
I'm The Only One With Cancer

Earth, 22nd Century The incurable cancer that served as a nightmare for people one century ago is now just a rare but curable disease. With the world’s development, there are now cures for all types of cancer. The Earth is now a planet with no more people suffering from cancer. Except for Zen. Diagnosed with a mutated cancer that was the only one of its kind at an early age, he sank in despair. That was until an opportunity which turned his curse into a blessing presented itself. What power would Zen gain from the disease that plagued him since his childhood? *** The art is not mine, all credits to the original artist.

CheekyForehead · Games
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139 Chs


"What happened?" 

Ren asked seriously as he saw the distress on her face.

Sophie immediately shook her head, "I-I don't have time to explain. It's better if I just show you…"

She hurriedly went to one of the tables and picked up a remote before opening the large television at the corner of the room.

It didn't take long before Ren's eyes widened in pure shock.

The others were not any better as they instantly became speechless because of what they saw.

Zen and Sera observed their parents and noticed the grave expression on their faces.

Ren's eyes darkened while hatred could be seen from Rina's.

Meanwhile, Margareth, Ethan, Olivia, Veronica, and Hassan were all showing a mixture of confusion and anger.

On the television, a middle-aged man was speaking on a podium.

"...I, Gregor, the President of the United States, am hereby announcing the Heal Charity Program's commencement!"

"Through the Heal Charity Program, I will make sure to offer free health services to all the citizens of the United States! In fact, this is not only limited to the United States."

The middle aged man who introduced as Gregor, the President of the United States, had a benevolent smile on his face as he looked straight at the camera.

"What you heard is right! I am also willing to share this blessing to the citizens of other countries as well. All they need to do is send the patients to the United States and we'll make sure to use our best technologies in order to heal them to the best of our capabilities!"

"As you all know, the relationship between countries has somewhat become strained. But I am willing to take the initiative for the betterment of our planet!"

As the president, Gregor, kept speaking, it was also being broadcasted worldwide.


(A/N: Every dialogue that has * at the end will mean that it's said in another language.)

In an office in Japan… 

"Hmmm, this is kind of too good to be true…"* An old man said as he caressed his gray beard.

The middle aged man beside him nodded in agreement, "That's right, Prime Minister Miyazawa. I'm sure that they're planning something again."*


Somewhere in Russia…

In the midst of a snowy field, a bulky man with blonde hair and a tall nose had a bare upper body as he watched the broadcast through his phone.

"Gregor, huh? I wonder what you and the United States are planning again…"*

He spoke under his breath before taking a sip of his drink, "Fwaa! Well, it doesn't matter. We'll be ready anyways…"*


In an office located in Germany…

"Immediately find people who seemed to have unidentified and incurable diseases…"*

A middle aged man with blue eyes and black hair who was wearing a suit said as he watched the broadcast on his computer.

"As you wish, President Achterberg."* His secretary immediately bowed and left the room.


Inside the majestic Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom…

A handsome man who seemed to be in his late 20s smiled as he looked at the television.


His head was full of shiny blonde hair while his blue eyes gleamed brightly.

"What do you think they are planning, Dianne?" He laid his head on the lap of a beautiful woman who was feeding him fresh green grapes.

The beautiful woman, Dianne, shook her head and replied, "I don't know. But I believe that whatever your decision is, it will be right, my King."


Back to the conference room…

"What is he doing there!?" Rina couldn't take it anymore as she shouted.

Ren, who was also tightly clenching his fist due to anger, calmly asked, "Sophie, is the broadcast really live?"

"Yes, Commander! It was the very first thing we verified when we saw the sudden broadcast we detected from the United States." Sophie felt pressure from his gaze, but was still able to answer properly.

Margareth was the first to recover among the others as she spoke, "Commander, I thought you and this bitch killed Gregor?"

Despite hearing her, Rina wasn't in the mood to rebut.

"Yes. At least, that's what we thought until now" said Ren as he shook his head, he also didn't know how this was possible.

Olivia also spoke as she stared at the television, "It's impossible that Commander and Boss failed…"

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Don't you dare doubt our Commander!" Margareth immediately rebutted as soon as she heard her words.

"Besides, it's just impossible given how brutal this bitch is."

At this moment, Rina glared at her, "I dare you to call me a bitch again."

"Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. What are you gonna d-"


Margareth immediately defended herself from Rina's knee that instantly arrived before her face.


She was able to use her arms fast enough, but she still slid more than a meter away due to the impact.

However, Margareth only peeked through her arms and she grinned, "Yes, that's the Sabrina I know."

'Fuck it hurts!' She screamed deep inside her heart.

Hearing her words, calmness returned in Rina's eyes as she rolled her eyes, "Hmph! Thanks, I guess."

She knew that Margareth only did it to calm her down, but she still felt annoyed.