
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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60 Chs

the designer is him!

"new species..."

wang zhi was at the door. www.xiashucom.com

the others were already teasing little pichu, but she was embarrassed and in a quandary.

originally thought i just came to have a look, most of them are already in the market varieties.

turned out to be a whole new species, a cute little mouse-like type, with a round face and even blush...

wang zhi had to admit that the little things looked cute and fluffy.

is that...

she looked calmly at lu sheng, saw that the other party was stroking some little yellow-skinned mice in her arms, and couldn't help but jump from a thought -

actually this guy is not useless, at least in front of the new species, they seem to prefer lu sheng!

wang zhi can be sure of one thing, only if you treat animals well enough, animals will be close to you.

from this it can be inferred that lu sheng must have a good relationship with small animals.

a guy who has a love for small animals won't be bad!

"xiao wang, still stunned about what to do, start testing."

someone yelled.

wang zhi's feet were filled with lead water, as heavy as a thousand tons!

struggling to move in front of a Pichu baby room, a little Pichu jumped out of bed and threw himself into her arms.

"yikes!" wang zhi caught xiao piqiu, and her whole heart was clear.

"pichu pichu..." little pichu milked and looked shocked to see wang zhi right now, laughing in his arms.

"good, cute!"

wang zhi almost fainted.

the first thought is cute, the second thought is that the little one is very affectionate, not aggressive!

she made a professional quality judgment.

"Mr. Road, what's your name?" what is the age? "

there is an auditor consultancy.

"pichu, I'm old, less than a week."

lu sheng said sincerely.

"what, less than a week?" I thought they were a month or two old, and they were more lively. "

the auditor took a cat bat and waved it in front of little pichu, who reached out his broken hand to take the cat bat.

"well, it's a trait in their genes, and they're closer to humans, and you should have seen that."

"Actually, there is no aggression."

the auditor sighed: "the first time I saw little things that are not afraid of life, are they rodent creatures?" "

"almost, there's a rodent gene."

lu sheng vaguely passed.

the five auditors quickly entered the working state, filling out the form hand in hand, interacting with pichu from time to time to understand their habits.

even wang zhi, who had a lot of opinions about lu sheng, still chose to ignore the earlier conflict in the face of cute pichu!

"aggression seems to be relatively low, they are better able to understand people", and most instructions can actually be understood."

"intelligence seems to be particularly high, I think at least the intelligence of a four or five year old, that's still early childhood, if you grow up it's great!"」

"gentle personality, relatively close to people, harmonious with each other, just little fights, in line with animal characteristics!"


the five auditors communicate from time to time to assess little pichu.

each little pichu has a small tag around its neck with their names on it.

the auditors did a simple test, mixing a group of pichus together, but every time they called for a name, there was always a corresponding picchu approaching.

"intelligence... high indeed!"

several people were astonished.

"interrupt you..."

lu sheng said suddenly.

several people looked at each other doubtfully.

"pichu has an innate means of attack, and electric shock is its most basic skill."


the five auditors were shocked by Lu sheng's words.

can it be waived?

they've also seen genetic creatures on the market that can discharge electricity, often with genes similar to electric eels, which is expensive.

however, most of these new species can only be cultivated by medium and large companies.

I didn't expect to see you in a small company today.

moreover, this company was previously notorious and was rejected and ridiculed by many industry peers.

"cough, can mr lu demonstrate this?"

the auditor dropped pichu into his hand with some trepidation.

if it can be released, the danger must be at least increased.

"It's simple, just say pichu, they can hear most instructions as long as people are willing to teach."

lu sheng placed ji ji in his arms and said, "ji ji, use the electric shock and aim for the ground!" "


gigi was obedient and pointed at the ground to release a small stream of electric light.

a bit of burnt black appeared on the floor.

after releasing the chain, gigi screamed with a little weary.

"wait a minute and feed more."

lu sheng took the little guy, touched his head, and comforted him.

"pichu pichow..." gigi called happily.

"good obedience!"

wang zhi and others praised.

so they also started testing pichu's electric shock ability, basically calling the name, directing the electric shock target, and pichu would really do that.

occasionally there were pichu who didn't understand, bowing their heads to wait for instructions like lu sheng or zhuo churan.

"although they have the ability to shock, they do not use it indiscriminately, and they listen to their master."

an auditor fills in the form with that phrase.

"listen to the master's instructions, after releasing the electric shock, there will be some fatigue, the current power is non-destructive, how to expect the use of professional tools to test."

wang zhi wrote a review, thought about it and added, "curiosity is strong, coupled with closeness to humans, it's easy to be abducted." "

five auditors spent an afternoon in the laboratory.

overall, the rating was relatively good.

Audit reviews are not a one-time pass, they need to be done two or three times, and the next time a more professional test will be performed.

lu sheng and zhuo churan sent them out of the lab.

"By the way, mr. lu, can you tell us who is the expert who designed pichu?" I'm curious! one of the auditors wondered.

lu sheng smiled and groaned, and was getting ready to respond with a big word.

zhuo churan took the lead and said, "our road has always designed it personally!" "


wang zhi was perplexed.

he did not expect that lu sheng, whose reputation was infamous, would not be low in this respect.

they couldn't help but think something in their minds...

why did a genius bio-designer touch porcelain, and wasn't it fake that lu sheng had announced to the public before?

pichu is much more powerful than the "greyhound" information posted by coulee.