
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 2: I'm The Villain

Chapter 2: I'm The Villain

"What delayed your arrival?" The man asked in a deep voice.

A measured silence hung in the air before I proceeded with deliberate steps, occupying the seat opposite my father, the man who held the body that I now inhabited. With a studied casualness, I addressed the question at hand. "A minor disruption, nothing more," my tone remained unaffected, my response a blend of detachment and restraint.

Antelmo, the epitome of authority and dignity, radiated an aura of intimidation. His red eyes juxtaposed with the darkness of his hair commanded attention, and his manner exuded an air of gravitas. Such a persona explained the peculiar blend of fear and longing exhibited by the villain character in the game – yearning for paternal approval despite a deep-seated terror. The game's portrayal of him being a disappointment aligned with my own recollections of dealing with individuals of his ilk in my past life. I'd encountered countless similar figures, some even resorting to threats against my loved ones. However, the present circumstances perplexed me; though advanced in age by over a hundred, he retained a remarkable youthful visage that surpassed his portrayal in the game.

As I regarded him, I couldn't help but be struck by the incongruity between the virtual representation and the reality before me.

Thoughts aside. I then picked up the spoon and fork in front and took the meat as I munched it elegantly.

While Antelmo quietly watched me. Narrowing his eyes at my action, he soon continued eating.

"You're not wearing your gloves today?" The man asked when he was done munching a lump of meat.

I immediately stopped the food going into my mouth and went silent, thinking about how I should reply to his question.

I didn't know that Alfonso would wear his gloves even while eating. But it's probably because he thinks that the spoons are touched by some commoners and is disgusted by it. But for some reason, I can touch the spoon without reacting much.

"They didn't touch your spoon, they used a cloth to put it there. I'm just surprised you're not wearing your gloves." Antelmo added.

Soon I started eating again, "I just wanted to get out of my comfort zone once," I said.

"Hoh?" Antelmo then gasped in surprise before his face went back vacant.

"That's interesting..."

Observing his expression, I could discern that he was well aware that I, Alfonso, do not possess the facile ability to promptly provide him with a response. In his perspective, I am, without a doubt, an individual who harbors a timorous disposition in his presence.





Following a prolonged silence, Antelmo finally broke it, his voice resonating with a commanding air, "From this moment forward, a sister shall grace your presence."

At the utterance of his words, I ceased my consumption, my mind consumed about who is Alfonso's new step-sister.

Deliberately, I turned my gaze upon the man seated before me, offering a measured nod before resuming my meal.

"Why?" I inquired, my tone as cold and calculated as the wintry breeze.

"She possesses a great talent in magic," came the succinct response from Antelmo, his tone matching the chill in my query.


I refrained from further words, my silence a testament to my inquiry despite already grasping the answer.

In the man's gaze, I detected his estimation of Alfonso, his own flesh and blood, as nothing more than a negligible entity, incapable of fulfilling expectations.

The reasons behind this sentiment were not entirely inscrutable. The physical vessel I now inhabited harbored a reputation far from illustrious. In the world I'd come to understand, the game, adopting a commoner sister could only be seen as a sign of Alfonso's timidity – an anxiety-driven concession.

Perhaps, refusing to have a sister could serve as an adept means of evading another death flag. However, I bore the certainty that the proposition would be promptly negated by Antelmo.

Antelmo's ambition to secure an heir from the ranks of an adopted daughter was a display of strategic forethought, the aim being to elevate his standing through matrimonial alliances. The chosen sibling, a paragon of beauty, possessed attributes to pique even the most elevated suitor's interest – a point I discerned from my observations within the game. Antelmo's machinations also reached deeper, as he sought to exploit this union to amass power and alliances, casting a shadow on his designs for the future.

Such were the contours of Antelmo's past exploits, an embodiment of his character. Yet, one pivotal episode disrupted this meticulously laid plan: the escape of his adoptive daughter, an event that triggered the demise of our family's prosperity. The daughter's resentment, cultivated by years of objectification, compelled her collusion with the game's heroines, ultimately dismantling the corrupt structures my counterpart had nurtured. Their assault commenced by severing fiscal connections, cascading into a shattering of our once-influential network.

Should the chronicle of my existence continue unaltered, a parallel ruin loomed. The path to oblivion, paved by an assembly of adversaries intent on eradicating this embodiment of Alfonso's shortcomings, included even his devoted maid Mary, who, stifled by Alfonso's ineptitude, betrayed him by revealing his vulnerabilities.

Regarding Antelmo's abstinence from seeking a new spouse, it hinged on his unwavering fidelity to a sole object of affection. An attribute to be acknowledged, it was one of the few facets of his character that offered a trace of redemption amidst the otherwise tempestuous currents of his nature.

Speaking of which, a mother seems to be missing right? Well, this body's mother is dead. She died when Alfonso was born. That's the backstory of this villain I possess.







Soon, minutes passed like seconds, and before I could even notice it, I was finally done eating.

Not wanting to waste more time, I eschewed any unnecessary delay, for I was bound to hunt today with Valentina. With due elegance, I availed myself of the bath arranged by Mary.








Antelmo's POV

After Alfonso, supposed to be my son went on his way, I touched my chin as I pondered.

