
I'm the Greatest Cultivation Teacher

With a glance from his eyes, all tremble. A mere stare robs mortals of their longevity. What happens when the Son of Destiny, meant to inherit untold power, vanishes from the world for countless years then suddenly returns? A story of the Greatest Cultivation Teacher and his Legendary Students! _____________ Cover is not owned by me, so if you would like me to take it down please say so.

CocoonedDaoist · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Cloud Dragon's Firmament

"Alright students. Wipe yourselves off and prepare to enter the sacred ground."

The bamboo baskets were taken away and in their place were warm, moist towels; as many as were needed. The students cleaned their hands and mouths, some more meticulously than others (a certain Whirlwind Monkey and King-Boy), then awaited instruction.

"Form a line here."

Quick to obey, his students gathered at his side and looked on. Ling Jian'er glanced around a bit, trying to ascertain where exactly they would be going. She couldn't see much though, since they were mostly surrounded by clouds. Cyrus was reveling in the comfort of being somewhat clean, however he was soon brought out of his euphoria by a stabbing elbow to the gut.

"Eeugh! Hey-"

"Cyrus, where do you think we're going?" Ling Jian'er, unable to find out through her own 'investigative' methods, resorted to asking Cyrus instead. Cyrus, who was still in pain and a bit out of breath, raged in silence as he shrugged stiffly.

She pretended to not notice his anger, then went on looking for someone else to ask.

Pixie, Ye Zhiyuan, Zhou Hua and Ye Zuliao were together in line, discussing the matter of the upcoming assignment when they heard Ling Jian'er's voice.

"Hey, you guys. Any idea where Longan- ahem- I mean Master, is taking us?"

The four blinked, then shook their heads almost simultaneously.

"Maybe you should ask Master Wuji." Ye Zhiyuan said.

"Or just wait patiently, like the rest of us." Ye Zuliao huffed, turning his face from Ling Jian'er and returning to his conversation.

Pixie smiled thinly, then alerted Ling Jian'er of Logean Wuji's current action. His arms were spread apart and he was looking at the sky above.

The others only noticed when he had already opened his mouth to speak, "My students and I will be visiting. For now, make yourselves scarce."

At his command, the stagnated clouds seemed to explode at various points. Dozens upon dozens of powerful surges tore through the mass of misty clouds, like wriggling worms beneath the surface of muddy earth. The wind blew wrathfully, but did not approach them before being calmed by Logean Wuji's presence.

Once that was over, the clouds parted and a ray of seven colored light- a rainbow- fell down onto them.

"This is the gateway, bridge to the sacred ground above us in the clouds."


"I see..."

"What do clouds taste like," a certain glutton inquired to no one but himself.

"What's it called?" Ji Tianshan was right on cue with yet another burning question.

"This area was part of the United Sect's Hall of Tempests. Three Elders of differing races were in charge of the Hall of Tempests, one of whose descendants now inhabit this sacred ground."

Logean Wuji turned around, arm outstretched indicating that they should begin walking into the rainbow. "That Elder was a cloud dragon. The sacred ground you are about to enter was thus aptly named, the Cloud Dragon's Firmament."

Without further ado, Ji Tianshan sped over to the shining rainbow. At first careful, she stepped onto the light and found it to be as solid as the ground she was standing on. Gleefully excited, she started running along the light.

The others followed. Logean Wuji was the last to step onto it, directly behind Ji Haogui and Bi Xue. Walking along the rainbow would lead them straight into the clouds, but they parted whenever Ji Tianshan got close enough.

At the back, Logean Wuji observed the student's reactions with interest. Ji Tianshan was as enthusiastic as ever; Ye Zuliao was lamenting over the fact that he could get close enough to what he called 'a sacred ground cloud' to taste it. Zhou Hua was sore amazed by the fact that she was walking on a literal rainbow, so she had little to say. Pixie was the only one that didn't seem all too bothered by anything.

"Pixie, have you ever seen anything like this?" Ye Zhiyuan noticed her indifference.

"Oh- It's not that I have, its just that it makes sense."


"Yeah. I often heard stories about the sky deities and how they would ascend on bridges of seven colored light, much like this one."

Transfixed, Ye Zhiyuan continued her conversation with Pixie. Bi Xue took deep breaths as she walked, glancing downward every few seconds. She clutched her clothes tightly and her gait became crooked. This caused her to yelp and put more effort into making sure she was walking as straight as possible.

"Huh?" Ji Haogui innocently put his hand forward and touched Bi Xue's back. She jumped in shock, sighing and turning around to smile weakly at him.

"I'm quite alright, Haogui. I just can't seem to handle not being on solid ground."

Ji Haogui said nothing. Instead, he walked up to her side and gave her his hand. Logean Wuji had to stop and wait for them to continue walking, but he did not mind.

"Here. I don't mind heights, so I can help you. Just keep looking with Tianshan and try to slow your breathing, okay?"

Nodding, Bi Xue took his hand and found Ji Tianshan higher up on the rainbow bridge. Ji Haogui started walking, guiding her forward, and she continued behind. Though she would still glance fearfully at the bridge below her, she mostly kept her eyes on Tianshan and focused on her breathing.

Logean Wuji nodded as he stared at Ji Haogui's tiny figure, then he looked to the clouds above.

