
Mythical school- A new friend?

He walked into the office and closed the door. He looks over at the principal.

"Excuse me, I-"

The principal had.. Cat ears and tail? The principal looks over at Liam, his ears lowering slightly.

"You must be the new student," he says, sounding bored. "Have you come to get your schedule?"

Liam nods. "Yes sir. I was also wondering why-" he was interrupted by the principal speaking.

"Why everyone seems to not be a human unlike you? Well you see, this is a mythical school. Your sister decided to sign you up."

"But why?" He looks down at his feet, confused. "I'm just a regular human, why am I here?"

"Because you have potential," the principal smiles at Liam.

"What do you mean 'potential'?" He was more confused then ever.

"This school has better education than most other schools in the district." He smiles before opening the drawer of his desk and taking out a paper. Liam comes forward and takes the paper.

"Thank you, sir.."

"Principal Woods."

Liam smiles slightly before leaving. He examines his schedule before being startled by someone suddenly talking to him.

"Hello, newbie!" The person's voice sounded excited.

Liam looks up at the girl. She seemed to be slightly shorter than he. She had a lizard like tail and horns. She had long brunette hair with bangs that were off too the side.

"Oh- uhm, hello." He smiles nervously at the girl.

"I'm Jordan! You must be the new kid, the human that everyone's been talking about!" She smiles.

"Uh- yeah..?" He returns the smile. "I'm Liam, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too! What's your first class?"

Liam looks down at his paper.


"Awww, I have math. I'll show you where English is?" She smiles, her tail swaying happily.

"Okay, thanks."

Liam smiles back before Jordan takes his hand, leading him over to a classroom. She lets go of Liam.

"Here you are! Byeee!" She waves to Liam as she leaves.

Liam waves back before walking into the classroom.