
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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practiced iron head gong

xiao pinlong and others are more satisfied with this price.

after eye contact, xiao pinlong said, "yes, but our fire brigade may have to buy 20 at a time, yunhai city is not small, and it should be placed at the east and west ends." "

"ok, you can get a little cheaper for the price."

lu sheng smiled: "however, jenny turtles are still very small, and i hope to wait until they are at least a month old on my side before sending them out!" furthermore, i hope the fire department will sign an agreement with our company to ensure that jenny turtles are not abused. "

xiao pinlong was stunned and said, "yes, I will sign on behalf of the fire brigade." "

After negotiation by the two sides, Lu Sheng will eventually select 20 Jeni Turtles for the Yunhai City Fire Department, which will be delivered to the Fire Department in one month.

a little lower in terms of price.

the agreement was not signed immediately.

as xiao pinlong couldn't fully decide, he needed to apply to the above, and after passing, he could implement it.

Before leaving, Xiao Pinlong told Lu Sheng that during the application period, he hoped that Lu Sheng could cooperate with firefighters to shoot a promotional video.

Of course, it's not Lu Sheng that comes out, but let the Jenny Turtles come out to perform!

the reason is very simple, after applying here, the top may not be able to understand.

however, a promotional video is much simpler, others see the effect, the short film content is also clear quickly, and the application difficulty is naturally reduced.

At the same time, it can also spread a wave to the Yunhai City Fire Department and establish an image wave.

simple firefighters but not a group of cute jenny turtles spread more widely.

xiao pinlong thought of a dozen or twenty little bald heads, neatly lined up and simulated the firefighting scene, and he thought it was funny!

not to mention throwing it on the internet to spread it, I believe it can cause quite a stir.

Lu Sheng thinks the problem is not big, and he may jointly produce a promotional video with Yunhai City Fire Department, which is stronger than Pokemon Company, and he doesn't want to agree with Xiao Pinlong's request.

both sides think the sooner the shooting date the better, simply plan, and shoot in a day or two.

anyway, the short film doesn't have to be very long, just two or three minutes.


pokémon has officially released an introductory video of the jenny turtle.

not a short film in cooperation with the fire department, but a short film that was filmed and prepared by the company's employees beforehand!

The short film is about 15 minutes long, and mainly features the appearance, habits, and abilities of the turtle Jenny.

"the jenny turtle has a blue body and a rounded head, which can increase the speed at which the jenny turtle swims. the eyes are purple. the back of the shell is brown and the inside is white. its shell is useful and It can be used to defend against attacks. The tail resembles a small wave. The fore and hind limbs are the three toes of the three, and they are very short..."

"don't look at the jenny turtles they look cute, but their intelligence is not weaker than pichu, and they can speak the human language..."

As soon as the screen turns, a staff member is calling out a turtle's name, Jenny.

"they behave smoothly, are easy to maintain, and can be friends with other small animals."

The picture shows Jenny Turtle holding the little Pichu, tasting a nutrient himself, and feeding Xiao Pichu another bite.

"they are loved in the water, swimmers, and their most basic skill is spraying water!" don't look at their small size, but there's enough water to make a big impact! "

"they can be trained to acquire all sorts of skills, like rocket headshots!"

jenny turtle hit her head on the rock, the rock was torn apart, jenny the turtle was safe and sound, standing on the ground, smiling and touching her little bald head...

as soon as the video was released, it immediately attracted a lot of comments.

the number of comments, from 100 to 1000, and then from 1000 to 10000, is rapidly increasing!

an hour later, comments surpassed 50k, more retweets, and video views surpassed hundreds of thousands.

I believe there will be millions or even tens of millions of attention within today!

click on the comments, curious and praised unanimously.

"wow, looks great."

"haha a lot of people say jenny is a turtle but i think it's very interesting if i have the money i will definitely get one."

"want 250,000?" the price is too expensive, and we can only wait and see at the moment, hoping that the road can always reach the price popularization as soon as possible. "

"watching the video to know that they have to absorb a lot of nutrient solution, no wonder the price can't go down!" I heard that some people abroad have improved the nutrient solution, and the price may drop sharply, which will become one of the main topics of this international genetic biology academic exchange meeting! you can expect a wave..."

pre-orders for the jenny turtles also opened at the same time.

in one day, the first two batches of jeni tortoises were all reserved.

Pichu's popularity remains high, and Pokemon has just announced that Pichu can reschedule, and immediately a large crowd of people rush to buy it!

in the jenny turtle video, everyone mainly noticed two points.

First, the appearance of the jenny turtle was derided by many netizens.

the second is the jenny turtle skill!

the video was constructed showing rocket head hammers and water cannons.

Everyone's assessment of the Rocket Head Hammer is: "A practical means of attack, Jenny the Turtle may have practiced iron-headed skills." "

and the water pistol skill...

netizens unanimously agreed: "sleep, how big is the amount of water it stores, this is unscientific!" "

the amount of water sprayed by the jenny turtle caused many people to argue, and even some people think the video is exaggerated, there may be editing, or filming issues, otherwise how to look wrong.

Currently, there is no similar example in the field of genetic biology, according to the information given by the pokemon company, the size of the jenny turtle is not really big, and no matter how round the stomach is, it cannot store much water!

during this period, biodesigners also voiced their opinions, illustrating various genetic technologies that currently exist in the field, but there is no such example as the jenny turtle.

as a result, much speculation has spread.