
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 8: Hunting Goblins

Chapter 8: Hunting Goblins

In the human realm, where rational beings like humans, demi-humans, and elves have their ranks, beasts also follow a tier system:

• Low-Tier Beasts

• Normal-Tier Beasts

• High-Tier Beasts

• King-Tier Beasts

Goblins, considered one of the weakest creatures, fall into the category of "Low-Tier Beasts" in this world.

While individually they might rank low, when united, they pose a threat comparable to High-Tier Beasts. The risk lies in deadly traps and perilous ambushes that could result in your demise.

Traps that could kill you and dangerous ambushes could lead you to your death.

How do I know this?

Well, it's because I played the game in my past life. Being a low leveled character made me frustrated with these pieces of shit of goblins.

Especially when I get ambushed out of nowhere.

But because of my knowledge about the goblins and their attack patterns, I was able to kill a few goblins while we finally reached the whereabouts of the goblins.

I eliminated an additional five goblins, earning a total of 81 points and reaching level three. Valentina, on the other hand, took down over twenty goblins.

Isn't it wild? I'm amazed she's still going. Without my level-up and the system's assistance, I'd be exhausted by now.

But hey, we finally found the footsteps of the goblin's tiny footprint marked on the land where those green creatures went, and soon, Valentina, Kevin, and I ventured into the cave.

The cave exuded peril and a spooky ambiance. The darkness was so profound that nothing was visible, but Kevin illuminated our surroundings with his fire manipulation as he confidently approached.

He provided guidance and actively aided in dispatching goblins. After about thirty minutes, Valentina, engaged in relentless combat, displayed remarkable improvement.

However, while hunting, I caught Kevin glancing at Valentina in a way that couldn't be ignored by any man. I briefly pondered about it but then refocused on my priorities for the day.








Mary's Side

After a while, two maids stood before a cave, guarded by two knights. One knight was absent, momentarily occupied taking a pee.

Mary, positioned at the cave's entrance, utilized her [Hyper Senses] to monitor Alfonso and his companions' progress. They were performing well, and she keenly observed Alfonso's rapid improvement—his strength, movements, and techniques evolving with each successful encounter.

She might not see them fighting, but she can feel the strength of the guy she's focused on.

Such talent shook Mary, "I didn't know that Lord Alfonso was this talented..." She muttered in astonishment.

She had observed him wielding a sword before, but his skill seemed lacking compared to when he efficiently dealt with the goblins earlier. "Maybe he's been honing his swordsmanship as Valentina suggested," she mused, feeling a warmth from Alfonso's actions. However, her thoughts were interrupted as she sensed a presence.

—Shak! Shak!

A sound echoed. Causing leaves to scatter in the powerful gust. The chilling breeze brushed against Mary's face as she searched for the source of the sudden presence. Even though it was just for a moment, she could feel that someone was watching them.

This marked the second occurrence, the initial one transpired at the inn, and now, in this location.

Despite expanding her [Hyper Senses] radius, no signs were discernible. However, her thoughts were disrupted when another knight finally came back and a voice resounded.

"Commander, you are done pissing?" One knight that was guarding the cave shouted.

"Shut the fuck up!" retorted the commander that was ranked, master.

A few chuckles came from their mouth as Christine rolled her eyes and chuckled along with the knights. While Mary tried to continue searching for what she sensed but soon stopped when she couldn't find anything with her ability and focused her attention back on the three, who were hunting the goblins.








Alfonso's POV

After delving into the cave for a while, I've stylishly taken down more than twenty goblins. Being a perfectionist, I made sure each kill was done with flair. Meanwhile, Valentina boasts an impressive fifty kills of her own!

Kevin though assisted us and advised us sometimes from the traps. However, as the time got longer I finally decided to speak to Valentina.


She then turned her head with a questioning expression as I slowly opened my mouth,

"I am contemplating the dissolution of our engagement,"

I declared with an air of aristocratic certainty. Valentina, visibly astonished, maintained her silence as I proceeded to expound nonchalantly, affording her little opportunity to interject.

"In my earlier days, I harbored a certain innocence, an affection for you that eluded adequate articulation.

However, I've come to the profound realization that our association is but a contrived imposition, and I, regrettably, appear as a mere fool.

Henceforth, I shall refrain from inconveniencing you. Rest assured, I shall engage in discourse with both my father and yours to rectify this situation, ensuring the dissolution of our union transpires with the utmost grace and minimal complication."