‹ Was there anything crucial that happened to him during the past 3 months I was not present? ›

My disgraceful son, a pitiful untalented boy, an epitome of disappointment, I knew very well that he would never try to go out of his comfort zone. Every action he makes and how every time we meet I also know he is always scared.


The composure he showed today was different, prompting me to reflect.


In the end, I could only let out a sigh, not expecting too much from that disappointment of a son.










Alfonso's POV

"Beast hunting..." I muttered under my breath as I soaked myself in water.

The purpose behind their pursuits seems rather apparent. One can only surmise that Valentina's motivation lies in honing her abilities and seeking to elevate her skill set. As for Alfonso, it appears his inclinations are driven by a desire to trail after Valentina, assuming the role of an obsequious cur, ever eager to cater to her whims. In essence, a most lamentable display of servility.

Yet another conceivable rationale for his actions could stem from an inherent need to validate himself in the eyes of his progenitor, striving to exhibit his competence in slaying these creatures. Thus, the prospect of his father's presence during a hunt would invariably bestow upon him the satisfaction of a filial triumph, as Antelmo's heart swells with paternal pride.

Ah, indeed, Alfonso does appear to grapple with a measure of paternal discord, which only further adds to the contours of his intricate disposition.

Alternatively, one might conjecture that Alfonso's vexation emanates from the presence of Valentina's favorite knight on her foray, eliciting a puerile sense of jealousy within him.

‹Truly, this is childish.›

Be that as it may, let us direct our attention to the woman in question, [Valentina Lopez], a figure amongst the three heroines.

Alfonso, as it were, manifests an alarming fixation upon Valentina, a fixation so intense that it is reputed to drive him to unfathomable extremes, even to the extent of curtailing lives that stand in the way of his covetous passions.

Their engagement, consummated at the tender age of ten, evidently hinges upon a foundation of mutual self-interest, rather than any ethereal sentiment.

Naturally, Valentina hated Alfonso, his arrogant demeanor and all that stuff made her not want to be associated with him. To be honest, when Alfonso's family fell, and the last person he saw before his last breath was no other than the woman he was engaged to, it was Valentina who stabbed Alfonso to death with her eyes full of resentment.

Her actions resulted in his demise, driven by the fact that Alfonso's jealousy towards her cherished knight companion had indirectly led to the knight's death.

Valentina took revenge on behalf of her friend and took the road of being a knight. Well... She always wanted to become a knight and she'll soon become one of the strongest. That's how it happened in the game.

But as I was taking a bath, a notification suddenly popped out of my sight.


[Your standing of Antelmo has undergone a subtle transformation.]

{+ 10 points}

"I found myself merely partaking in eating, yet it appears I received points from it. Thoughts aside there's also a system huh?" I murmured in a state of profound wonderment. An ensuing notion swiftly surfaced within me.

‹Might there exists a method by which I, too, could see my status?›

Yet, before my contemplation could further prolong, a veritable statistic materialized afore my discerning gaze.


|Name: Alfonso Quiñones|

•Age: 12

[Points: 10]

Level: 1 [Low]






•Martial Arts: 23 (Low)

•Swordsmanship: 27 (Low)

•Medical Skills: 33 (Low)

•Singing: 22 (Low)

•Instruments: 70 (Unknown)

•Magical skills: 52 (Average)

•Horsemanship: 55 (Average)


I inwardly mumbled as I saw my stats.

‹ Then does that mean I can also see people's stats? › I thought and smirked inside.

‹Guess I'll be able to get stronger by using the system,> I added and suddenly asked the system inside my head just to clarify if it was similar to the game.

‹System, how do I gain more points?›

Before long, a single word materialized within my purview once more, an oracle of guidance revealed:

[Changing the plot, Gaining affection/respect, killing beast monsters, and completing random quests]

A mirthless nod of confirmation roused within me, for I discerned that the system did, indeed, mirror the foundation of the game I once played.

Subtle divergences did exist, however, as I perceived the stratified hierarchy of levels and the multifarious objectives designed to augment my status. With a discerning assessment, I acknowledged this disparity as the hallmark of its distinction.








After I was done taking a bath, I immediately wore a suit.

The suit's color was black, with the family crest badge on the left. I also wore white gloves, I completely understand now why this body always wore gloves in the game after I felt what he was experiencing. I wouldn't want to feel that again if possible.

I look cool though, just looking at my face in the mirror makes me want to admire how handsome this body is. I would be lying if I said that my past body is much more handsome, but I was also handsome too but incomparable to this face that I have now.

This body's look is freaking full of radiating elegance, combined with his red pupils and cold gaze, his height is someone tall too. About 5 1/3 feet. In the future, he'll turn 6 feet or more... Don't remember it since I don't pay attention to those details.

‹Man with these looks I wonder how could women resist this.› I thought and chuckled inside as my face stayed expressionless and cold as ever.

Though... After possessing this body, what I noticed so far is that. Even though I feel like laughing or smiling, I can't laugh and smile. It feels like this body always wants to look elegant and perfect all the time!

Even the things I find not so perfect in my eyes make my urge grow to fix them. I realized this after experiencing some anxiety from unorganized things.

But my thoughts were finally interrupted when a knock came out of my door, followed by a muffled female voice. "Young Lord, the carriage is ready."

After hearing her, I could tell that it was Mary. Soon, after I was finally satisfied with how I looked, I strode my way outside in grace.

Any grammatical errors? Point it out~

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