
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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60 Chs

two houses unite

sending the auditors away, lu sheng returned to the lab and went to the training room to have a look.

Currently, the small, medium and large culture ponds are basically full, half pichu and half jenny turtles.

only the oversized culture tank remains.

lu sheng pondered for a moment, originally wanting to inject the culture solution into the super large culture tank, and then inject the new elf genetic code.

but think about it carefully!

finally, put it off for another day or two, otherwise it's easy to arouse suspicion.

when I arrived in the morning, I didn't put the seeds of new species, so why did I suddenly have them now?

lu sheng pressed the impulse and temporarily left.

when the day after tomorrow comes, everything is more reasonable.

Of course, the lab team was probably surprised at how quickly lu sheng engineered the species, just about twenty days after the last release!

"After all, I'm a genius designer..."

lu sheng didn't want to brag about himself.

instead of staying in the lab in the afternoon, he returned to business matters large and small, and in the afternoon he also had a meeting with a company.

around three o'clock, huang xiaoyu came to perform, and the jianhuang group sent someone to come back!

"as the ghost of the jianhuang group is not dispersed, I did not say I would not sell it, and come back!" could it be that song secretary again? "

lu sheng was completely speechless.

explicitly refused twice, jianhuang group brain tight, can not understand people's words?

"general manager lu, this time is not, he changed a representative, his attitude is not as horizontal as that of the song secretary, only brought one person, do you want to meet?"

huang xiaoyu smiled.

in other words, his own boss is not afraid of the jianhuang group, and he wants to scold.


lu sheng thought about it again and said, "wait, let people go to the hall to wait, have a meeting with the people of the sennuo group in the afternoon, what time is the other party coming?" "

sennuo biotechnology company, the world's first technology, the company's genetic biology is well known all over the world.

has been sitting on the first throne of global assets for a long time, much longer than second place!

the distance between the jianhuang group and the sennuo group is presumably not generally small.

this time, the sennuo group sent people to discuss with lu sheng.

lu sheng wanted to hear about the conditions of the sennuo group, so he agreed to meet with his company's representative.

it turns out that the jianhuang group sent someone to come, lu sheng must let the jianhuang group understand the pokémon company's attitude, and it is also fair to use the sennuo group to suppress the jianhuang group!

if you can, it is better to form the concept of competitors for both to reduce the pressure on the company.

"the representative of the sennuo group is almost here, and the time is about three o'clock."

huang xiaoyu stopped and couldn't understand lu sheng's commotion.

inside the hall.

"cousin yuesong, is it necessary for you to come in person?"

"originally, I didn't have to come, but the song secretary's brain messed things up, and I told my older brother earlier that the song secretary had a brain problem and couldn't be used!"

two men were talking.

the one on the left is huang yuesong, who is his cousin and is currently in charge of some businesses within the jianhuang group.

recently, huang yuesong was sent to manage the field of genetic biology, and huang yuetao happened to take the initiative to ask for help.

the other is huang yuesong's cousin named zhang quan, who has just graduated from college.

"haha, secretary song's dog heard he was sent to the hospital and died!" this fool became a fox and a fake tiger, and he did not expect to meet a cruel person. "

"well deserved! hear people around you say, go to other people's companies to talk about business, call and drink to others, no wonder lu sheng doesn't give us faces, that kind of stupid fork I found too had a headache."

"however, lu sheng's attitude seems to be very resolute..."

"okay, this time we're not here to acquire the company, but to invest!" I advised the older brother, not necessarily to buy, investing in a sum of money is the same, directly crushing 10 billion is too much. "

huang yuesong is full of confidence on this trip.

the acquisition costs 10 billion yuan, and the investment costs only one-tenth.

cousin huang yuetao wants to monopolize pokemon sales channels, and the investment can achieve the same purpose.


the two heard footsteps and immediately shut up.

here comes you sir!

several people appeared at the door of the hall.

the person in the lead was lu sheng.

"well how is there anyone else there?" small fishing! "

lu sheng shouted.

"mr. lu, what's wrong?"

huang xiaoyu trotted from behind.

"who are they?" lu sheng asked with a straight face.

"people of the jianhuang group, lu zong, you weren't just now..." huang xiaoyu wondered.

just now, lu sheng ordered her to take people to the hall, how did she forget in the blink of an eye?

"the people of the jianhuang group? i didn't ask them to come back, but this afternoon i had a meeting with the senno group. how do you get confused?"

lu sheng sighed: "forget it, next time don't store it again, don't take it for example!" everyone, please, since you're all here to talk business, everyone sits down together and says, save time. "


huang xiaoyu's eyes widened.

even if you understand what's going on, it turns out that lu always plays again and treats her like a pot man!

damn, that's it!

her mouth pouted, she recoiled in displeasure, and thought to herself, "lu is really good at acting, and it's a shame he didn't get the oscar." "

lu sheng was laughing uncontrollably in his heart, facing the northon group representative, slightly apologetic: "james, I'm sorry, my secretary accidentally made a mistake, you don't mind talking to the jianhuang group, right?" "

james is a white male with fine hair.

he raised an eyebrow and said lightly, "ok". "

no company in the world can match his northon group, and he believes that lu sheng should know how to make the right choice, as long as he isn't stupid.

and this time, james believes that the conditions brought in are enough to impress a small company that has just emerged.

the two were confused by a series of events...

northon group?

the world's #1 biotech company in terms of assets?

lying in the grooves, they want to do business with jianhuang group, that's a good thing!

the two were full of confidence on the journey, and yet there was an indelible arrogance that disappeared at this point.

huang yuesong straightened his waist and yelled darkly.

if the northon group sells will it have a chance?

pokemon inc... attracted the greed of the northon group, which is remarkable.