
I'm the Hero's Daughter Adopted by the Villainous Duke

Mabel is a sweet and innocent 8-year-old girl who has had a difficult life in the orphanage, where she has been bullied and mistreated by her peers. One day, her life takes a magical turn when the wealthy Ashford family offers to adopt her, and she becomes a beloved member of their household. Mabel quickly attached with her new family, especially the kind and loving Duke, Caius. She revels in her new life as a princess of Ashford, surrounded by magic and wonder. But one day, Mabel learns a shocking truth: She learns that she is the daughter of a great hero, and that Caius is actually a villainous Duke who tried to kill her father and was exiled to the barren land. How would the life of an innocent and guileless Mabel be affected after learning the truth about her past and her adoptive family, especially her relationship with Duke Caius? ---------------------------------------------------------------- The novel update: 5 Chapters/week

Suzu_Rim · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Under the Cosmos Flower

As Duke Caius carried Mabel, she obediently kept her eyes closed, eagerly anticipating their surprise adventure.

She could feel the warmth of the sun kissing her skin and the gentle breeze carrying the fragrant scents of the forest. The melodious songs of birds serenaded them along the way.

"Are we there yet?" Mabel couldn't contain her excitement, her curiosity piqued. She wondered where her father was taking her and what new wonders awaited.

"Oh, not just yet, Mabel. Keep those eyes closed," Duke Caius replied playfully, his voice carrying a hint of mischief.

Mabel's senses were awakened as she detected a sweet aroma in the air, a blend of flowers and fresh grass. It felt comforting, familiar, like a cherished memory.

"Now, open your eyes, Mabel."

Upon opening her eyes, Mabel was struck with awe at the breathtaking sight before her. It was a flower field, one she had played in countless times with her dear friend Anne back at the orphanage.

Cosmos flowers adorned the landscape, their petals dancing in the gentle breeze of early spring.

The field was a riot of colors, with shades of purple, pink, and white creating a mesmerizing carpet of blossoms. "Wow! I know this place!" Mabel exclaimed with genuine delight.

Duke Caius gently placed her on the ground, and without a second thought, Mabel dashed toward a familiar old tree atop a nearby hill.

This place held memories that felt like yesterday, filled with the scents, the caress of the wind on her skin, and the laughter she once shared with Anne. It was a nostalgic moment, even if Anne was no longer by her side.

Mabel's heart raced as she approached the familiar old tree, but what she saw next left her utterly stunned. A figure stood beneath its shade, bathed in the gentle dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves.

It was someone she cherished the most - Anne, with her flowing brown hair, sparkling emerald eyes, and that radiant smile she had missed dearly.

"Anne!" Mabel exclaimed in disbelief, her pace quickening as she rushed toward her dear friend.

Upon reaching Anne, Mabel wrapped her arms around her in a tight embrace, tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

It was beyond her wildest dreams to be reunited with Anne after all this time of loneliness and wondering about her friend's well-being. Had Anne thought of her too? Did she miss her?

"Mabel!" Anne returned the embrace, holding onto her as if she never wanted to let go. "I can't believe I get to see you again," she said, her excitement matching Mabel's.

Anne had always been worried about leaving Mabel behind at the orphanage, especially given the less-than-friendly atmosphere there, including the hostility of other children and even Mrs. Jenkins herself.

She never quite understood why Mabel was singled out, but she had always been there to protect her. Now that she was gone, who would protect her?

The reunion was a dream come true for Anne, who had received a sudden letter from the Ashford House, inviting her to reunite with Mabel.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she clutched the invitation from Ashford House, her fingers trembling ever so slightly. It had come out of the blue and had left her in disbelief.

From a distance, Duke Caius, the one who had orchestrated this heartwarming reunion, watched with a contented smile as his daughter and her friend embraced happily. The effort he had put into searching for Anne had been entirely worth it.

"That was remarkably fast, Your Grace. I expected it to take longer," Clara commented, her gaze shifting between Duke Caius and the reunited girls.

Clara had sent a report to Duke Caius about Mabel's progress as she normally did, but she hadn't anticipated that he would actually track down Anne and bring her back to Mabel, especially not in just one night.

"You should thank Vincent for that. He handled everything," Duke Caius replied, starting to approach Mabel.

"I hope you'll stop overworking yourself, Your Grace," Vincent chimed in, his eyes sporting heavy bags from the exhaustion of his efforts. He looked tired and worn from doing everything in such a short span.

Clara extended a comforting hand to pat Vincent's shoulder with empathy. She, too, joined the gathering around Mabel, delighted to see her so happy.

Amidst the cosmos flowers, Mabel clung to Anne as if she were a lifeline, her tears flowing freely. She refused to let go, her voice quivering with emotion. "Is this a dream? Will you disappear if I wake up? Promise you won't leave me again!" she sobbed.