After half an hour of walking, they made it to the end of the rainbow road. All that stood before them now was a large white pavilion gate. The doors were shut and the cloud around it was far too solid to simply bypass the gate. At a loss, they all turned to their master.

"Beyond this gate," he said as he walked by them, "is the place where you all will begin working on your assignment. There are an almost endless number of portals here that lead to different- safe- areas of the United Realm. Choose whichever one speaks to you, then return here. The minute you step into a portal, your personal timer will begin."

"How will we know exactly how much time we have?" Ling Jian'er asked, frowning.

"Yeah, I'm not as amazing as Wanshi. I won't be able to keep track of time." Ye Zuliao laughed nervously, hoping not to have any added worries. He already had to try extra hard so he wouldn't fail, otherwise he would definitely die during those dreaded three months.

"Take this time to check your spatial rings. I've added just the thing." Logean Wuji folded his arms behind his back, looking at his students with a smile. As they all checked their spatial rings, they found stones the size of a baby's fist.

They were smooth and oblong, with the inscription of an open eye above which were three triangle eyelashes.

"These are... tattle stones. Give them a firm shake and they'll give you any information I deem vital, including the exact amount of time you'll have remaining for this and all other assignments."

Once they were clear on that, Logean Wuji turned around and shot a glance at the gate. With an aura of fear, the doors swiftly swung open to grant him access.

"Welcome students, to Cloud Dragon's Firmament."

Stepping beyond the gate, they were greeted by the sight of an endless world of clouds. The ground they stood on was an infinitely stretching cloud, filled with the biomorphic shapes of cloudy structures. There were massive dens entering into the 'ground,' massive table-like altars atop which were all sorts of sacrifices to the ancestors.

Upon further observation, the students found a collection of white mirrors cast in cloud shells. The very second that Logean Wuji had arrived, mirrors started to rise out of the ground and form a neat display for his students.

"Were those the dragons that you ordered to leave earlier?" Cyrus posed the question, seeming a bit let down.

"Yes. They have lived among their own kind all their lives and have never developed the habit of restraint. Their aura alone would turn you all into brainless idiots." Logean Wuji then waved his hand, preparing to show them what he was talking about.

"I will stop protecting you from the residual aura. Feel for yourself and understand."

Instantly, every one of them fell to the floor. Blankly staring at the clear sky above, each of them were brought into a mindless trance. Logean Wuji quickly put an end to it, allowing them to regain their sense of self immediately.

Ji Haogui and Zhou Hua were the most affected, becoming pale and weak. It took them a while longer than the others to be able to stand again, and they were also the ones who felt the most fear and reverence for the dragons that lived here.

Logean Wuji's eyes lingered on Ling Jian'er, whose brows were furrowed. She stared confusedly at her hands and the great cloud around her then closed her eyes.

In her mind, it was like a magnifying glass was being held up over all her memories regarding the Divine Elemental's Zephyr Art.

'That was amazing... Even though I don't have the slightest bit of internal energy, I almost feel like I can use the Zephyr Art.'

Logean Wuji nodded, then he summoned a chair from the cloud beneath him.

"See those mirrors?" He pointed at the ever-increasing assortment of mirrors across from them, causing those of his students that had not realized what they were to understand immediately.

"Those are the portals. You can start by reading the names written on the glass, then decide whether or not you want to enter."

Without even waiting for assurance, Ling Jian'er, Cyrus and Ji Tianshan ran off toward the rows upon rows of mirrors, loudly reading the names they saw.

"Endless Conflagration Peak..."

"Land of Ooo? The hell is that?"

"Elmore... Then there's some Metropolis place... Ooh! The Mountain of Bewilderment. That sounds... annoying..."

Ye Zuliao, who was now upset that he couldn't scoop up fistfuls of cloud from the floor, was sucking in deep breaths. Ye Zhiyuan was with Pixie, holding her hand and discussing something. Zhou Hua seemed hesitant, but she mustered up her courage and looked to Logean Wuji.

"Heh, you may go." He gave them the confirmation they were waiting for, then straightened up in his chair as he watched them leave. Ji Haogui and Bi Xue were the last to leave, but Zhou Hua turned around and asked, "What if none of the portals speak to me?"

Those that had not gotten too far away also stopped to hear Logean Wuji's answer.

"There are a lot of mirrors, Hua. Look first, and see."

She smiled, then nodded gratefully. Soon, they were all perusing the mirrors and thinking long and hard about which they would choose.

"The Dark Dimension. Doesn't seem too safe if you ask me." Ling Jian'er laughed, turning to find Cyrus who also chuckled as he read the name on the mirror before him. "Hunter World and Culture. Interesting."

"Bikini Bottom... hmm..." Zhou Hua looked at that mirror, feeling a force calling her to whatever was on the other side.

"Red Line World? No. Gourmet World? Now that sounds delightful." Ye Zuliao licked his lips and rubbed his hands as his imagination ran wild. Just what delicious food could a place have in order to be called the Gourmet World. He was salivating just thinking about it.

"Nine Star Domain? Sounds strange. Dragon World? Even weirder." Ling Jian'er kept looking, but she couldn't find anything that even barely spoke to her.

"This should be amusing." Logean Wuji smiled in his seat and kept looking as they ran to and from different mirrors. He suppressed his foresight, which would allow him to be pleasantly surprised by whatever they would eventually pick.