over to Juliette and she hid her face behind her hair.

Cute as fuck!

"Uh…" The room started spinning and I had to lay back down.

"Don't move!" Juliette's panicked voice reached my ears. Her eyes trembled as she clumsily placed the towel back on my forehead. "You fainted a couple of days ago."

"A couple of days.." The argument at the table suddenly appeared in my mind and the vague memories of my death flashed through my mind.

The urge to vomit was almost unbearable and I felt sicker than I already was.

"Do you want some water?!" The sound of Juliette's movements filled the room before I even had the chance to say yes.

She quickly came back and sat me up with my head resting on her chest.


I snuggled my head into her soft bossom as she made an adorable yelp of surprise.

Life is good for a shota!

She shackenly brought a glass of water to my lips.

As I began to drink from the cup, I could hear her heartbeat getting faster. Not to mention her erratic breathing. "You know if you're that uncomfortable, you don't have to help me."

"I…I want to help!" I was caught off guard by her response, but I was even more surprised by the serious expression that she was making.

"Thank you." That was the only thing that I could think of to say. I'm aware that the kindness she's showing me is meant for Adela, but I felt thankful nonetheless.

Her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink, and she averted her eyes. It looked like she wanted to say something, but for whatever reason didn't.

"It sucks that you have to take care of me." Great for me though.

"Oh! I don't… I don't mind really!" I looked up to see Juliette gracing me with a bewitching sunbeam smile.

Perfect! 10 out of 10 waifu! Sweet home Alabama here I come!

"I can.. I can even do your chores for you!" There was an eager look on Juliette's face that unnerved me for some reason.

Why would she… "What?"

"It's hard for you, right?" Her eyes were resolute, and her smile was confident.

She's actually serious.

A warm feeling started bubbling inside of my chest, but an even greater wave of disgust came with it. "No."

"Huh?" Her eyebrows creased, and she looked utterly confused. "But-"

"Thank you. It's really nice. But, I'll do my own stuff." I don't want to take advantage of her kindness.

"No!" She genuinely looked upset, and had the expression that said she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Why do you care so much?" I understand that she's concerned for her little brother, but this is a bit extreme.

"Because I…." Juliette's eyes widened and she immediately stopped talking. As if she almost said something that she would regret.

She turned bright red and hung her head in an awkward silence.

Does she…

*Knock knock*

Juliette sprinted for the door as soon as it opened and barged her way through.

Saved by the bell, huh?

Greg and Andrea walked in with confused looks on their faces, as if to say 'what was that?'

I shrugged my shoulders to say 'I don't know.'

Andrea and Greg awkwardly walked in and just stared at me.

"I'm sorry!" As soon as those words left my mouth, I heard it repeated back to me. "Huh?"

Tears started streaming down Greg's face, while Andrea looked uncomfortable. "We pushed you too hard!"

Before I could react, Greg had already placed me in a bear hug."Aaarrrggggh!"

"Put him down!" Andrea's booming voice calmed Greg down and he released me.

Thank you Andrea, you're a saint!

Andrea sighed before she gave me a resolute look."We're both sorry. We didn't consider how much stress we were putting you under."

"I'm sorry to.. For being a spoiled brat." I can still hear his voice. Ungrateful, huh?I won't ever feel like that again. "It's not fair that everyone else helps except for me. I…I don't want to be a leach and… a loser.." Not again. "I want to pull my own weight, and I want to get stronger. I know I can't use magic, but I can learn how to use a sword, right?"

I looked at Greg and Andrea,Greg in particular. Neither one of them said anything, they just continued to startle at me with a blank expression.

I should have known. I don't have a right to ask them anything. Fuck, my eyes are starting to water "…Is that a no?"

"Of course!" Greg's cheerful voice snapped me out of my stupor. "We can start as soon as you get better!"

"Wait!" I have to put this out in the air before it's too late. "I will… trust me! But first.. can I have a break?! Just a week! And from now on.. can I please have at least two days off a week?!"

"Is that it?!" Greg tried to hug me again but luckily Andrea stopped him again.

Thanks Andrea, you're a real one!

"Sure." Greg looked disappointed that he couldn't hug me again.

I almost feel bad for the guy, but his hugs are seriously deadly!

"But we'll worry about that once you start to get better. Just focus on that right now." I nodded my head to Andrea's words.

Andrea left the room and dragged Greg with her. He looked like a sad puppy, and I breathed a sigh of relief once they left.

I laid back down and began to think about my dad again. "You won't win."