Anne couldn't bear to see Mabel cry, and her own tears fell freely as well. "No, Mabel, it's not a dream. I'm here with you, and I won't leave you," she reassured her, holding her just as tightly.

They remained there in the embrace of the cosmos flowers, their tears of disbelief and joy mingling. It had been so long, and now they couldn't believe they were together again.

Eventually, they settled down under the tree, and Anne used her handkerchief to gently wipe away Mabel's tears.

Mabel continued to gaze at her friend, her eyes filled with a mix of awe and fear, still half-convinced that this was a dream.

"Mabel, please don't look at me like that. I promise I won't leave you again," Anne said, her voice soft but resolute.

Mabel nodded slowly, finally starting to accept that Anne was truly here. "Where have you been, Anne? Are you okay? Are you happy?" she asked, a barrage of questions escaping her lips.

Anne smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. "I'm more than okay, Mabel. I have a wonderful family, and we actually live in the same town," she shared with excitement.

Mabel's eyes widened in delight. "Really? That means we can meet all the time, right?"

"Yes, Mabel. And what about you? Are you happy with your family?" Anne inquired as she continued to wipe Mabel's face clean.

Mabel stood with her hands on her hips, her chin held high. "Yeah, I have an amazing dad and nanny! Everyone in the house is really nice to me! I'm a princess now!" she proclaimed with undeniable pride.

Anne chuckled softly, her tone gentle. "Oh, Mabel... You're still as imaginative as ever."

Mabel's expression shifted, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "What do you mean? I really am a princess, you know! My dad is a prince, so that makes me a princess, right?"

"Of course, Mabel. I believe you completely. After all, the Ashford family is quite famous," Anne replied, plucking a cosmos flower in front of her.


Mabel's lively conversation was interrupted by the gentle touch of a hand on her shoulder. Turning her head, she found her father, Duke Caius, kneeling in front of them.

"Daddy! This is my best friend, Anne! Can you believe I met her again? Did you know about this?" Mabel excitedly introduced Anne to her father.

Anne nodded, feeling a bit nervous given the rumors surrounding the Duke. Then, she looked at Mabel with worry, was she really fine being adopted by such a person?

Duke Caius chuckled heartily, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, Mabel, maybe the goddess answered your prayers?"

"Really? Is God even real?" Mabel asked innocently. Her upbringing had been quite sheltered, with little exposure to religious matters.

Duke Caius furrowed his brows, seemingly caught off guard by the question. "I hope He isn't," he admitted an unusual response that left Clara behind him momentarily speechless.

She quickly sought to change the topic. "How about we have lunch first?" she suggested.

With that, Clara and Vincent prepared a picnic under the tree. A colorful picnic blanket was spread out, and a variety of delicious foods appeared. They all began to eat happily.

While enjoying her meal, Clara turned to Anne and introduced herself with a warm smile. "Oh, I almost forgot. My name is Clara, Anne. I'm Mabel's nanny."

Anne paused in her chewing, her demeanor more reserved than Mabel's. "Uh, hi, Miss Clara. I'm Anne Ellington."

Clara's eyes flickered with recognition when she heard Anne's name. "Are you adopted by Marquess Ellington? I thought he only had a son," she inquired.

Anne fidgeted slightly, feeling somewhat awkward. "Yes, ma'am. I don't often attend social gatherings, so maybe that's why," she explained, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Being four years older than Mabel made her appear more mature.

"I see," Clara replied.

Mabel, trying to join the conversation, chimed in, "Does that mean Anne is a princess too?"

Clara gently corrected her, "No, Mabel, but she is from a noble family."

Mabel nodded, somewhat satisfied with the explanation, and returned her attention to her meal.

However, as she gazed at the tree above her, she spotted a large beetle. An idea instantly popped into her mischievous mind.

"After lunch, let's play, Anne! I want to go beetle hunting!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Anne agreed with a smile, "Sure, Mabel. Let's play like we used to. Have you already found one?"

Mabel grinned mischievously. "Hehe, of course I have! I'll catch the biggest beetle ever!" she boasted with pride.

But then, Vincent began to tremble, his hands shook as he tried to steady the picnic basket. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and he glanced nervously around for any signs of insects.

"Young Lady, where exactly is that beetle?" he asked nervously.

Mabel tilted her head thoughtfully, then pointed above Vincent's head. Suddenly, something fell onto his face. Vincent couldn't scream; everything went black, and he could only hear Clara's panicked cries.

Clara's brow furrowed in concern as she knelt beside Vincent, gently patting his cheek. "Vincent! Is he okay?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Meanwhile, Duke Caius burst into laughter, his rich laughter echoing through the air. Mabel, undeterred, picked up the fallen beetle and showed it off to Anne who stifled a laugh, her hand covering her mouth, while Clara's eyes widened in concern for Vincent.

The scene under the blooming cosmos flowers turned into a blend of laughter, surprises, and the innocence of a delightful reunion.