I unapologetically voiced my sentiments, dissecting Alfonso's flaws within my thoughts, as a pang of distress resonated within.

These emotions, however, are not a manifestation of my own, but rather an unwelcome consequence of Alfonso's waning affection for Valentina.

The source of my current anguish lies in the intricate web of Alfonso's dying love.

He doesn't want to get separated from the one he loves, I even felt like I wanted to possess her but that would be equivalent to not having respect for myself too. My pride would never back down!

‹ Alfonso, you have egregiously undermined your own dignity. Must I endure the perpetuation of this absurdity? Summon your courage, for heaven's sake! ›

I inwardly exclaimed, witnessing a gradual alleviation of the inner turmoil, as if Alfonso's very being acquiesced to my sagacious counsel.

He acknowledged the inevitability of Valentina's perpetual indifference towards him.

But that didn't stop from me feeling heartbroken, fortunately, I have felt this way too in my past life so it's manageable.





Valentina's Side

Meanwhile, Valentina found herself in a daze as she observed Alfonso's swift transformation over the past week. His nonchalant proposal to cancel their engagement left her irritated, almost as if she had lost someone important.

She quickly nodded in agreement but wanted to confirm once more. Despite that, Alfonso remained resolute in calling off the engagement.

As Kevin witnessed these unfolding events, a sly smirk formed on his lips while discreetly observing Alfonso.






Alfonso's POV

Kevin's sudden smile triggered a visceral reaction in me, even making my blood boil. The urge to confront him violently surged, envisioning striking him with my sword, yet I chose to maintain composure and contemplate the situation.

‹What the fuck is wrong with this guy?› I questioned because I've been feeling weird beside Kevin lately.

Well, anyway, my plan for today has been fulfilled! As to why I'm nulling our marriage? It's because I felt annoyed that I was being disrespected by a brat!

There's yet another factor, too: I detest forced relationships. And because she is a death flag too.

If I call off our engagement and cease communication, her thoughts of harming me would disappear. It's not fear of death, but rather the irritation of potential betrayal. I stand firm in my beliefs, specifically my principles and values.

But first... I need to demonstrate my value to Antelmo, convincing him to support the annulment of the marriage. Building trust and showing reliability is crucial in gaining his approval, even if only temporarily.

‹Maybe making a bet?› I thought, but soon I shrugged my thoughts away when we finally got to the place full of goblins.

One stood out though, it was a large-looking goblin with a name on his stats.


[Goblin Leader]

Rank: Above Average (Normal-Tier Beasts)


Without a moment's hesitation, Valentina gallantly charged toward the horde of goblins, and I, in regal stride, dutifully accompanied her.

Despite my current status at level 5, a mere low rank fails to encapsulate my prowess. During our hunting endeavors, I acquired a skill within the system, elevating my abilities to effortlessly match their pace.

Previously, I had 121 points overall, but once I purchased the [Super Slash] ability, that cost me 50 points. My points immediately turned to 71

It was worth it though, it made my fight easier too because of how strong it is. I might be able to level it up in no time, but using it over and over again makes my body ache.

I feel like my bones are going to break if I overuse them.

But I felt that it was okay to use this ability again on these goblins, however, I need to calculate when to use [Super Slash] to not exhaust myself.








Slash! The sound of liquids and flesh combined from the perfect swing of my swords echoed inside the cave while Valentina was battling the [Goblin Leader] with the assistance of Kevin.

I, with unwavering prowess, have vanquished the final goblin, sensing the fatigue coursing through every fiber of my being. The filth and repulsion I currently endure are beneath the stature of one such as myself.

But I look as flawless as ever. As if I was not even dirtied by blood because I kept on avoiding them while I fought. Which resulted in me being extremely exhausted right now.

The only thing that kept on making me stand flawlessly was that this body didn't want to look pitiful. The disgust I was feeling though, was still manageable but I knew that if I stayed here for more than an hour or thirty minutes, I'd be raging out.

However, my worries were relieved when I saw Valentina finally kill the Goblin Leader.

Her suit was drenched in blue blood, and her blonde hair's spark was also dyed with blood. But after killing a bunch of goblins and fighting a goblin leader she still didn't level up.

She now needed to fight a monster far stronger than that goblin to ascend. But she needed to rest her exhausted self first and clean herself.

Soon we both strode outside while I eagerly walked outside the cave to wash immediately.